Chapter 1563 Sharp turn down
Looking at the falling pearl tears, Jun Li clearly realized that Anna was really not of the same race as him, and some of his previous thoughts went back.

Facing the weeping Anna, he looked impatient, but he still said:

"Holy Maiden Anna, you seem to have misunderstood something. I said that I have a good impression is just a polite statement, and it is also for the two parties to establish a better relationship so that we can deal with Bibohai's affairs."

Jian Jian pretended to stop crying, looked at Junli with teary eyes, and asked sadly:

"If it's true what the Immortal King said, then why every time we meet, you don't mention anything about Bibohai, but you have to say something else, isn't it just an excuse to see me?"

Simple is to embarrass him.

"Cough, it seems that Anna doesn't quite understand our human race's devious way of questioning."

Jun Li frowned.

"Yes, Immortal King! Our mermaid race has always said what to say!
Please forgive Anna for being unreasonable, just ask the Immortal King directly, do you really have no love for me? "


"Then how long do you plan to delay replying to me about the blue sea?"

"It can be done today! It is impossible to exempt from a hundred years, and as originally negotiated, pay [-]% of the offering."

Jun Li turned the storage ring on his finger and said without expression.

"Immortal King, just because I don't want to be your unworthy lover, you are so cruel, wanting to kill my Bibo Sea Merman Clan? Then the Ten Thousand Years Shark Bead I gave you before was given for nothing?"

Simply wiped away the tears, glared at Junli, and unconsciously became louder:
"Before you kept saying that you had no intention of doing anything to me, but now you are forcing me to give in. This is the principle of the dignified fairy king!"


Jun Li was taken into consideration by the words, his brows were frowned, and the pressure rushed towards Jian Jian.

Jian Jian had been prepared for a long time, and he could clearly feel that Junli was really strong on the outside, but he looked bluffing with coercion, but he didn't have the destructive power that an Immortal King should have.

But she would not tell the other party, and she pretended to be stubborn and refused to give in. When Junli was dissatisfied with her and increased his pressure, she vomited blood and fell to the ground.

At this time, Jun Li also realized that his behavior was inappropriate, but the smooth wind and water for thousands of years made him a little smug, not to mention that now that the master is not here, he is the fairy king standing at the top.

"Your Highness!!"

John, who was originally guarding outside the conference hall, felt bad before. He seemed to hear Her Highness Anna's cry, then felt the coercion, and finally smelled the smell of blood. They didn't dare to stop them anymore, after all, this team of mermaids had already entered the fighting state with weapons in hand, if they continued to stop them, the other party would definitely attack.

After John rushed in, he saw His Royal Highness Anna, who was lying on the ground, and Immortal King Junli, who had a slightly embarrassed expression on the seat above. They immediately surrounded Anna, and someone stepped forward to check her injuries. After leaving for a salute, he said:

"Immortal King Junli, no matter what Her Royal Highness Anna said or did wrongly made you angry, you can't just kill our saintess at will!
The Holy Maiden is our clan's belief. If she really falls in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, our Merman clan will not let it go! "

At this time, the merman, who was checking the saint's injury, said in a timely manner:

"Head of the Guard, John! Her Majesty Anna's shark bead has split!"

John didn't say anything, just nodded, and then the nine mermen held the trident, touched the ground at the same time, opened a nine-pointed star array, enveloped Anna, and opened the transmission channel at the same time.

"Immortal King Junli, you are unfair. You use the Bibo Haiyu people as an excuse to bully the saintesses of our race. The saints do not want to be coerced by you. You actually hurt the saints with coercion, causing the saintess shark beads to shatter. I, the Bibo Sea Merman Clan, have written down this vendetta!"

Junli was confused by this series of operations, and subconsciously waved his sword, trying to keep the group of people behind, but unfortunately, the sword fell a little too late, and the merman guard disappeared from the Immortal Emperor's Mansion with Anna, and just now John What he said echoed throughout the entire Immortal Emperor's Mansion.

Jun Li raised his hand and lowered his voice, but it was still heard by many people, especially Guan Shi Zeng, who was already very dissatisfied with Jun Li's monopoly on power.

Steward Zeng smiled, recorded everything that happened before in the jade slip, and immediately sent it out of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion.

In the following day, the news spread throughout Xiping Fairy City almost instantly.

Some complained about Junli, thinking that he was being tricked, some scolded Junli for nothing, Yueluan, the number one beauty, was injured and retreated, so he couldn't bear it and started looking for a substitute, and some said it was a trick of the mermaids , just to shirk the monsters that appeared in the depths of the blue sea, in short, they have everything.

It's a pity that after one more day, all of them would be one-sided and scold Junli Immortal King for not being a thing. He is both right and right, and he is trying to take advantage of the number one beauty of the mermaid race.

Steward Zeng collected all the jade slips that were simply released by others with a sullen face, and handed them to Junli.

"It was my fault that Zeng had failed to help the Immortal King to clear his mind because of the entrustment of the Immortal Emperor."

After scanning the jade slip with Junli's spiritual sense, he threw it on the ground, because it contained all the pictures from the first time he met Anna to the last time he seriously injured her, and there was no element of fraud. made him miserable.

And Guanshi Zeng's innocuous confession made him even more annoyed, and asked directly:

"Where are Anna and those sharks?"

"I have already left Xiping Fairy City!"

"Send someone to intercept them?"

"Excuse me, Immortal King, what reason did our Immortal Emperor's Mansion intercept? Besides, we don't know the other party's whereabouts at all!"

Steward Zeng raised his eyelids and asked directly.

Immortal King Junli was also at a loss for words, and now the one who was seriously injured and was about to finish playing was the opponent's saint, if he stopped her, and the opponent fell directly to the ground, then she would really be speechless.

"Okay, I see! You go down!"

Jun Li waved his hands.

He never knew that taking the temporary post of Immortal Emperor could cause so many troubles. At this moment, he misses the kind Yueluan a little bit.

And Yueluan finally forced that ray of flame out of her body a day ago, and stabilized the injury on her face. As soon as she waved away the prohibition, a shadow appeared from the shadow.

"Master, Junli is dishonest!"

Then a jade slip appeared in front of Yueluan.

Yueluan's expression remained unchanged, she took the jade slip into her hands, and after checking it, she evoked a sarcastic smile:

"He really considers himself an immortal emperor. Even an immortal emperor would not blatantly do such a thing that would damage his own reputation. He is really a no-brainer. But if he hadn't been no brainer, he wouldn't be so easy to control. "

"Master, please... this is a good time!"

Shadow tends to do one thing at a time.

"Don't act rashly. He is acting as an agent of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion. There are too many people staring at him. We shouldn't do it at this time, but there is no need to help him. Just wait and see. What you do, you have to bear the consequences yourself! I I will continue to retreat on the grounds of healing!"

"Yes, Master!"

 Good afternoon, boys!When I wrote a chapter at noon, my eyelids could hardly be opened, so I lay down and slept for two hours. When I got up, I was in a good state, so I immediately wrote a chapter and uploaded it. Everyone watched first, and Fengling had something to eat before continuing to work hard.

  Thank you for your concern. I stopped updating for two days and took a complete rest to recover. My throat is not swollen now, but I still have some runny nose and cough. I hope I can go home and rest early. It is really difficult to rest well here. The chapters left behind after returning, Fengling will make up for it slowly, thank you for your care and love for Fengling!Feng Ling, who is trying to recover, will stick to the code words! (

(End of this chapter)

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