Chapter 1579 See Through Identity
Yueluan didn't wait long before she received a reply. Looking at the message, she was so angry that she almost gritted her silver teeth.

The lair in the Xiping Mountains was taken away by someone, and it was widely advertised. Now the immortals in the entire Xiping Fairy City are gathering, ready to enter the mountains to strangle the Zerg army they cultivated, and rescue those who have experienced in the Xiping Mountains. .

Among them are not only the immortals of the Western Immortal Realm, but also the immortals of several other domains. If these people were killed by monsters and fell in the Xiping Mountains, they would really be slapping the Western Immortal Realm in the face.

And the news that the Western Immortal Emperor is experiencing three declines and five calamities is also spreading secretly, which makes Yue Luan's frown relax. She thinks this is good news. Chaos for a while, and she might be able to find a way to take the other party instead.

At this time, Immortal King Junli had been completely forgotten by her, because the other party was already a puppet in her eyes, and he had no strength to compete with her at all.

At this time, the Western Immortal Emperor, after experiencing the third failure, the cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor Realm is already on the verge of collapse, and he could fall back to the Immortal Monarch Realm at any time, while the Western Immortal Emperor in a state of feigned death has a grim face, trying his best to stabilize his body Breath, he didn't know it yet, and his first catastrophe was coming soon.

Qing Ji appeared in the inn she rented in a simple manner, then waved her big hand and said directly:

"You don't need to worry about the rest, you can retreat with peace of mind and stabilize your cultivation."

He simply arched his hands, then opened the formation placed in a corner of the cave, and took out the Moon Mirror, and the figure of Yin Yue appeared in front of the two of them at the next breath, and bowed respectfully:
"Fairy, I have spread the news about Western Immortal Emperor, Junli, and Yueluan by using my mirror image, and now the entire Xiping Immortal City has been disrupted.

Immortal King Yueluan is very cunning, and actually used Anna's incident as an excuse. It is said that the fairy fetus slipped, her cultivation base fell, and she went to retreat directly to heal her wounds. Instead, she gained a lot of sympathy. Everyone thought she was used by Jun Li. Junli's reputation got even worse.

And the news that the Western Immortal Emperor is experiencing three declines and five calamities, I also released it to the News Pavilion. I believe that several other Immortal Emperors have already received the news. "

"Well, you did a good job! I said why Yueluan didn't show up that time. It turned out that she was here to pretend to be hurt and avoid gossip."

Jian Jian squinted his eyes, thinking that Yue Luan was very intelligent, but it was a pity that he hadn't been able to meet him, otherwise Zhima would definitely be able to find out the other party's details.

"You are the spirit of Wu Yi's fairy weapon, the bright mirror!"

Shoudian's slightly surprised voice appeared in the cave.

In the next breath, the figure of guarding the palace appeared in the cave, with a pair of peach blossom eyes looking at Qi Ling Yinyue.

"You are a real person, you came here uninvited!"

Qing Ji said with some disgust.

This time Shoudian did not refute, but looked at Yinyue, waiting for the other party's answer.

Simply raised her eyebrows, she didn't know that the Shoudian Xianjun actually knew Wu Yi Fairy, this is really a coincidence.

Yinyue looked at the guard hall with her beautiful eyes, and then looked at Jian Jian. After seeing Jian Jian and nodding slightly, she bowed respectfully to the guard hall:
"My body was shattered by the Western Immortal Emperor. After I escaped into the secret realm of Yunshang Palace, I was sealed for 30,000 years. After the secret realm was reopened, I met Fairy Jian and got a new body. Now my name is Yinyue."

"What happened at that time? When I returned from the battlefield, I only heard the news of Wu Yi's death, but I couldn't find anything more specific!"

Shoudian asked.

Jian Jian did not interrupt the reminiscence between the two, but asked the old ancestor Qing Ji who was eating melons beside her:

"Xianjun, Shoudian is familiar with Wu Yi?"

"It's a friend! Only a good-natured person like Wu Yi can become friends with someone like Shou Dian who has eyes on the top of his head.

However, this guy who guards the palace is quite loyal. After he left the battlefield, he learned of Wu Yi's unexplained fall, so he came to the Western Immortal Realm to find that old guy, the Western Immortal Emperor. As soon as he left the battlefield, his body was overwhelmed with evil spirit, so he was directly sent back to Immortal Sword Sect.

And this matter was also confirmed by the old man who picked the stars in the Star Picking Building in the Southern Immortal Territory, so the guard of the palace was regarded as a failure, and then he retreated, and then he was promoted to the Immortal Monarch Realm, but he seldom travels outside , I reckon that the evil spirit in his body was not completely eradicated at that time, and he must have been suppressed by Immortal King Ziyin to cultivate himself.

Otherwise, with his vengeful temperament, it would be abnormal not to seek Junli and Yueluan's bad luck! "

After listening briefly, he nodded his head to express his understanding. It was indeed something that the guard would do, because he broke his natal sword and gave him the blood-colored seedling knife. Naturally, it took him time to refine the seedling knife. Jun shot neatly, and the Miao Dao was completely used by him.

And now Qingji Xianjun has come to his side for a while, which proves that the jade slip of news about Tianjun and Tianli must have been sent to Jian's house, and Immortal Sword Sect must have received it, otherwise Shoudian would not come in person.

He said before that it was to protect himself, but he simply thought about it, he came here to find bad luck for Junli and Yueluan, and it was just incidental to take care of her.

On the other side, the guard on the other side learned the truth about Wu Yi's fall from Yinyue. Of course, Yinyue didn't say anything about the Qi Luck Pearl. She only said that the Immortal Emperor intercepted Wu Yi's luck and passed it on to himself, so He was promoted to the Immortal Emperor Realm so smoothly, and he wanted to continue to use Wu Yi to provide luck for his disciple Junli. He fell after Wu Yi found out that he was resisting.

Shoudian fumbled with his fingers, and after listening to the story, he said to Jian Jian:
"Simple, you let Yinyue return to the fairy world again, and solved my long-standing doubts. I owe you a favor."

"You don't have to thank me. I reached an agreement with Yinyue at that time. Now that the news of Wu Yi's demise is spreading, I believe that more and more people will know the truth, and they will always be able to seek justice for Fairy Wu Yi."

This time Shoudian nodded, squinted his peach blossom eyes and continued:
"The old man Western Immortal Emperor is now in three declines and five calamities. Someone will definitely take advantage of the fire, why don't we also intervene."

"Let's not meddle in this matter. You and I are still some distance away from the realm of the Immortal Emperor. Let's find out the details of that Yueluan!"

Qingji Xianjun rejected the suggestion of guarding the palace.

"What Xianjun said is that I haven't seen this Yueluan yet, and some things are hard to judge."

Simply support your ancestors.

"If she is really the backstage of the Zerg in the Western Immortal Territory, there is a problem with the lair in the Xiping Mountains. It is impossible for her to do nothing. We will meet her tonight."

Qing Ji said directly.

"Okay, listen to you."

Shoudian didn't insist. After all, Yueluan was responsible for Wu Yi's downfall, and she was suspected of being a Zerg spy, so it was also very important to confirm the other party's identity.

"You two immortals, I must go with you this time."

 Babies, here comes the sixth update, Fengling worked hard today!It has been codewords since noon, everyone, take a rest early after reading, and the update will continue tomorrow, please allow Fengling to make up lessons slowly!Good night!
(End of this chapter)

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