Chapter 1559 Confrontation
Two days later, the guards of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion came to invite Holy Maiden Anna again, and this time the guards were much more respectful.

Simple and without delay, I brought my own guards and came to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion again, but there were a few more people in the side hall where we met this time.

The simple blue eyes just glanced at them lightly, and then respectfully saluted Junli:

"Meet Immortal King Junli!"

"Holy Maiden Anna, about the monsters escaping from the depths of the blue sea you mentioned, it was discovered by these immortals, and they also reported it to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion."

Junli's speech this time was obviously much more polite.

The day before yesterday, when he returned to Dongting Immortal Mansion, he went to Xunyueluan, and it happened that Yingying was leaving, so he was not polite, and asked directly:
"Yueluan, you let the shadows around you contact the Holy Maiden Elena? What kind of deal did you reach, you'd better tell me."

Yueluan heard that Junli's tone was not kind, and immediately stepped up to meet her, and asked softly:
"A Li, what happened? Why are you so angry?"

Jun Li waved his hand, sat down and asked with a serious face:
"Luan'er, answer my question first."

Jun Li stared into Yue Luan's eyes and continued to ask.

Yueluan frowned slightly, and after drooping her eyes for a moment, she raised her beautiful eyes and said to Junli:

"Junli, don't be angry, I didn't discuss this matter with you in advance, it's my problem, but Shadow also obeyed my orders.

He secretly contacted Saintess Elena in order to exchange life-extending pills for shark beads, which was my order. "

"Just in exchange for shark beads?"

Jun Li continued to ask.

"Of course, you and I are both in the Immortal King Realm. If you have enough energy, you can attack the Immortal Emperor. The energy sealed in the Shark Bead is pure and has no magazines. It is very suitable for us to absorb, so I moved my mind. It's our chance.

And it was Saintess Irina who sent the message to me at the beginning, so I let the shadow handle it, after all, it is not a glorious thing. "

Yue Luan explained in a low voice.

"Are you sure it's just for the Shark Pearl?"

"Of course."

"You didn't consider why she asked you to exchange shark beads?"

Jun Li continued to ask.

"This...maybe I know I need it more!"

"However, the Holy Maiden Anna said that [-]% of the Shark Pearl has become a container for black beetles. She has cooperated with the Zerg!"


After hearing this, Yue Luan turned pale with shock, and said hastily:

"A Li, please believe me, how could I harm you? It's even more impossible to harm myself!"

After hearing Jun Li's words, Yue Luan felt a little confused, stood up, walked around non-stop, and muttered to herself:
"how so?
She was the one who contacted me first!
Could it be that Ah Li and me are what she wants to harm?
Then how did her soul search result become like this?
No, I want to confront her face to face!I still have the message beads from her here, which can prove my innocence! "

Yueluan immediately took out a white pearl from the storage bracelet, and handed it to Junli:
"This is the bead that Yi Lianna summoned that day. When I agreed to invite her to come, I also wanted her to bring the rest of the shark bead. After all, I have already given her the longevity pill."

Jun Li picked up the message bead, and inside it was indeed a conversation about trading Shark Beads and Longevity Pills.

"A Li, I think Holy Maiden Elena really took refuge in the Zerg, and she even counted on us, if I traded the problematic Shark Bead back, wouldn't it hurt you and me.

What's more, it's really a good way to make the Shark Race and our Immortal Emperor's Mansion dirty. If I can't explain clearly, the blame for this matter will be decided, no!Be sure to confront Elena! "

Yueluan's analysis made Junli frowned a little. He knew that Yueluan had tried every means to improve the cultivation of the two of them, so it was understandable that he would be tricked.

"Then Elena has already been executed, so this Anna is here!"

"Isn't that dead without proof?"

Yueluan frowned even tighter, because she knew that Yi Lianna was dead, so she was so confident and insisted on confronting her to prove her innocence.

"Indeed it is!"

Jun Li turned the messaging bead in his hand and said in a low voice.

A red light flashed in Yueluan's eyes, she raised her head and said with tears in her eyes:
"A Li, this matter happened because of me. If you really want to find out, you can just push me out. I will never implicate you!"

This is what Junli was waiting for, but he still said vaguely:

"Luan'er, things haven't reached that point! Bi Bohai doesn't even know that Shadow is your bodyguard."

Yueluan seemed to have thought of something, touched her storage bracelet, and took out a white shell.

"This is the first time that Yi Lianna and I have tried to trade shark beads, and I only dared to continue trading with her after I was sure that there was no problem.

Ah Li, take a quick look, is there anything wrong with this? "

As Yueluan spoke, she opened the shell, and inside were ten white shark pearls exuding luster, each about the size of a quail egg.

Junli didn't refuse this time, he raised his hand and took out one at random from the shell, then squeezed it in his hand to observe it carefully, then set up a barrier, crushed the shark bead directly, the energy in the shark bead scattered and escaped, and no one was seen. to the black beetle.

"This one is fine."

Junli gave an affirmative answer.

"A Li, look at the rest! It's my fault this time, and I will go to collect the punishment, but I don't want you to be questioned by them because of me. I exchanged these shark beads for you. I originally wanted to surprise you, but I didn’t expect it to turn into a fright.”


"Stop talking, it's all my fault, I'll take it on myself, as long as you treat both of us fairly."

Yueluan resolutely refused.

At this time, Jun Li was not in a hurry, he just put away the shells containing the shark beads, then pulled Yue Luan over to let the other party sit on his lap, and then said.

"Don't think about it, they don't know that Shadow belongs to you, and you only traded once, so don't let Shadow go out for activities in the future.

You are my lover, Junli, who am I not partial to? "

Only then did Yueluan say shyly:

"Even if you push me out, I have no complaints or regrets. After all, I did something wrong and let others take advantage of it. Then I will see Anna the day after tomorrow..."

"Didn't she want to find someone to confront her face to face? Then find someone to convince her."

Jun Li said with deep eyes.

And Yue Luan, who was embraced by him, had a sarcastic smile on her lips at this time, if she hadn't given all those shark beads to Jun Li, this Jun Li still didn't want to excuse herself, it was really her own good Celestial couple.

After the performance here, the love is deep and righteous, and when it comes to simplicity, it is a face-to-face confrontation.

Now the two teamed up to target simplicity.

"Saint Anna, as you said, I have found the people who spread the news, you can confront them face to face."

Only then did Jian Jian turn his attention to the three people in front of him again, and the leader on the opposite side was Jian Aoxue.

 Dear children, Chapter 3 is here, I am too sleepy, squint for a while, and write another chapter after dinner!

(End of this chapter)

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