Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1570 Sneaking into the Emperor's Mansion

Chapter 1570 Sneaking into the Emperor's Mansion
She nodded with a simple smile, then took her seat, and then she explained everything from the secret realm of Yunshang Palace in Lingyun Continent, to her doubts about Immortal King Yueluan, and the purpose of wanting to enter the Immortal Emperor's Mansion this time.

Qing Ji sipped the fairy wine while listening to the simple narration, and finally had to say with emotion:
"You do have some karma with the Western Immortal Emperor!"

"That's also their fault. The younger generation thinks that since they stepped into the avenue, everything they have done is worthy of the heaven and earth, and there is nothing to hide. Unlike them, it is too ugly for their own selfishness."

With a simple smile, he poured another glass of wine for Qing Ji Xianjun.

"Little girl is really a ghost. You released the news about slandering Immortal King Junli?"

"Yes, nine times become true and one becomes false. It can withstand scrutiny, so it will not be exposed for the time being."

simply explained.

"Tell me about your plan!"

Qing Ji said with a smile after enjoying the filial piety from her disciples.

"Ancestor Qing Ji, before you came, my plan was to mix in with the visitors from the Immortal City, and then make plans after entering the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, but since you are here, the plan can be slightly adjusted..."

Then he simply stated his plan, and then looked at Xianjun Qingji.

After Qingji Xianjun finished drinking the wine in the cup, he also heard the simple so-called plan, and said helplessly:

"You have no plan at all. You just want to disrupt the Western Immortal Territory. Now the battle situation in the Battle Domain is at a stalemate, and the rear is chaotic, which will easily affect the Battle Domain."

Although Xianjun Qingji also likes to make things happen, he will also take care of the overall situation.

"Xianjun, it's not that I'm bad-mouthing the Western Immortal Territory. Based on the information I've collected and the clues I've traced, the Western Immortal Territory has long been a platform for the Zerg. Based on this, it's infiltrating into several other immortal realms.

It is estimated that several other immortal emperors have already guessed. After all, not all immortal emperors advocated fighting the Zerg at the beginning. Although the few obeyed the majority in the end, it is a pity that the few were not willing from the bottom of their hearts.

Based on my understanding of the Western Immortal Emperor, he was able to advance to the rank of Immortal Emperor because of luck, and because he seized the opportunity, his strength is not the strongest among the Immortal Emperors, but there are rumors that he borrowed Only with the luck of the disciple can he be promoted to the rank of Immortal Emperor.

The juniors feel that there are no rumors in this world. Since there are rumors, there must be a certain basis, and I initially suspect that this so-called disciple with great luck may be Wu Yi who died as early as 30,000 years ago. "

When Qingji Xianjun heard the end, he put down the wine glass in his hand and asked:

"This is the harvest of selling pills, talismans, and arrays in the past month?"

"Hmm! The time is short and the channels are limited. After all, this is not the territory of Jian's family and Immortal Sword Sect, and I want to hide my identity, so I found very limited."

Simple and helpless, if she could be given more time and the information would be more accurate, she might be able to make more guesses.

Immortal Lord Qingji nodded, as expected of the ancestor's favored successor, in such a short period of time, the reputation of Immortal King Junli was tarnished and Xiping Immortal City was thrown into chaos.

"I will accompany you to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, and as for Yueluan, I will think of another way.

However, I see that the aura around you fluctuates violently, I'm afraid you're about to advance? "

After simply listening to Xianjun Qingji, I can only express my concerns:
"Immortal Lord, the younger generation has some doubts about the cultivation base. I have not been promoted for a long time, and now I want to advance again. I think it is a bit inappropriate, so I have been suppressing the cultivation base, but there are some signs that I can't suppress it."

Everyone's cultivation is slow and anxious to advance, but she is lucky, she advanced too fast, but she has no idea.

"Let me see."

Immortal Lord Qing Ji raised his hand, and a trace of immortal energy penetrated Jian Jian's meridians, but unfortunately, before he found anything, he was discovered by the domineering chaotic power in Jian Jian's body. The immortal power that entered.

Immortal Qing Ji walked around quickly, and then withdrew his strength.

"Your power of chaos is overbearing!"

"Cough, I made senior laugh."

He simply pursed his lips and smiled.

"It's okay, I've seen that your meridians and exercises are all right, and your meridians are more than twice as wide as those of immortals of the same level. The accumulation of immortal energy is also considered solid. In addition, your body training can fully withstand the increased strength. It is indeed going to be promoted."


"Don't call me so old, call me Qingji Xianjun or senior."

Qing Ji doesn't like being called Patriarch.

"Yes, Xianjun, this is not a good place to advance. Every time I advance to Lei Jie, I am very... awesome."

Simply said it tactfully.

"I know that, but those of the Jian family who have chaotic spiritual roots will have a narrow escape from death during each tribulation. Whoever gave you the power of chaos when the world first opened will naturally have to pass the test of the way of heaven."

Qingji Xianjun said with a smile.

Simply want to wipe your face, don't you just don't want to advance so quickly!Why is it so difficult.

She still doesn't know it yet, because the Western Immortal Emperor's three declines really pushed her to advance. If the Immortal Emperor passes through the three declines, there will be no such good things.

"Senior, my current cultivation level can still be suppressed, so let's act first!"

A simple suggestion is that things must be properly handled before being promoted.

"Okay, since you are in such a hurry, let's visit the Immortal Emperor's Mansion tonight."

Qing Ji's fox eyes were shining, and she seemed to be more positive than simple.

At night, the Immortal Emperor's Mansion is still brightly lit. Because of Junli's fault, even if he returned to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, he was emptied of many rights by the former steward. Some rights were taken back by force, and the two parties were fighting like a raging fire.

Junli didn't trust Zeng in charge, but checked all the news himself, and then screened it by himself. In this way, he spent more time. In addition, he had resentment towards Yueluan, so he lived directly in Immortal Emperor for the time being. Mansion, did not return to his own Dongting Immortal Mansion.

Immortal Lord Qing Ji hid her figure with simplicity, followed behind an immortal attendant, and managed to find an empty courtyard.

"This is the place where Wu Yi once lived. Before she and Junli became immortal couples, she practiced here."

It didn't take much effort to inquire about this information. After all, although this courtyard is in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, it is not the best courtyard. It is in the northwest corner. Because it has been vacant for a long time, even the patrolling guards rarely come.

Jian Jian stretched out her spiritual sense and scanned the entire courtyard, and the divine sense she protruded made Immortal Qing Ji at the side discover that the little girl's spiritual sense is much stronger than her cultivation base.

After finding nothing with his spiritual sense, he simply took out the Yinyue Mirror and said softly:

The figure of Qi Ling Yinyue appeared in this courtyard, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar environment around her, she sighed lightly, saluted Jian Jian and Xianjun Qingji and said:

"Wu Yi seems to know that he will have this calamity, and has made preparations in advance."

 Good afternoon, boys!Thank you for your concern. My body has basically recovered, but I haven’t left the cabin yet. I was irritable yesterday. Today I will work hard to code and give back to everyone. I must be worthy of everyone’s support and love, and work hard to order food bags when I go home! (v)
(End of this chapter)

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