Chapter 1567 The Purpose Achieved
"Xianjun, have you recovered from your injuries?"

Jian Kui didn't feel caught at all, and asked Qing Ji Xianjun directly.

"Hmph! Good morning! Why don't the juniors open any pots and carry which pots!"

Qing Ji's fox eyes glared at Jian Kui.

"Cough! Grandpa..."

Jian Kui is helpless, the ancestors of his lineage are the most unreliable.

"Call me Xianjun Qingji, what kind of aunt! Call me old for nothing!"

Qing Ji had already wandered across to Qing Jun, and then she squinted her fox eyes and saluted.

"The ancestor's summoning was for that simple girl who newly recognized her ancestor and returned to her clan?"

"Well! Are you interested in going to see her for a while?"

"Of course I'm interested. Anyway, there's nothing wrong with the clan now, and my injury has completely healed. Let's just go out and relax."

Qing Ji's fox eyes were shining, and then she began to inquire about the simple style of doing things. If she didn't like it, she would directly reject it.

Ancestor Qing Jun smiled, and handed over the newly received jade slips, as well as all the news jade slips that the family had specially collected in order to let Jian Jian recognize their ancestors and return to their clan.

Immortal Lord Qing Ji looked at each of them slowly, the more she looked at them, the more radiant the look in her eyes, the little girl was so in line with her wishes, she could stir up the clouds in all directions with only one person's strength.

"Old Ancestor, this girl has the demeanor of mine back then. Her ability and fighting strength are all excellent. She is worthy of being a disciple of my Jian family. I have accepted the task and will set off tomorrow."

Jian Kui on the side had a "really so" expression on his face. He looked at Patriarch Qingjun, hoping that Patriarch would take back his life.

But in the end, Qing Jun failed to make him fulfill his wish, so he nodded and told Jian Kui:

"Prepare a resource for your Qingji Xianjun to go out, don't go and rob others when the fairy stone is used up!"


Jian Kui had no choice but to agree, the ancestor knew that she was so unreliable, why did he let Xianjun Qingji out.

"Old Ancestor, I was young and ignorant. It happened many years ago. Don't keep mentioning it. At least give me some face."

Qing Ji's fox eyes rolled, she didn't want her embarrassing things to be brought up.

"Since you know what you have done is not good, you must always be vigilant, and don't be so reckless in the future."

Jian Qingjun said pointedly.

"Yes, Qing Ji remembered it."

Qing Ji immediately responded seriously, otherwise she would never even think about leaving the clan.

Here, Qing Ji arranged by the Jian family set off first and arrived in the Western Immortal Territory, while Tian Jun and Tian Li also arrived in Xianjianzong a year and two months later.

The two looked at the mountain gate of Xianjianzong, a smile flashed in their eyes, and they walked towards the guards guarding the mountain gate.

What Tianjun took out was Jian Jian's identity jade pendant in Xianjianzong, and then said in a gentle tone:
"The two of us were entrusted by the disciples of the noble sect, and came here to deliver a message, hoping to deliver it to the Shouzong hall."

The guards of Immortal Sword Sect thought it was a disciple who had fallen outside, and asked someone to send back the identity jade slip. After receiving it, they checked and found that it was the identity jade pendant of Fairy Jian Jianjian from the Refining Peak. He immediately became serious and checked it again. It was accurate Afterwards, the guards immediately sent news to Shouzongdian and Qiqifeng respectively.

"You two, please follow me."

The guards took the two of them to the Shouzong Hall first.

After refining the Miao Dao and having a breakthrough in cultivation, the Immortal Shoudian took over the affairs of the Shouzongdian from the hands of Immortal King Ziyin.

"Immortal Lord, there are two sword immortals who came here holding the jade pendant of Fairy Jian, saying that they were entrusted by someone to deliver a letter to the sect."

Zijia whispered.

"Bring them in."

The Immortal Shoudian put down the jade slip in his hand and looked out of the hall.

Tianjun and Tianli entered the main hall, and saw the celestial guardian above them, with charming peach eyes, slightly raised thin lips, and a strong and introverted whole body, he was also looking at the two of them at this time.

"Tianjun (Tianli) pays respects to the Immortal Shoudian!"

"You were entrusted by Jian Jian to deliver the letter. Where is she now?"

"Western Immortal Territory, Xiping Immortal City."

Tian Jun clasped her hands to answer, Tian Li consciously stood aside, and did not speak hastily.

"This is simply the message Yu Jian asked me to send back."

Without waiting for the guard to ask more questions, Tian Jun took out a jade slip and handed it to Zi Jia beside her.

After Shoudian read the content of the jade slip, the corners of his mouth twitched. This little girl was too fidgety. She went all the way from the Demon Realm to the Battle Realm, and touched the rear of the Zerg. She cut off the elite of the Zerg. There was no opening in the Battle Zone Under such circumstances, he tossed back to the fairyland.

Fortunately, up to now, no one has been stripped of his vest, and two elite disciples have been sent back to the sect.

"Are you two willing to stay in Xianjianzong to practice?"

Shoudian asked directly.

"Naturally, I just don't know if it will embarrass simplicity?"

Tang Jun bowed his hands politely in return, and asked directly.

After all, if it costs too much favor, they will continue to take on external tasks, save resources, and wait for opportunities.

"Don't worry, I owe her a big favor. It's not difficult to arrange for you to join the sect to practice, but you also have to go through the test of questioning."

"Yes, thank you Xianjun for giving me a chance."

"Simple, but I admire you two very much. You even boasted that Tianjun might succeed me and become the new head of the Shouzong Hall."

The Immortal Shoudian played with the jade slip in his hand, and said with a peachy smile.

After hearing this, Tian Jun wanted to touch his forehead, Jian Jian had a deep resentment towards this guard, and insisted on letting him take the other's place, he had said a few words before, but he didn't take it seriously, he didn't expect that the cowhide had already been blown out by his senior sister.

"Xianjun's redemption, Jian Jian is too optimistic about Tianjun, it can't be true."

"No, the little girl has always been successful. She never said something she was not sure about. All she wanted was to defeat me!"

Shoudian smiled, not minding being treated as an imaginary enemy at all.

Tianjun and Tianli looked at each other, and felt that the senior sister's goal was very clear and lofty, and could not be achieved overnight.

"Senior Sister has always had a clear goal. Her current cultivation base has reached the peak of the middle-level Da Luo Jinxian. She should be able to break through the later stage in a short time. I think the distance from the goal will become smaller and smaller."

Tian Li had already seen the string of Xingyue Bodhi bracelets on the wrist of the Shoudian Xianjun, so there was a hint of scrutiny in his words.

"You guys have a lot of confidence in her."

Shoudian said with a smile.

"Under the dual training of Immortal Sword Sect and Jane's, Senior Sister's achievements will naturally not be low, and her cultivation base will naturally be promoted."

Tang Jun cupped her hands and said with a smile.

"Okay, after the two of you pass the test, you will stay in the Shouzong Palace."

Shou Dian chatted with the two of them for a few words, and found that the two cooperated very well. When one side spoke sharply, the other side would smooth things over.

Now that the matter was finalized, Zi Jia took the two of them to the sect entrance test.

And Mo Kun, who was staying at the Refining Peak, couldn't wait any longer, and came directly to the Shouzong Hall to ask for an interview, wanting to know the news about Junior Sister Jian.

"Mo Kun paid a visit to Xianjun, but is there any news from my junior sister?"

"Hmm! She's in the Western Immortal Realm now."

"But is it dangerous? Do you need to pick her up?"

 Good evening, babies!It's so sad, Fengling is not on the list of going home today, it affects my creative mood too much, let's write two chapters today!The update will continue tomorrow!I want to soothe my hurt little heart!
(End of this chapter)

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