Chapter 1560
"Who are these three?"

Simple and knowingly asked.

"My name is Jian Aoxue, these are my two juniors.

Some time ago, we went to Bibohai to hunt sea beasts and found monsters by accident. There were only three of us at the time, and we were not opponents of monsters in groups. We could only hide ourselves and follow them secretly.

After tracking for three days, we found that they all escaped from the deep sea. After confirming the specific situation, my juniors and I returned quickly and reported the matter to the Ji family in Haicheng. "

After listening briefly, she frowned. She thought that Jian Aoxue would not tell her surname, but now that she did, it gave her a breakthrough.

Then simply pretended to meet for the first time, glanced at Jian Aoxue up and down, and asked:

"This fairy, are you from the Jian family in the Eastern Immortal Territory?"

This question stunned Jian Aoxue for a moment, not knowing whether to nod or shake her head.

Nodding, her surname is indeed Jane, shaking her head, their branch has been expelled, and the ancestor of the branch has been executed.

Simply go on:
"Elder Jian Kui, a nobleman, once practiced together with me. He is a rare person with a hot temper and uprightness. When a fairy said something to tease me, he stood up and helped me.

I was young and ignorant at the time, and I said that I would repay him with a promise of my body, but it scared him away. We chased and fled like this, experienced together for a period of time, and forged a deep friendship. "

The corners of Jian Jian's lips were smiling, and there was a smile in his eyes, which made Jian Aoxue even more embarrassed.

Jian Kui is also a branch elder, and he is indeed a hot-tempered person as this Anna said, but this Anna said this, does it mean that she has an old relationship with Jian's family?So she thought it over and said:
"Elder Jian Kui has always been like this."

After listening to the conversation between the two, Jun Li said directly:

"Even if it is an old acquaintance, her words are more credible, at least the monster came from the depths of the blue sea without a doubt!"

Simple but changed his tone at this time:
"I do know Elder Jian Kui, and it is not an exaggeration to say that I am his confidante, so I know that Jian Aoxue's family was expelled a hundred years ago, and the crime was colluding with the Zerg race and intending to murder the direct disciple Jian Jian, I Are you right?"

The simple words were undoubtedly a thunderbolt, and Jian Aoxue's face immediately became unstoppable.

"Besides, I also know that the blood of their Jian family has also been completely stripped away, so why are they still acting under the banner of the Jian family?

Immortal King Junli, don't be fooled! "

Jian Aoxue's energy-raising skills are not good enough, and her face has turned blue at this time.

"This is something within the Jane family, how did you know?"

Jian Aoxue gritted her teeth and asked, which could be regarded as an indirect admission.

"Naturally, Elder Kui told me. I was still in the South China Sea at the time. He said that your branch had arrived in the Western Immortal Territory. Let me pay attention to you. If you can help, please help. If you make a mistake, let me not be polite.

Now it seems that you are not worthy of help, you actually lie in front of the Immortal King, and even sow discord, the Jane family has left you a way to survive, so you should hang on, why are you still so ostentatious? "

Said plainly with sarcasm.

Jian Aoxue's pupils shrank, which meant that Jian's was in control of their whereabouts.

And the most embarrassing thing was Immortal King Junli, he didn't know that the Jian family expelled a branch, or because of such a disgraceful reason, not to mention that Anna questioned the other party's words, even he had doubts.

Jian Aoxue felt that if this Anna continued, she would be the one who planned the whole thing, so she simply bowed to the fairy king:

"Immortal King Junli, our clan was indeed wiped out, but it was the fault of our ancestor, and he paid the price, we juniors did nothing wrong!
Now that we have left the Eastern Immortal Territory, it is for the purpose of re-development. We have reported the abnormality of Bibohai and reported it truthfully. Believe it or not, it is up to the Immortal King. Aoxue wants to leave first. If the Immortal King needs inquiries, he can call us at any time . "

What else could Jun Li say, he could only wave his hands to let Jian Aoxue and his party leave first.

Before leaving, Jian Aoxue took a simple glance, and it was this one glance that made her fall into a place of eternal doom.

The side hall was empty for a while, Jian Jian said with a smile:

"Immortal King, it's not that I'm looking for trouble on purpose. I can't believe a word of these people you found."

Immortal King Junli could only end this topic, and said instead:
"This time the blue wave sea is abnormal, there is indeed a villain who hindered it, and the news of the mermaid race did not come back on time. This matter is a mistake of our Immortal Emperor's Mansion, but when we followed the investigation, the relevant people all fell one after another. ..."

"That's why there is no proof of death. We, the shark race, will suffer from this?"

Said simply and helplessly.

"Hey, the Immortal Emperor's Mansion has also been negligent in this matter, so in the next 100 years, the resources paid by the mermaid clan can be reduced by half."

"Immortal King Mingjian, our family has suffered heavy losses, and with Yi Lianna's rebellion, not even one of the most basic inherited Shark Beads is left, let alone half, [-]% are in danger.

If the Immortal King can exempt our mermaid race from the century-old worship resources, our race will not have to close the sea, otherwise we will only have this way to recuperate. "

Said simply with a worried face.

Then she took out a conch bowl from her shell earrings, which contained twenty shark beads, and she gently pushed it in front of Immortal King Junli, and then smiled charmingly:
"Immortal King, Anna knows that this has put you in a difficult situation. This is my Bibohai's kindness. I hope you can accept it. When I come, His Majesty the Shark King told me that if it works, Bibohai will have a richer thank you."

After Junli saw the shark beads, he paused for a moment. The twenty beads looked bigger than the ones Yueluan gave him, and their energy was purer.

He absorbed and refined one last night, which was really helpful, faster than his usual meditation practice, and even dual cultivation.

It can be seen that the mermaid clan was indeed seriously damaged this time, and they did not hesitate to use this method to buy time for the development of the clan.

"Holy Daughter Anna, Master respects him as an old man who is in closed-door training, I can't make a personal opinion on this matter..."

"What does the Immortal King mean to wait for the Immortal Emperor to leave the customs? How long will it take? Isn't it a long way off? I can wait for this, and neither can my people!"

Simply say it right away.

"What does the saint mean?"

Junli asked directly.

"Within your authority, can you exempt 50 years first, if after 50 years the Immortal Emperor has not left customs, you can exempt our mermaid clan for another 50 years, maybe by the time the Immortal Emperor exits customs, this matter has already passed for a long time, I Bibohai will naturally remember the friendship of the Immortal King, and in the future when you advance to the Immortal Emperor, our mermaid clan will definitely support you with all your strength."

Jian Jian started to draw big cakes again, and I have to say that what she said reached Junli's heart, thinking that he is a majestic fairy king, he will definitely be promoted to the rank of fairy emperor in the future, and it will be a matter of time to replace his master.

"Anna's heart for the people, this king understands, I will reply to you later."

Seeing that Jun Li let go, she immediately felt relieved and said with a smile:

"The Immortal King is wise, Anna will stay in Xiping Immortal City for the time being, waiting for your reply."

The goal was achieved, and the bribe was simply left behind, and then Shi Shiran left.

 I haven't washed my hair for three days, so I just took a shower and I feel better.The fourth one is here, because I had dinner, so I was a little late, and there is still no Fengling on the list for going home tomorrow, I guess I have to wait until my throat is swollen.

(End of this chapter)

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