Chapter 1566 Successful Delivery
When Junli was trapped in the sea in order to appease Bibohai, the cross-domain spaceship that Tianjun and Tianli took had already arrived in the Eastern Immortal Territory.

The two got off the spaceship and went straight to Dongzhu Immortal City without any delay, because the closer to Dongzhu Immortal City, the more prosperous it is, and Dongzhu Immortal City is the core of the Eastern Immortal Territory, so the news is also transmitted the fastest.

Before the two of them arrived at Jian's house, they already knew about the nasty things done by the Immortal King Junli in the Western Immortal Territory, angered the Shark King Anthony, completely sealed off the deep sea of ​​the Bibohai, and even the Immortal King Junli was trapped when he stepped forward , has not left the blue sea so far.

"Senior Brother, what do you think? Is it Senior Sister?"

Tian Li has listened to many different versions because he deliberately collected information recently.

"Well! It seems that what she did not only turned the mermaid clan from passive to active, but also tore off the hypocritical face of Immortal King Junli. For the time being, I haven't seen any flaws."

Turning the folding fan in her hand, Tian Jun said softly.

"No wonder the senior sister sent us away. It turned out that it was to escape the shell of the golden cicada."

"She has never done anything she is not sure of. This suspended animation has not only made Junli the culprit, but also damaged his reputation. This is just the beginning."

Tang Jun was very sure that when she simply directed her doubts at Yue Luan, she might have already started planning to weaken this pair of "fairy couples".

Sure enough, when the two arrived at Jian's house in East Zhuxian City, all kinds of news about Immortal King Junli went crazy.

Among all the disciples of the Western Immortal Emperor, Jun Li had the worst aptitude. In order to gain the approval of his master, he pretended to be kind on weekdays, and secretly dealt with several of his senior brothers and sisters who had better aptitude than him.

(The fact is that many of Junli's brothers have indeed died, including Yinyue's handwriting, but outsiders don't know the inside story.)
Junli originally had a junior junior sister named Wu Yi, who was destined to be a noble person who could protect him from a catastrophe, but he fell in love with Immortal King Yueluan, who was even better in appearance, strength, and background, and finally thought of a way to get the best of both worlds. The way to become a fairy couple with the two at the same time.

It's a pity that not long after the couple ceremony was completed, that Wu Yi passed away in an accident. The truth of the matter is that Junli and Yueluan joined forces to get rid of the eye-catching person. All resources of Wu Yi Shangxian.

This is a photo released based on facts, which was taken by Yinyue from her own memory, and it is very convincing, so the reputation of the two of them is getting worse and worse now.

And there is follow-up content, there is another important reason why Wu Yi was hanged as an immortal. She has a resurrection pearl in her private collection, which is equivalent to giving the immortal a second life.

At the same time as this news came out, there was actually an image of the Resurrection Orb, which made the news more authentic. This time, the surface of the Western Immortal Territory was calm. No one came forward to say that the news was fake, but no one said it was true. Really, very weird.

"Senior Sister's action is tantamount to putting Junli and Yueluan on the grill, and it depends on how they respond."

"Let her torment herself, let's complete our own tasks first."

There was a smile on the corner of Tianjun's lips, as long as the senior sister hid herself well and her whereabouts were not discovered, it didn't matter how much she tossed about.

The two of them had already handed over the post and successfully entered Jane's house, where they were waiting in the side hall.

"You two have been waiting for a long time!"

With one step, Elder Jian Kui appeared at the main seat in the side hall.

"Meet Senior Jane!"

Tang Jun and Tian Li immediately got up and clasped their hands to Jian Kui.

"I heard that you have a disciple of my family, who is it?"

After hearing this, Tian Jun cupped her hands calmly and said:

"Senior, you are the one who asked us to ask for the post. This is the jade slip she asked us to bring."

Immediately, Tianjun pushed the jade slips that had been sealed in advance with the blood seal technique to Elder Jiankui.

Elder Jian Kui didn't expect that he would give it to him so directly. After he took it, he found the blood seal on the jade slip. After confirming that it was simple, he couldn't wait to break the seal.

And Tian Jun was also sure that the other party had really broken the seal, so she sat back in her original position.

After Jian Kui read the news jade slips as quickly as possible, his eyes widened. He didn't expect that Jian Jian, who was supposed to be in the battlefield, unexpectedly returned to the fairyland.

Looking at what she did in Zhan Yu, the corners of Jian Kui's mouth twitched. This style of acting is really unique, and I didn't expect her to do it all.

Tian Jun got up directly and said:
"Senior Jane, the news has been brought, so we will take our leave!"

"Don't worry, you have traveled thousands of miles to deliver the news, at least let us express our gratitude."

Jian Kui said immediately.

"Senior, you're welcome. We have other news to send, so we won't stay any longer."

Tang Jun cupped her hands and refused very politely.

"Are you guys from the simple past?"

Jian Kui obviously didn't want the two to leave immediately, so he asked directly.

"It is."

Tang Jun replied with a smile, but didn't say a word.

At that time, Jian Kui heard the voice of his ancestor:
"Didn't you see that they don't want to talk to you? Let them go! Prepare a thank you gift for them. They probably have to go to Xianjianzong."

"Yes, old man!"

After Jian Kui responded, he could only thank the two of them politely, prepared some resources as a thank you gift, and then let the other party leave Jian's house.

It wasn't until he got on the spaceship to the northern fairyland that Tian Li said:
"Brother, the ancestors of the Jian family seem to have been watching us secretly for a long time."

"Hmm! So I don't want to join the family practice. I am subject to too many restrictions, and the same is true for simplicity. If it weren't for the fact that the Jian family in the fairy world is still honest, it is estimated that she would not even have to recognize her ancestors and return to her clan."

"It's really her style!"

A smile flashed across Tian Li's serious face.

At this moment in the Jian family, Jian Qingyue had finished reading the jade slips that were simply burned, and he also had a helpless expression on his face.

They were all worried about whether their children would be able to return from the battlefield alive, but Jian Jian had already mixed into the territory of the Zerg, started a wave of careers, cheated the elite disciples of the Zerg, and returned to the Immortal Realm.

Just like that, he didn't stay idle, messing up the deployment of Bibohai Zerg, and now he's facing Immortal King Junli!

"Old Ancestor, Qing Confucian Monarch has not returned from the battlefield at this time, and cannot secretly protect the simplicity. Do we need to rearrange the manpower?"

"Of course, if she is exposed, where will I go to find an heir?"

Patriarch Qingjun nodded.

"Arrange that fairy to go there?"

"Let Qing Ji go!"

After hearing this, Jian Kui hesitated for a moment before saying:

"Old Ancestor, Immortal Lord Qing Ji also has the temperament of fearing that the world will not be chaotic. If these two people meet together..."

Don't overthrow the Western Immortal Territory!
"Tsk! Xiao Kui! Did you arrange this fairy behind my back? What's wrong with my temperament? I'm kind, upright, and have a sense of justice, and I'm willing to go through fire and water for the sake of my family. Is it okay?"

A pretty and slender figure appeared in front of the two of them.

 Baozi, today’s chapter has been coded three times. I feel sleepy after writing a little bit. My body has not fully recovered, so I didn’t force it.

(End of this chapter)

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