Chapter 1571 Despicable and dirty
Yinyue's face was calm. After all, with her help, Wu Yi preserved his soul for 30,000 years, and found someone to trust him to. It can be said that he has no regrets. Let's talk about his former master now. , she was also very relieved.

Yinyue lightly popped a rune on the ground in the empty courtyard, and a circle rose from the ground, allowing the two to pass side by side.

Yinyue stepped into it first, nodded briefly to Xianjun Qingji, and entered second. Then the circle disappeared, and the courtyard was still so empty.

"Tsk! How stingy! You won't even be allowed to look at it."

Xianjun Qingji curled her lips, and then disappeared from the yard. She was going to see that stupid fairy king Junli, and see if she found anything new by the way.

The simplicity of stepping into the ring still appears in the same courtyard, but it is decorated in a very warm and natural way, and it can be seen that someone has lived here for a long time.

"You are finally here!"

A soft female voice remembered that a woman in white clothes appeared in the water pavilion in the yard, looking at Jian Jian and Yinyue with a smile.

This person is Wu Yi, exactly the same as the one Jian Jian met in the secret realm of Yunshang Palace.

"The younger generation is simple, I have met Fairy Wu Yi."

Simply hand over the junior salute.

"Come and sit down, you can come here with Ming Jing, you should have seen me before."

Wu Yi spoke in a slow and unhurried manner, greeting simply, and then said with a smile.


When Yinyue saw Wu Yi's translucent soul body, she knew that this trace of spirit would not last long.

"Hehe, Der Spiegel has a new body now, so I can no longer use the old name."

Wu Yi said with a smile.

"Fairy Jian found a new body for me. In order to cover up my whereabouts, I am now called Yinyue."

Immediately, Yinyue touched the crescent moon between her eyebrows with her hand, and shared the memory with Wu Yi.

After five breaths, Wu Yi sighed softly, saluted Jian Jian, and Jian Jian got up immediately to avoid it.

"Senior, what do you mean by this? You've broken me!"

"Thank you for finding a new body for Ming Jing, and for meeting her unreasonable demands, and for being willing to help her avenge me!
Fairy Jian is a transparent person, she sees more clearly than I do, but I am a prisoner, trapped my own fairy road, and finally walked into ruin. "

"Senior, the past has happened and cannot be reversed. We should focus on the present and the future, and don't be trapped by the past."

Simple and patient to enlighten, she is most afraid of this kind of delicate female fairy, there is always endless love, endless sorrow, if you have this time to swing the sword a few more times, wouldn't it be good to do a set of body training boxing ?

"Look at me, I'm pulling away again."

Wu Yi's divided soul also noticed that Fairy Jian didn't want to discuss these things, so she changed the subject.

"This is where I returned in a hurry after my own accident. With the help of Yinyue, I intercepted a period of time in this courtyard and set up this independent space. The purpose is to store my biggest harvest in the fairy world, and it is also a place for me to encounter catastrophe. thing."

After saying that, a jade box rose from the middle of the table. Wu Yi opened the box with a wave of his hand, and saw a plain bead the size of a longan lying quietly on the satin surface.

Scanning with a simple mind, she didn't find that this bead was special, but felt that the aura around the bead was very strange, which made her feel very comfortable.

The fairyland is so big, full of wonders, and I have only ascended for 2000 years. Simple, I dare not say that I have seen everything, not to mention that some treasures will avoid risks and automatically collect dust, such as the artifact that I recognize as the owner. Ding is like that.

"This is?"

asked simply puzzled.

"This is a luck bead. I got it by accident when I was exploring a ruined mansion in Da Luojin Wonderland. At first I only thought it was a bead that could store the power of immortality, so I carried it with me. When I practiced, I would Import my own celestial power, and when the celestial power is exhausted during the experience, I will absorb the celestial power stored in the beads.

It was normal at the beginning, but one day, after I filled it with celestial energy, the Qi Luck Orb would automatically identify itself with my soul, and only then did I know the true purpose of the Qi Luck Orb.

Later, when I was practicing, I was always able to save the day, and I was lucky, as long as I went out, I would gain something.

Until I met a master who was not an immortal emperor at the time, he said that my aptitude was good, and my luck was also superior, so he accepted me as a personal disciple, and I was complacent for a long time because of this. "

Wu Yi paused at this point, and touched the beads with almost transparent hands, causing the Qi Luck beads to flash a colorful glow.

"Senior, junior boldly guessed that the Immortal Emperor at that time should have noticed the existence of the luck bead, but this bead has been bound to your soul, if you forcibly deprive it, let alone your death, the bead will definitely return to its original state or be damaged. Even disappear!
The Immortal Emperor didn't dare to gamble, that's why he decided to settle for the next best thing, accepting you as his apprentice, and bringing you by his side, he can also take advantage of it. "

"Hehe! That's why I said you are transparent. The Immortal Emperor really came up with this idea. I have been with him for thousands of years, and I helped him advance to the Immortal Emperor."

"Unfortunately, the most dissatisfied thing in this world is the human heart. He is optimistic about Junli as his successor, and he even did not hesitate to tell the lie that Junli has a death calamity that only you can resolve, and made a marriage contract for you brothers and sisters. I vow to use you to the end.

It's just that Yue Luan who broke out halfway destroyed the plan of the Immortal Emperor. In the end, the Immortal Emperor persuaded Junli to let him marry the two of you at the same time. Shrinking, but unfortunately you agreed?

I'm curious, since senior loves Junli so much, why would he be willing to share him with other women. "

Jian Jian looked at Wu Yi curiously from the side, but in fact he was slandering in his heart, as far as Jun Li's virtue, he would not even look down on her for nothing.

"Because I was hit by the love gu, and my emotions were out of my control. It was too late when I found out. At that time, I was powerless to fight back, so I could only deliberately let Yueluan know the existence of the love gu. She really felt resentful, thinking that I used it The dishonorable means won Junli's heart, so I went secretly to find my bad luck.

I was deliberately provocative, she wanted to put me to death, we naturally did it, and because of this I discovered Yueluan's secret, and she strangled me at all costs.

In the end, I was not strong enough, I lost a bit, fell on the spot, Ming Jing put away my soul, and then took me back here, after a little arrangement, the Immortal Emperor was there, and what he was looking for was this luck bead! "

After listening briefly, he couldn't help shaking his head. It turns out that the so-called deep love is just the effect of love Gu, and one side of the immortal emperor plotted against his disciple just for this humble luck bead.

"The strand of soul in the secret realm of Yunshang Palace seems to think that he is in love with Immortal King Junli, that's why he makes compromises."

Simply put.

"That's because when I escaped from the hands of the Immortal Emperor, I used the Soul Forbidden Technique, which burned part of my soul body and lost that part of my memory."

(End of this chapter)

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