Chapter 1562
In the Dongting Immortal Mansion, Yue Luan turned on the prohibition of recovering from injuries in the cave, because Jian Aoxue's sudden self-explosion made her reaction a bit slower. She didn't expect that this fairy who had entered her own camp would actually shout "For the Celestial Clan" slogan, wanting to die with myself.

Yueluan was willing to see them, but it was because Jian Aoxue's lineage was drawn to the Zerg side after she put a lot of thought into it, but she didn't expect that the Jian's family would do things even worse, and actually wiped out their lineage completely, making her lose again. This gave him a chance to infiltrate Jane's family.

The Jian family was much more difficult to deal with than she imagined, and the reason why she didn't completely give up on these dissident immortals was that she wanted to use them at the right time to deal a heavy blow to the Jian family.

That's why they were asked to testify, saying that the monster came from the depths of the blue sea, and let the matter of the mermaid tribe be suppressed first.

This time, the layout of Bibohai was about to be completed, but it failed completely because of the meddling of the South China Sea merman. This may have been supported by the South China Sea merman, but Yueluan felt that there must be reasons she didn't know.

That's why she wanted to get Elena here, and asked clearly, it wasn't her good helper who could come, but this Anna quasi-sage.

Through Junli's narration, Yueluan knew that this Anna was not an easy-going lamp, and Junli had a very good impression of her just by meeting her once, and even persuaded Junli to spare Bibo Haiyuren from the centuries-old enshrinement.

She definitely wouldn't let that Anna get what she wanted. Unfortunately, when she summoned Jian Aoxue, something happened. Fortunately, her body in the Immortal King Realm was quite strong, but her face was hurt.

At this time, the cracked place on Yueluan's face automatically produced countless strands of black silk, pulling the cracked place together, and then restored it to its original state.

Yueluan heaved a sigh of relief, but the hatred in her eyes was even worse. Jian Aoxue and her party must still be under the surveillance of Jian's family, but she didn't know what they found, why they chose to blow themselves up in front of her, and shouted such slogans, which made her baffled. Can't figure it out.

Yueluan didn't know yet that she had already shown her flaws in Jian Jian's place, and she only needed to verify it. She didn't know, because she used Jian Aoxue to set a trap for the Merman Race, which made Jian Jian very angry.

So the moment Jian Aoxue looked at Anna, she borrowed the dream beast's eyes from her divine consciousness to give her a hint to die with Yueluan in the name of Zerg.

Although Yueluan met Jian Aoxue and his party, she didn't mention anything about the Zerg race. What she asked them to do was at best shirk their responsibilities. This involved the interests of the human race and the mermaid race, and would not arouse any suspicion.

However, this incident indirectly proved Yueluan's innocence, at least it could dispel Junli's suspicion, and it could be regarded as helping her once.


Yueluan felt a burning sensation on her cheek that had just recovered. She was startled, and after turning into a water mirror, she saw a faint blue flame on her cheek, burning her newly healed wound .


What Yueluan cares most about is her face, which is her proud capital and her invincible weapon, but because of Jian Aoxue's self-explosion, not to mention the damage, it also left sequelae, if the other party is still there In front of her, she must turn the other party into ashes.

Yueluan operated the kung fu, suppressed the burning flame, then closed her eyes and started to activate her consciousness, trying to expel the flame from her body, but unfortunately, the other party seemed to feel the danger and disappeared from the meridians.

But not long after Yueluan received her skills, her face began to burn again, and the red marks on her cheeks looked very terrifying, which made Yueluan fall back angrily, and began to put out the flame with all her strength.

Immortal King Junli had time to meet Yueluan after he had dealt with the follow-up matter of self-destruction, but he frowned as he watched the other party drop into the forbidden cave.

A fairy servant stepped forward tremblingly, and whispered:

"Immortal King, Fairy Yueluan hurt her face by self-explosion. She doesn't want you to see her in a mess, so she is healing her wounds. Don't worry, she will go to see you as soon as her wounds heal."

"I see. Let me know as soon as Luan'er leaves the customs."

Junli glanced at the prohibition, and finally left. He felt that the purpose of the three people's self-destruction was too clear, but they were trying to prove that the Zerg monsters were driven out from the depths of the blue sea by the mermaids, and the back legs were for the Zerg's desire. Pulling Immortal King Yueluan to blew himself up, this is too contradictory, maybe Yueluan knows something.

After Immortal King Junli left, Yueluan opened her eyes. At this time, her eyes seemed to be frozen, looking at the direction where Junli disappeared, there was no tenderness like water in the past.

After a cold snort, Yueluan continued to close her eyes to expel the flame.

In the next month, Junli actually started to summon Holy Maiden Anna frequently in his spare time, saying that it was to discuss matters concerning the Bibo Haiyu Human Race, but as the number of meetings increased, Junli began to say something specious, A romantic topic.

Hearing simple teeth itching, he is really a standard "slut", Yue Luan is still injured, he doesn't care about his fairy partner, and he still has time to tease her, it's so disgusting that she almost vomited.

Every time she saw that face, she had a strong desire to get her fists in close contact with it, but for the sake of the overall situation, she could only endure it.

On this day, Junli started to get angry again, and simply pretended to be sad and said:

"Immortal King, I know your affection for me, and I really want to respond to you, but you know that I am a saint, and it is impossible to leave Bibohai's clan in my lifetime. This time I can come out because of Yi Lianna's sudden departure. , and the clan has not yet held the last succession ceremony for me.

If the Immortal King intends to be with me for life, I am willing to give up the position of Saintess, but my mermaid race has only one true love in my life, and they are loyal to each other. Even if one party leaves, the other party will always stay by my side. I don’t know if the Immortal King can do it ? "

After finishing speaking, she stared at Junli with a pair of blue eyes.

Junli was a little embarrassed, he never thought about the result with Anna, the other party was just a substitute for Yueluan during the healing period, to relieve his pressure.

He feels that having a dewy marriage with the other party is the greatest gift to the other party.

It can only be said that there is no cheapest, only more cheap, and I don't know where his self-confidence comes from, Jian Jian has already planned to deal with him secretly.

"Cough, Anna, you may have misunderstood. I have a crush on you, but I already have Yueluan, so I won't have anything to do with you, and I don't need you to give up your position as a saint."

Immortal King Junli said with a serious face.

"Immortal King, you... you... how can you do this? Then what is the purpose of the summons during these periods? You should know that Anna has only you in her heart!"

As she spoke, there were tears in her eyes, which turned into pearls after falling down her cheeks, and scattered on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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