Chapter 1557 Meeting Junli 1
On the second day, it can be said that it was dressed up, dressed in a fairy dress of colorful glazed waves, and when walking, it was like a fish's tail swaying. Her long golden hair was curled up with beautiful textures and spread to her waist. After confirming that there were no flaws in the forehead ornament made of Wannian shark beads, she took John's escort team to visit the Immortal Emperor's Mansion.

But Tianjun and Tianli stayed at the inn, staring at Jian Aoxue, simply thinking that they traveled thousands of miles to the Western Immortal Territory, it must be premeditated.

"You can rest assured! We will watch here."

Tang Jun shook the folding fan in her hand and said with a smile.

Afterwards, Jian Jian drove towards the Immortal Emperor's Mansion on his giant conch frame.

The Western Immortal Emperor's Mansion is more luxurious than the Demon Emperor's Mansion. There are countless pavilions and pavilions. There are three steps for a scene, and five steps for a pavilion. From this point of view, the Western Immortal Emperor likes to enjoy himself.

Following the guards of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, a group of people came to the side hall where the Immortal Emperor handles daily affairs, and met Immortal King Junli.

"Anna, the successor of the Holy Maiden of the Blue Sea, pays my respects to Immortal King Junli!"

Simply put his left hand on his chest, performing the etiquette of a mermaid.

"Anna? I remember that the saint of nobles is Elena!"

Looking at the simplicity below, Jun Li directly asked his doubts.

At this time, Jian Jian raised his head, a pair of blue eyes like the ocean seemed to pull Jun Li into her eyes.

Immortal King Junli looked at the female mermaid, who was full of exotic customs and was no less beautiful than Yueluan, his expression froze for two breaths.

But after simply seeing Junli's reaction, I felt even more disdainful towards him in my heart. It looked like a guy who was interested in sex, and I didn't know why Wu Yi had to be him in the first place.

His own consciousness is comparable to the fairyland in the sky, coupled with the blessing of Anna Shark Bead, it actually makes a fairy king lose his mind for a moment, but he doesn't know how he got this cultivation base!
"Immortal King Junli, Yi Lianna has already been executed for betraying the Merman Clan!"

Simply continue with the topic just now.

Jun Li also seemed to be aware of his gaffe, coughed lightly and asked:
"how do I say this?"

"Irina colluded with the Zerg race, secretly destroyed the cemetery of our Merman race, and destroyed nearly half of the Ten Thousand Year Shark Beads to raise the black beetle larvae. The battle with the sea beasts this time was specially launched to facilitate her manipulation in the rear. .

His Majesty the Shark King has never found the root cause, so he was very passive, and he did not hesitate to pay a high price for this. He asked the South Sea Merman Clan to send troops to help, and only then did he restore the decline of the battle with the sea beasts. "

Said in a simple and soft voice.

"Your Majesty Junli, when we realized that this might be a plot by the Zerg race, we sent several messages to the Immortal Emperor one after another, with the intention of asking for help, but the Immortal Emperor's Mansion didn't pay any attention to it. The Immortal Emperor is treating me Bibo Haiyu Is there any dissatisfaction with people?"

Simply keep asking.

"A distress message? We haven't received it!"

Jun Li frowned and said, thinking about it, he was afraid that he might have missed it.

"Immortal King Junli, my mermaid clan will not gamble with the lives of the whole clan. I swear in the name of the sea god, what I said is true. We have sent four waves of mermaids to report the news. All may be killed.

It's because we couldn't get a reply from the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, that's why we went far away and asked Prince Neil to go to the South China Sea to ask for help. Please let the Immortal King know. "

After speaking in a simple and neither humble nor overbearing way, he stopped making a sound.

In fact, it is short to say that there are people in your Immortal Emperor's Mansion colluding with the Zerg Race, blocking the transmission of news, and wanting to watch the mermaid clan wipe out.

Jun Li frowned even tighter, obviously he didn't want to accept this rhetoric.

"Maybe something went wrong halfway, so the news didn't reach us."

"Immortal King, please forgive Anna Chaoyue! The Western Immortal Emperor controls the entire Western Immortal Territory. Is there any reason why the Immortal Emperor does not know what happened here?
What's more, our battle with sea beasts lasted not one or two years, but ten years. Ordinary people can see the clues. How could our wise and mighty Immortal Emperor not notice it?

I also ask Immortal Junli to seek justice for our warriors of the Mermaid Race. "

After the last sentence, the simple blue eyes were filled with tears.

Junli was a little overwhelmed, but he still asked:
"Didn't you say that Irina betrayed the Merman Race?"

"Yes, Shark King's soul search has informed that the person contacting her is a shadow guard who claims to be Shadow, and he is sure that the other party is in the Western Immortal Territory."

Answered simply.

After hearing this, Junli's expression was a little strange, and he simply changed the subject:

"The monsters and mutated sea beasts that appeared in the human sea area, were you driving them away?"

"Reporting to Immortal King, the mutated sea beast is a monster that has been fighting with our clan. It is extremely lethal. There may be fish that slipped through the net, but we have never encountered a monster. As far as I know, this kind of monster comes from the Demon Realm. It's better to ask them."

Simply open your blue eyes and tell lies.

Captain John on the side didn't show any abnormality on his face, which showed his strong concentration.

Junli was also questioned, and at this moment, the steward of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion stood up in good time and said:

"Quasi-Saint Anna, according to the information we have received, those monsters escaped from the depths of the blue sea."

His expression was very arrogant.

Simple feigned surprise and asked:

"Is what you said true?"


"Then what you mean is that you know that our mermaid clan is in trouble, but you sit idly by?"

There is a gloomy look on the simple and beautiful face.

"When did I say that? Don't mess around!"

The steward said sternly.

"According to what you said, my mermaid race and the Mutant Sea have been fighting for ten years. You didn't realize that, but you know that those monsters escaped from the depths of my blue sea. Are your spies carrying the news back?

Since it is said that he escaped from the depths of my blue sea, is there any evidence?How do you know that the Zerg Race is not trying to drive a wedge between our Mermaid Race and the Immortal Emperor's Mansion?

Although my mermaid race doesn't have an immortal emperor, there are still a few immortal kings who can be said to be kings of the sea. Will we not know that something has escaped from our domain? "

Simple and domineering rhetorical questions one after another.

"These are two different things and should not be confused."

Steward is still struggling.

"Okay, who sent the news back? I am willing to confront him face to face, but if he harbors evil intentions, please give me an explanation from the Yuren clan from the Immortal Emperor's Mansion."

The simple attitude became more and more tough, he just wanted to force the person who sent the message out.

Immortal King Junli did not expect that the weak and beautiful mermaid saint could speak so forcefully.

"Immortal King Junli, you should be very clear that my Bibo Sea Merman Clan is a branch of the South China Sea. In order to suppress the sea beasts here and prevent them from overpopulating and consuming the resources in the sea, our clan came here. If the Immortal King We can't even give us the minimum sense of security, we can go back to the South China Sea, after all, that is the root of our mermaid clan."

 Dear children, two difficult days have passed. Feng Ling experienced sore throat, fever, body aches, and now she has runny nose and coughing!It was still uncomfortable, but I was afraid that it would affect everyone's smooth reading, so I lay down on the bed and continued to use my mobile phone to code words, at a slower speed, upload a chapter first, and report everyone's safety!Vote for the hard-working Feng Ling with a guaranteed monthly pass! (v)
(End of this chapter)

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