Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1564 Interest received in advance

Chapter 1564 Interest received in advance
When Jun Li went to see Yue Luan, he naturally failed to fulfill his wish. Yue Luan's celestial servant politely told him that Yue Luan hadn't come out of seclusion, but the way he looked at Jun Li made him very uncomfortable, but he didn't treat Yue Luan well. Luan's attendant got angry. After all, he was respectful and polite to him, and he was not neglected at all.

After being rejected, Jun Li could only go back to his training room and wanted to meditate, but he couldn't calm down and became more and more irritable. Finally, he simply left his Dongting Immortal Mansion and went to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion.

"Brother, long time no see!"

A slightly sighing voice came into Junli's ears, which made him startled for a moment, then quickly turned around, and asked loudly:

Then Junli saw, in the place surrounded by clouds and mist, there was a figure of Pingting walking slowly, with light footsteps, and the cyan robe was elegant and chic. When the woman's face was completely exposed, Junli was also surprised for a moment. Consciously said:

"Junior Sister Wu Yi!"

"it's me!"

When the words fell, the other party showed a gentle smile that was the same as before, and then continued to ask:
"After you and that Zerg puppet Yueluan killed me, how are you doing?"

Jun Li's face froze, as if he had realized something, his eyes sharpened, and he shouted directly:

"Who the hell are you? Junior sister Wu Yi has long since fallen. What is your purpose?"

After the words fell, he returned his sword and slashed at Wu Yi who was facing him. The smiling woman on the opposite side turned into green smoke under the light of the sword. Unfortunately, the other party's voice came from all directions:

"Brother, why do you want to swing your sword at me again? Want to kill me again? Ten thousand years ago, maybe you could do it, but now you don't have the ability, do you know why?"

Junli, on the other hand, waved his sword agitatedly, but all the sword lights were blocked, but Wu Yi's voice was still vague and directionless:

"Without me standing in the middle, it seems that you and Yueluan have the same cultivation, but unfortunately, only her has increased in cultivation, not you, an idiot, who is still complacent. Your current level is comparable to that of a Luotian Shangxian. You have fought for a few rounds, do you think you are still the former Junli Immortal King?"

Wu Yi's words just hit Junli's painful feet. He found that the immortal power in his dantian was indeed lacking in stamina, which made his face even more embarrassing. But he is in this situation now.

Jian Jian, who has been hiding in the dark and observing, is communicating with Yanagawa:

"Chuan, you must give this toad a good beating this time. It's been almost a month since I got sick! I've never seen such an idiot who feels so good about himself! Could it be that he swells up after being promoted to the altar? To such a greasy state?"

"Tsk! It's the first time I've seen you plot against someone so actively. Are you really not doing it for the cultivation resources left by Wu Yi?"

"Chuan, I told you a long time ago, don't tell me if you see through! Resources are on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is to avenge him for crushing me with coercion!"

Simple rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"Then you've already spent enough money. You've even used the defensive talisman the Devil Emperor gave you, and Yinyue Mirror helped. Now the more he tosses inside, the more serious the wear and tear will be. Then you can take another shot." ?”

Liu Chuan directly punctured the road.

"Yes, since you want to do it, you must achieve the intended goal. I have already communicated with Yinyue, and if you enter the illusion created by her, she will disguise you as a bloodthirsty demon vine. You can just smoke him. Fuck you, don't keep your hands!"

Simply staring at Junli who was frantically swinging his sword in the defensive cover, he secretly instructed.

"Got it! You women hold grudges the most!"

"Wrong! He asked for it!"

With a simple smile, his fists touched, he activated the Obsidian bracelet, and said to Liu Chuan:

"Chuan, it's your turn to play!"

Liu Chuan didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly entered the defensive cover through the reserved opening, and slammed Junli's back fiercely.

Feeling the strong wind coming, Jun Li immediately teleported away from the current place, but the next moment, the bloodthirsty demon vines from all directions attacked him.

And the next moment, Jian Jian, who had transformed into Wu Yi's face, also entered the stage. This time, she transformed the energy in her body into the power of chaos, channeled all of it into her bracelet, and then swung the first attack.

"Bang bang bang" three times, the huge fist shadow collided with Junli's sword light. Although all three fist shadows were shattered by the sword light, Jian Jian had teleported away from the current position.

Jian Jian was extremely excited, he didn't deliberately control the strength of his punches anymore, he used almost [-]% of his strength for each punch, and what he swung was no longer a fist, but a biting attack wrapped in the power of law.

Liu Chuan also spared no effort to cooperate. With the continuous improvement of simple attack speed and strength, Liu Chuan's branches became more and more dense. On the one hand, he used stumbling blocks for Junli, and on the other hand, he provided cover for his mad master.

After all, Junli is an Immortal King. Although his strength has declined, his eyesight is still there. If he is caught by the opponent with a simple braid, he will definitely not let go easily. However, this possibility will dissipate as the destructive power of simple attacks increases. .

But at this time, the simplicity, because of the full attack, entered the state of facing the enemy in an all-round way, and the talent skills were displayed again.

She can clearly see the power of law in Junli's sword light, and even where the opponent's power is weak, and the power of law contained in the sword light is a little vain, she can see clearly, so every punch of her They all accurately fall on these weak points.

Because of the effective attack, more and more sword lights were broken. When the attacks of both sides were equal, the operation of the Yin-Yang Taiji disk in the body was simply accelerated, and the counterattack began. When the first fist shadow landed on Junli, it started , More and more fist shadows fell on him.

Jun Li has never been so aggrieved. Since he became famous, it is the first time that he is actually suppressed and beaten by someone who is not as good as himself. Whenever he tries to resist with all his strength, he feels his soul being pulled. To leave the body at any time.

He suddenly remembered the hand-held mirror of Junior Sister Wu Yi, it was that mirror that almost took away his and Yue Luan's souls, he didn't dare to be careless at all, he could only be distracted in two places, facing the enemy while stabilizing his own Soul, but simplicity has no worries in this regard, as long as one concentrates, attack attack attack attack again, and beat this scum to death.

Yinyue, on the other hand, secretly controlled the overall situation for simplicity, and as soon as she found that Junli had the intention to fight back with all her strength, she would start to extract the opponent's soul.

In fact, what Yinyue wanted the most was Junli's spirit. She vowed to avenge Wu Yi, but she was simply stopped.

"Yinyue, I know how much you hate her. From what I know about him, he is really not qualified to be our opponent. It is easy to end his life, but there is still a month left for Immortal King Luan and Immortal Emperor Xixi, They all have inescapable responsibilities and motives for your master's fall.

Therefore, it is too cheap to let him die. I will let them kill each other, be spurned by the fairy world, and become rats that everyone shouts and beat. some interest! "

(End of this chapter)

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