Chapter 1578
Xianjun Qingji curled her lips, glanced at the man in a red golden-pattern robe and narrowed her eyes, and asked angrily:
"Shoudian, what are you doing here? Aren't you in retreat?"

"How come you can come, but I can't? Are you recovering from your injury?"

Shoudian Xianjun glanced at Qing Ji with peach blossom eyes, and asked mercilessly.

"I was injured, and I didn't fall into evil spirits. After recovering from my injuries, I would naturally leave the customs. But you, didn't the old man who picked up the stars say that you would be a fallen demon? Why did Immortal King Ziyin let you out?"

come!Hurt each other!Both are immortals, who doesn't know who!

"Tsk, of course it's because he misread it. Aren't I standing in front of you right now? Do you think I have signs of evil?"

Shoudian stroked his sleeve lightly, and said in a leisurely manner.

Immortal Lord Qing Ji has raised her vigilance since the other party appeared. After a little feeling, she found that this guy's aura is calm and solid. The sense of danger is also gone.

"Tsk, what kind of shit luck did you have, to actually dissolve all the evil spirit in your body?"

Qing Ji retracted her sword, squinted her eyes and asked.

"It's not bad! I've always been lucky! You haven't said why you want to break up the simple astronomical phenomenon?"

Shoudian said with a smile.

"This is about my Jane's family, it has nothing to do with you!"

Qing Ji directly rejected the other party's questioning.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's the family crest of your Jane family, 'Wheel of Fortune'!"

The peach-blossom eyes of the guardian of the hall were raised, and he said to himself.

"Of course, Jian Jian is a direct descendant of my Jian family, so he is naturally worthy of this family emblem. Is there any problem?"

Qing Ji said angrily.

"A celestial phenomenon of the advanced line of the Jian family that I recognized halfway is actually the wheel of fate. I remember that other direct disciples of your family don't have such astronomical phenomena."

Shoudian continued.

"What do you ask so much about? What does it have to do with you?"

Qing Ji knew that she couldn't defend the palace, so she just played badly, but didn't answer the other party's questions.

And the peach blossom eyes of Shoudian narrowed even more. There is really no silver three hundred taels here. It seems that he has to re-evaluate Jian Jian's status in Jian's family.

Then he continued lazily:
"Of course it has something to do with it. Jian Jian is my proud disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect's Artifact Refining Peak, and he is also my favorite successor to Shou Zong Dian."

"It's simple to be inherited by the Jian family, so I don't care about your position as the palace master."

Qing Ji rolled her eyes and said.

"Oh! It turns out that Jian Jian is the default heir of your Jane family."

Shoudian said with a smile.

Qing Ji glared directly at the other party, and was actually tricked by this guy!

The villain in her heart is crazily stabbing at the guard, she wants to draw her sword!
It just happened that Jian Jian got up at this time, and gave himself a cleansing formula, and Yu Kong came to find Qing Xianjun Ji, and the two sides also suspended the dialogue of each other's routines.

When Jian Jian saw the Immortal Lord Qing Ji, who was guarding the temple in a red-bottomed golden-pattern robe, he frowned, stepped forward and saluted:

"I have met the guardian fairy, congratulations on your smooth exit!"

"Why can't the battlefield hold you, and send you back to the fairyland?"

Shoudian asked with a smile.

"Hey, it's just a coincidence!"

Simply and modestly said.

His Royal Highness held the Miao Dao in his hand for a moment, and slashed towards the void with his backhand. A black shadow fell from the air, and before it hit the ground, the opponent turned into a black shadow, split into pieces, and fled in different directions.

But Immortal Qing Ji shot out half a breath behind, with five swords in a row, slashed at the five black shadows that split out of it, and simply swung his sword backhand, attacking those black shadows two breaths behind.

And the red sword light of Shoudian Xianjun has been following one of the shadows to attack:
"Last time you were lucky, the Immortal King rescued you, this time I want to see if she dares to rescue you!"

The aura of Shoudian changed, and the red saber light became more hostile, cutting off the fleeing black shadow at the waist, a figure fell out of it, crushed the teleportation talisman in his hand in the next breath, and wanted to leave the west. Ping Mountains.

It's a pity that he has already escaped from under the guard's nose once, this time the guard will not give the opponent any chance, and directly blocked the surrounding space, preventing the opponent from using the teleportation talisman.

Immediately, the red knife light rushed into the opponent's body, and the black figure in human form revealed the black carapace of the Zerg. This time, the shadow was cut out of its original shape by the red knife light.

Because Yingying felt that the natural formations set up in the Xiping Mountains seemed to be under attack, he immediately left the Dongting Immortal Mansion and went to investigate the reality. After all, there was a lair they had been running for a long time, but they heard a warning on the way , he knew that the place where new monsters were bred must have been exposed.

He wanted to find out who did it, so he took a shortcut and arrived at the place where the lair was one step ahead of the other immortals. He slowly touched it, but before he heard anything, he was discovered by the palace guard .

He remembered that this fairy was the one who chased and killed him outside Zhusha City last time. Fortunately, his master helped him, otherwise he would have been killed long ago. Unfortunately, he was not so lucky every time, and this time he could not escape death.

At such a short distance, the master would definitely not try to save him in order not to be exposed, so when he was beheaded, he destroyed the sea of ​​consciousness to ensure that Yueluan would not be exposed.

In fact, he was a bit superfluous. The guard came here to confirm Jian Jian's safety, the little girl is too capable of fluttering, and also to confirm Jian Jian's previous speculation.

Simply looking at the black and red carapace, he curled his lips into a smile:
"It really is a high-level intelligent Zerg!"

"This is the bug that was rescued from my hand last time! It's just a new skin!"

The guard is very determined.

"Tsk, there are times when you miss the guard?"

Qing Ji immediately said sarcastically.

"It was the Immortal King who shot, I was a little late."

Shoudian generously admitted.

Qing Ji curled her lips after hearing this, and continued:

"Is it the Yueluan Immortal King who is simply suspicious?"

"The possibility is very high, that's why I came here. One is to protect it simply, and the other is to find out whether this Yueluan is a human or a bug."

"Simple, with my protection, I won't bother you!"

Xianjun Qing Ji waved his hand.

"You two immortals, let's get out of here first!"

Simple and helpless, I could only speak out to stop the two big bosses who were about to continue to choke.

"Go, go back to the inn first."

Qing Ji rolled over Jian Jian directly, and disappeared over the Xiping Mountains in an instant, the guard shook his head helplessly, and disappeared in the next breath.

Yueluan looked at the cracked teacup in front of her, and frowned her beautiful brows. This was not a good sign, and she could feel the fall of the shadow in the next breath.

She bit her red lips lightly, stood up suddenly, and wanted to leave the cave, but in the next moment she returned to her original position and sat down slowly.

She is not suitable to appear outside now, the fall of the shadow is a warning, she can't expose it, then she took out a message bead, entered a message, and waited for the other party's response.

(End of this chapter)

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