1561 Sudden Attack
That night, there was a big energy fluctuation in Dongting Immortal Mansion, which caused all the people in Xiping City to focus on it. Obviously, they did not expect that something would happen to Immortal King's Mansion.

Jian Jian also imitated the other immortals, standing in the sky to watch the excitement, and communicated with Tian Jun and Tian Li by the way.

"Senior sister, I think you are a little gloating. Is there your handwriting in it?"

Tang Jun twirled the folding fan in her hand and asked directly.

"Is it so obvious? I just want to give it a try. Whether it succeeds or not is another story. I didn't expect Jian Aoxue to sue me so impatiently."

Simply stroking his long golden hair, he said through sound transmission.

A moment later, the Dongting Immortal Mansion raised a defensive cover, preventing all spiritual exploration.

Simply because she has been paying attention to Jian Aoxue, when she entered the Dongting Immortal Mansion to meet Yueluan, her consciousness lingered outside the mansion, and when the sound of the explosion spread, she had already broken through for the first time, and withdrew with a sweep of her consciousness .

She saw that woman Yueluan was affected by the self-detonation of Jian Aoxue and two younger brothers. Although under the protection of the hidden guards, she escaped the vital point, she was also seriously injured. After all, it was the three golden immortals who blew themselves up at the same time, so the destructive power was still strong. of.

The reason why Jian Jian did this was to test Yueluan's strength on the one hand, and to punish Jian Aoxue on the other hand.

It was because Jian Aoxue really formed an alliance with the Zerg, she never said a single truth from the beginning to the end.

Anthony is the King of Sharks, and his cultivation is in the realm of the Immortal Monarch. How can he drive away monsters, let alone be followed.

You are a golden fairy, if you want to follow the fairy, you need not only courage but also strength, but obviously they don't have it, and they even came to confront her, then don't blame her for tearing Jian Aoxue's painting skin.

The only one I'm sorry for is Elder Jian Kui, who gave him an extra confidante, but Jian Jian felt that the other party was not a loss.

Jian Kui, who was instructing Jian Qi to practice in the clan area, had a feeling of being calculated by someone since yesterday, and the hair on his back was standing on end, which made him cautious for a long time.

"Senior sister, who did you use Jian Aoxue to test?"

Tian Li asked via sound transmission.

"Naturally, it is Immortal King Yueluan. If it is confirmed that she is the most hidden spy of the Zerg race, there will be several debts between us!"

The simple eyes narrowed, and a stern light flashed across.

"Senior Sister, please proceed with caution, your current cultivation base is still far from hers, so it is not appropriate to confront her head-on."

Tian Li still spoke directly, without any hint of tact.

"Of course I know, isn't this the first thing to be tested by people!"

Simply knew that Tian Li was afraid of her disadvantage, so he didn't mind.

"However, it's a bit strange to say that I went to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion twice, and I always felt that my cultivation was a little unstable. It seemed that I was about to break through the Daluojin Fairy Empress Realm. Could it be that the Fengshui of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion is good?"

Simple self-talk.

Afterwards, the three followed the crowd back to the ground, the Immortal King did not let the idlers wait and see, and they also returned to the inn, but tonight was destined to be a sleepless night, and the news spread everywhere.

The reason why Jian Jian felt that his cultivation base was unstable was that the second failure of the Western Immortal Emperor also came quickly, leaving him almost no time to prepare.

The Western Immortal Emperor can only temporarily enter a state of suspended animation to preserve his own rapid decline, and this just gives Jian Jian an opportunity to take advantage of.

If the Immortal Emperor saw Jian Jian, with his cultivation base, he would definitely be able to sense that the other party was his biggest threat. Even if he couldn't make a move, he would mobilize all the immortals in the Western Immortal Territory to cure her to death.

It can only be said that sometimes, things are just such a perfect coincidence.

On the second day, Tianjun and Tianli joined hands and left Xiping Fairy City in a very low-key manner. The first stop was to report to Jian's family, and then to the Immortal Sword Sect to spread the news.

Similarly, what happened in the Dongting Immortal Mansion the night before has been spread everywhere. Simply ask John to find out what they said.

An hour later, John returned with his people and reported to Jian Jianhui:

"His Royal Highness Anna, we have heard countless versions and synthesized them to come up with the most believable story."

"Then tell me."

"Last night, Jian Aoxue and his party went to visit Immortal King Yueluan. As for the reason, I don't know for the time being."

Hearing this, simply nodded to express understanding.

Jian Aoxue reached an agreement with Yueluan, implying that the monster came from the depths of the blue sea, but it was a pity that meeting her, who knew Jian Aoxue's details, would be a failure, and she naturally had to explain it herself.

"Immortal King Yueluan was quite happy to see them. I don't know what they said, but suddenly the three of them blew themselves up at the same time, shouting 'for the Celestial Clan'! They teleported to Immortal King Yueluan.

Yueluan was frightened and was rescued by her shadow guard, who was slightly injured, Yueluan's face was almost destroyed, half of the Dongting Immortal Mansion was razed to the ground, and it was Junli Immortal King who rushed back to stop it. Stop the expansion of damage. "

Simply hearing this, she curled her lips into a smile, and was very satisfied with the result of her exploration. At least this Yueluan is not a fighting fairy, otherwise Qu Qu Jinxian blew herself up, how could she be so caught off guard?
"According to guesswork, those three people should be aiming at Jun Li. After all, Jun Li was the first batch of immortals to meet the Zerg before the establishment of the battlefield. The Zerg couldn't seek revenge from him, so they set their target on him On the body of his lover, Immortal King Yueluan."

"This Yueluan is also an immortal king, why is he so vulnerable?"

asked simply with a smile.

"She is a Dharma cultivator, and she has never been on a battlefield. Plus she was caught by surprise, so she was injured."

John also felt that Yue Luan was a little bit good this year, but His Highness said what he said, he couldn't say it, he could only find the most reasonable excuse.

"Okay! I've seen the excitement, we still have to ask for help, you can prepare some gifts and send them to Dongting Immortal Mansion later.

Didn't Yueluan hurt her face?Give us a bottle of the Pearl Royal Face Cream specially made by our merman race, talk about its efficacy, and express our feelings. "

"Yes, John will do it now!"

John turned around and went to work, simply to strengthen her talisman-making skills.

But Tianjun and Tianli, who were already thousands of miles away from Xiping Fairy City, stopped, and Tianli asked worriedly:

"Brother, is it okay to leave her alone in Xiping? If Na Yueluan is really the big black hand behind it, it's easy to kill Senior Sister."

"Since she said so, she must have the ability to protect herself. With her troublesome physique, things will find her wherever she goes. You and I are not strong enough now. Staying here can only distract her.

Do you think she is just for us to report?There must be instructions to both the Jian family and the Immortal Sword Sect, let us choose one to join, so that we can improve our cultivation as soon as possible.

Although the two of us practice and practice outside, our speed is relatively slow, but if we encounter someone secretly plotting, we are still a little weak.

At that time, even if I have all kinds of plans, lack of strength will be flawed. "

"I understand! Brother, since that's the case, let's not disappoint Senior Sister's intentions!"

"Well! Let's go!"

 Babies, it's five o'clock today!The sick Fengling did her best!Now the nasal congestion is uncomfortable, I took the medicine, and I am going to bed, I hope I can get better when I wake up tomorrow!Good night love you~

(End of this chapter)

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