Chapter 1577 Difficult Advancement
"Hahaha! You actually figured it out, but so what? As long as I devour you, all this will be mine!"

On the opposite side, Yueluan was full of black air, and rushed towards the calm and simple.

"Good come!"

The simple movement of the body that turned into a soul has already put away the immortal energy around him and changed it to run the magic energy. The pure magic energy made the heart demon Yueluan rushing over more and more salivate, and opened his blood basin. He took a big bite.

With a slight movement of her spiritual consciousness, a layer of golden light adhered to the surface of her soul body. The mouth that the demon bit down firmly corroded half of her mouth. Echoes in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He simply picked out his ears and said very speechlessly:

"This is my sea of ​​consciousness, what's your ghost name?"

"You actually have a meritorious golden light shield!"

The corrosion is still going on, but the inner demons dare not get close to the simple soul body.

"What? You rushed into my sea of ​​consciousness and wanted to devour me without finding out clearly?"

"I took the lead, thinking I could get my body this time!"

The heart demon has the heart to cry, no wonder those big bosses don't get close to this female fairy, he thought that he was fast enough, so he succeeded in picking up the leak, it turned out that those big guys had already seen the clue and knew It couldn't swallow the spirit of this female fairy at all, so it didn't move forward at all.

Although the inner demon was showing weakness, it was simple but did not relax at all. This was her own sea of ​​consciousness. Something went wrong, and only she was affected, so the next moment her soul body turned into the real body of Zhan Shura, and the whole soul quickly Swelling, he raised his hand and directly grabbed the demon in his hand.

Looking at the real body of the demon fairy in front of him, Xin Mo knew that he had kicked the iron plate this time, so he had to struggle desperately:

"This magic fairy, you and I are of the same origin, please let me go!"

"Don't worry, it's not easy for you to come here. Answer me a few questions first."

The simple big hand gradually tightened, and the golden light of merit attached to it caused the inner demons tormented, and the screams overflowed unconsciously.

"Why did you turn into Yueluan?"

Yue Luan, who had become a demon, heard the question at this time, and was still thinking about how to perfunctory it, but was simply torn off by an arm, and was instantly corroded by the golden light of merit

The demon screamed, and the black mist on her body faded a bit, and she immediately begged for mercy:

"I said, please show mercy!"


"I entered your sea of ​​consciousness, and used my innate skills to see that Yueluan and you have cause and effect. Either you or she will die, and only one of you can survive. That's why I turned into her, trying to seriously injure your soul, and then Instead!"

"What else?"

"No more, that's all. My ability is limited, and I only got a glimpse of this little bit!"

In the palm of the simple palm, the inner demon shrank again.

"Unfortunately, it would be great if there was a powerful one! Maybe I can get more hints!"

He simply said to himself, then raised his hand and directly pinched the demon into a ball the size of an egg, and then locked him in the cage made of golden light of merit, and the next moment his soul returned to his body.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw Yanagawa dancing crazily, sending all the Zerg monsters flying away.

"Woman, you finally woke up, I thought you were swallowed by demons!"

Liu Chuan felt the familiar atmosphere, and his tone became a little lighter.

As Jian Jian opened his eyes, the purple thunder dissipated in an instant, and the dark clouds above his head turned into white clouds, and then the heavens sent down rewards, and colorful rays of light fell from the sky, directly shining on Jian Jian's body, quickly repairing the damaged skin, and then began to mend The meridians riddled with holes in Simple's body were struck by lightning.

Jian Jian didn't have the time to sit there and wait for recovery. Those Zerg monsters rushed up again. She jumped off the high ground and came out of the encirclement. Then she said directly to Liu Chuan:
"Strangle them!"

"You haven't consolidated your cultivation yet!"

This time Liu Chuan directly pierced the monster's eye, with a left eye coming in and a right eye coming out, directly strangling a monster.

Simple immediately shouted loudly:
"Xianjun, come and save your juniors, if you don't come, I will be blood splashed on the spot!"

As soon as the words fell, a sword light decapitated the Zerg monsters surrounding Jianjian.

Jian Jian breathed a sigh of relief this time, fell down and sat on the ground, and began to devour the gift of heaven. This time Liu Chuan directly inserted into the ground and grew into a thick willow tree. The wicker quickly extended to form a green balloon, wrapping his owner Among them, the protection is airtight.

Immortal Qing Ji knew she was wrong, and after killing all those high-level Zerg monsters, she drove the rest to the outskirts of the Xiping Mountain Range, and then a thick male voice echoed over the entire Xiping Mountain Range:
"The Zerg monsters are hiding in the Xiping Mountains. After being found and killed, some escaped monsters. All the immortals who have experienced in the Xiping Mountains, please cooperate and strangle them!"

A sentence was repeated three times, making sure everyone in the mountains heard it.

Immortal Lord Qing Ji didn't have the idea of ​​solving problems for the old man in the west. She was doing her best to spread the word. It is an unwritten rule to deal with the monsters in her own territory. Let's see if she can lure Yue Luan.

At this time, the immortals who had experienced in various places in the mountains immediately began to look for their companions after receiving the warning, and prepared to gather together and act in unison. After all, it was the first time they encountered Zerg monsters. When they saw pictures in the jade slips before, I thought it was a monster from the Demon Realm, far away from them, but I didn't expect that these monsters had already touched their noses, it was really frightening to think carefully.

Immortals who already had some conspiracy theories began to think that the immortals who had gone missing in the Xiping Mountains before had probably become nourishment for monsters. Some people even thought that these monsters must have been helped by some people, otherwise how would they sneak into Xiping? For those who settled down in the mountains, all kinds of communication talismans flew around in the mountains all at once, and the news spread out at the fastest speed.

Of course, there are also experienced immortals who believe that this is someone who deliberately created chaos and did not form a group, but they also moved to the periphery at the fastest speed, preparing to leave the right and wrong place of Xiping Mountains as soon as possible.

It's a pity that these lonely immortals encountered Zerg monsters fleeing in all directions. The lucky ones escaped, and the unlucky ones directly became the nourishment for these monsters to grow.

The individual immortals who escaped returned to Xiping Xiancheng in a state of embarrassment to warn the police, confirming the reliability of the news.

And Jian Jian just finished repairing the last meridian at this time, and introduced the pure celestial power into her dantian, and successfully advanced to the Jiutianxuan fairyland. At this time, the celestial phenomenon of the advanced stage slowly formed above her head.

A spinning wheel of fortune in the sky, with the phantoms of the Silent Sword and Moyue Zhan on the left and right of it, and at the bottom is a Yin-Yang Taiji plate holding three phantoms.

Immortal Lord Qing Ji looked at this advanced celestial phenomenon, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he immediately raised his hand to disperse it, preventing it from being exposed in the air.

"How do you break up the promotional celestial phenomena of your own juniors?"

A lazy male voice came into Qing Ji's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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