Chapter 1580 Unity of Opinion


Qing Ji and Shou Dian spoke almost simultaneously.

Jian Jian rolled his eyes in his heart, then smiled and said:

"It's rare for the two immortals to have such a unified opinion!"

"Needless to say, we will not agree to this matter. After all, the other party is in the Immortal King Realm. Although there are rumors that she fell into the Immortal King Realm because of the slipping of the fairy fetus, who can guarantee that this is true? Didn't you fall into a trap for the news she released on purpose?

I joined forces with Shoudian and I can't beat the Immortal King, but at least we can escape. If we take you with us, we won't be able to take care of you at that time, so we will be passive. "

Qing Ji's attitude was very firm this time.

"Listen to your ancestor, if you want to find out the truth, just lend us your sesame seeds."

Shoudian said with a smile.

A simple look at the two people's attitude is so firm that they can only compromise. If the two immortals are really involved, it will be her who is unlucky. Then Yueluan knows her true identity, and she will probably eat her alive and extract her soul. She is still very persuasive.

"Okay, I'll listen to the two seniors. I will lend you both Zhima and Yinyue. Zhima can confirm Yueluan's Zerg identity, and Yinyue can isolate the space and create illusions, allowing her to appear as Wu Yi. By the way Let’s blow up Immortal King Yueluan again.”

Jian Jian handed the Yinyue mirror back to the guard, Qi Ling Yinyue bowed to Jian Jian, turned into a streamer and returned to the mirror, then simply touched his earlobe, pulled out the sleeping sesame, looked at it The corner of the other party's mouth was filled with suspicious crystal liquid, the corner of his mouth twitched, and then he rubbed it.

"Oh! Master, please lighten up! The sesame seeds are going to be rubbed to death by you!"

"I have crossed the tribulation this time, and you have gained a lot of benefits. How is your cultivation?"

simply asked with a smile.

Sesame is already awake, twisting her little fleshy body to reveal her belly, showing Jian Jian the golden thread hidden in the folds.

"Master, the fifth golden thread will be fully grown soon."

Sesame said slightly smugly.

"Well, it's not bad! In the past few days, you follow Xianjun Qingji to see that Yueluan."

Only then did Zhima turn her head, looking at Immortal Qing Ji who was staring at her with bright eyes, her small body trembled, and her tail cocked carefully:
"Sesame pays respects to Immortal Lord Qing Ji!"

"It's the first time I've seen an Immortal Gu, so small, what can it do?"

Immortal Lord Qing Ji started directly, pinched the sesame and looked up, down, left, and right, and then asked simple questions.

"Cough! Sesame is an Immortal Gu, which can command hundreds of insects, and some low-level Zergs can also be controlled by him. I can successfully sneak into the Zerg's territory in the battlefield, and it is all thanks to Sesame to cover me. As long as he is by my side, No Zerg can possess me.

Furthermore, Sesame can also control people through worms. He is now at the fourth level of the Immortal Grade, a fairy below the Nine Heavens Profound Realm, as long as there are his worms in his body, he can control them. "

Explained with a simple smile.

Zhima proudly puffed out her chest, although it wasn't very obvious.

"I didn't see it, but it's not a small thing."

After Qing Ji studied the sesame, she followed suit and put the sesame on the earrings on the earlobe, and the sesame continued to disguise as an ornament.

After everything was ready, the night came as scheduled, Shou Dian and Qing Ji disappeared from the guest room, this time they went to Dongting Immortal Mansion.

Because Zerg monsters appeared in the Xiping Mountains during the day, Junli mobilized people around and arranged for the guards of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion to enter the Xiping Mountains to eliminate the monsters, so he did not return to the Dongting Immortal Mansion. The most important thing was that he wanted to be closer to the master. If something really happened, he could handle it easily.

With such a good excuse this time, Junli directly transferred Steward Zeng to be the team leader, and led the guards of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion to the Xiping Mountains to strangle the monsters.

According to the immortals who have escaped, there is chaos in the Xiping Mountains now. Those monsters not only attack the immortals, but also all kinds of immortal beasts and immortal plants in the mountains, and all the resources that promote cultivation have been squandered by them. The beast had to relocate with its family, and had conflicts with the immortals on the way to escape. In short, it was a mess.

When Steward Zeng heard that he was asked to lead the team, the boss didn't like it. It was obvious that he wanted to dismiss him, but this time Junli was very tough:

"I have been in Bibohai for more than a year. Didn't you get along well with the guards of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion? This time you will lead the team. I believe they will definitely obey your orders. The order I received from the Immortal Emperor, Just let me sit in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, so it is inconvenient for me to leave."

Manager Zeng had no choice but to bring the guards of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion to the Xiping Mountains, but he didn't know that Junli had already arranged his confidants among the guards, so that Manager Zeng would definitely be gone forever. , How could he be suppressed by a steward.

So it is doomed that this time the Xiping Mountains and his party, Mr. Zeng will never return!After making these arrangements, Jun Li went to his master's cave every day to feel the master's aura, but because of the restriction, he didn't dare to break through it forcefully, so he got nothing.

And that day the guard reported to himself that a man who claimed to be old man Wu was spreading news around Xiancheng, talking about the fall of Junior Sister Wu Yi back then, and even the details were very accurate, and as the person involved, he was also a little restless , Could it be that Wu Yi's people came to take revenge?

But when the other party mentioned the Qi Luck Orb, he really didn't know. Could it be that, as the rumors said, the master was able to advance to the Immortal Emperor Realm because of the Qi Luck Orb, but there were also rumors that it was the Soul Resurrection Orb. At that time, he didn't know which one was real and which one was fake. After all, he had never seen these two things with Wu Yi.

At this time, he was a little regretful. After becoming a fairy couple, he put all his thoughts on Yueluan and ignored Wu Yi, so that after she fell, her storage bracelet was taken away by the master. If there is anything , Master got it too, he didn't get anything, and even got into a commotion.

Just as Junli was thinking about it, a thin layer of white mist slowly floated around. As time passed, the mist became thicker and thicker, and even blocked his sight, which made Junli realize that something was wrong. He waved his sleeves directly, trying to clear the mist away, but unfortunately, within two breaths, the place where it cleared was once again filled with white mist.

"Who? Dare to come to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion to make trouble!"

Jun Li shouted sharply.

But what responded to him was still a thick white mist that could not be melted away, and there was nothing. Then a red knife light slashed towards Junli's back, and he immediately teleported. He could have easily dodged it, but unfortunately he was caught by the red The light of the sword sliced ​​open the immortal robe, and a ray of red aura pierced his back, instantly penetrated into his body, and began to wreak havoc along the meridians.

The sharp and evil saber aura tore apart every inch of his meridians, Jun Li jumped in his heart, this saber aura was really evil, he immediately raised his hand and counted on himself urgently, cutting off the meridians, preventing the knife from opening. Qi continues to destroy his body.

Then Jun Li held his natal sword, spread his consciousness, swung the sword in the thick fog, and attacked the place where the red light appeared.

 Boys, good noon!Fengling continues to update today.

  To answer the more controversial parts of your comments:
  First of all, the character of Shoudian Xianjun is more domineering, but he has real skills, and mainly suppresses the education of the heroine, because the heroine has good luck and can often turn danger into safety, so he will be a little drifting. This It's time to pour cold water, especially the strength and combat power of the guard, the current heroine really can't keep up;
  Secondly, this article is a heroine article, there is no male protagonist, and the male characters are all supporting roles, which play the role of extending the storyline, so you don't have to worry that Fengling will turn the article into a love and cultivation article;
  Third, Fengling is still the same old saying. Individuals have their own personal reading preferences. If you don’t accept Fengling’s settings and stories, you can just click Quit and stop reading. There is no need to leave malicious remarks and give a very low score;

  Fourth, it's incredible that Fengling's essays were hacked by someone!
  Finally, thanks to all the friends who follow the article, Fengling will continue to work hard!

(End of this chapter)

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