Chapter 1581 Mantis Catching Cicadas
Junli's white sword light came instantly, but it didn't hit anyone. Instead, it touched the restraint in front of the Immortal Emperor's cave. The restraint bounced the sword light back and hit Junli. He didn't use all his strength, but even so, the power of the sword light that bounced back was twice as powerful as before. After he dissolved the sword light, everything returned to dead silence.

Shoudian and Qing Ji, who were hidden in the dark, looked at each other, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

"It seems that this Junli is really useless, and he can't even avoid the attack of a fairy like me."

Shoudian voice transmission.

"Simply speaking before, she teamed up with her own pet, and once plotted against Junli, she said that his strength had dropped drastically. I thought it was simply bragging. Although the other party's strength had fallen, I didn't expect it to be so serious."

Qing Ji also replied via voice transmission.

"Tsk, Simple is quite courageous. When she plotted against Junli, she didn't advance to the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm, did she?"

The peach blossom eyes who guarded the palace narrowed slightly and asked.

"It doesn't seem to be, but she has a sense of proportion!"

"Just get used to her! Don't be afraid that she will poke a hole in the sky!"

Shoudian was speechless.

"Don't worry, even if the hole is really poked, my Jian family will make it up, so don't bother the Shoudian Xianjun!"

Qing Ji choked.

"Yueluan went to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion privately, so she also wanted to confirm the specific situation of the Western Immortal Emperor?"

Shoudian directly changed the subject.

"The possibility is very high. She is now in the Immortal King Realm, and she has absorbed Junli's cultivation base. If the Western Immortal Emperor really falls into the dust during the three declines and five calamities, she has the opportunity to replace him, and she will definitely open up for the Zerg race." The door of convenience."

Qing Ji frowned.

It turned out that when the two sneaked into the Dongting fairy mansion and touched the place where Yueluan was retreating, they happened to see Yueluan leaving the cave where she was retreating, avoiding the guards at the entrance of the cave. Under the cover of the opponent, he fell behind the opponent.

During this period, Yueluan changed her clothes twice, and at the end she was dressed in black, covering her whole body tightly, and went straight to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion.

"If you hadn't been staring at her all the time, it wouldn't be easy to find out that the other party was Yueluan."

Because of the cover of Yinyue Mirror, the two of them kept secret, followed Yueluan to avoid the guards of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, went directly to the cave where the Immortal Emperor was retreating, and found that Junli was already guarding there.

Afterwards, Yueluan made a trick and released a white mist, which disturbed Junli, and he took the opportunity to approach the cave where the Immortal Emperor retreated. However, Shoudian and Qingji didn't want Yueluan to succeed, so they directly attacked Junli secretly, which aroused Junli's panic Vigilant, after he fought back, he happened to touch the restriction of the Immortal Emperor's retreat, making Yueluan unable to do anything for a while.

And the movement here was also intentionally dropped by Yinyue Mirror over the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, which alarmed the guards in the mansion. What everyone saw was Junli attacking a restriction in a cave mansion, and the leader of the guards knew that it was the Immortal Emperor's mansion. The place where the emperor retreated.

Qing Ji and Shou Dian tested Jun Li's depth, and then turned their gazes to Yue Luan who was hidden:

"We can't let Junli sing a one-man show, we try to expose Yueluan's identity."

Qing Ji secretly poked the sound transmission guarding the palace.

"Well, that's exactly what I mean too!"

Immediately, the two teamed up and directly attacked the void where Yueluan was hiding. One red and one blue attacked, wrapped in the aura of a sharp sword, and went straight to Yueluan.

Yueluan is not as good as Junli. When she sensed that she was being attacked, she immediately teleported away from her current position, and then made a backhanded sword. At this time, it was Yinyue's turn to strike. She held her own body and directly stabbed Yueluan The attack was reflected to Junli's position.

It was as if the two were fighting in the air, Yueluan's attack was passed on to Junli, while Shoudian and Qingji's attacks were strengthened by Yinyuejing and fell on Yueluan, Junli was beaten passively , The whole Immortal Emperor's Mansion saw the embarrassed look.

For a while, the Immortal Emperor's Mansion was very lively, and Jun Li also noticed that the attacking force was very familiar, so he roared through gritted teeth:

"Yueluan, why hide your head and show your tail? Others can't recognize you. I have been with you day and night for thousands of years. How could I not recognize you! What do you want to do? You want to replace Master while he is in retreat!"

Junli's roar naturally spread throughout the Immortal Emperor's Mansion through the Yinyue Mirror.

Yin Yuejing exposed Yue Luan's figure at the right time. Although she was dressed in black and her aura was covered up, Jun Li recognized her at a glance and immediately slashed at her with a sword.

Yueluan frowned, she clearly felt that the person she was fighting with was not Junli, why did Junli call out her identity, she didn't respond to the other party at all, she was exposed today, she could no longer approach the retreat place of the Immortal Emperor, she He simply crushed the positioning teleportation talisman in his hand, and left first.

Yinyue would not let the other party go so easily. She had sealed off the space in this area, so when Yue Luan crushed the teleportation talisman, she also moved, directly cutting off the other party's transmission channel, and teleporting Yue Luan Arrived in front of Junli.

Yueluan immediately sensed something was wrong, and directly backhanded a sword, attacking Junli, without a trace of mercy, Junli's horizontal sword blocked her chest, and was still forced back a few steps by the opponent's attack.

Since Junli became famous, he has never suffered such a disadvantage. He gritted his teeth and started to fight back. For a moment, swords, lights and swords flew together. In just a few breaths, the two had fought more than a hundred moves, and Junli did not gain the upper hand at all.

Yinyue also withdrew her space blockade in time, because she had already sensed that the guards of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion were coming this way, so she returned to the Yinyue mirror, and after being put into the storage ring by the guard, the two also remained silent They withdrew from the range of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, because the two felt a strong aura overflowing from the place where the Western Immortal Emperor was retreating, and they didn't want to be caught by the Immortal Emperor.

Yueluan also felt the aura of the Western Immortal Emperor, and she didn't want to fight. She directly forced Junli back with a sword, and then disappeared, but she still took a breath, and the voice of the Western Immortal Emperor echoed throughout the Immortal Emperor's Mansion:
"Where did Xiaoxiao come from, to dare to act wildly in front of me!"

Immediately, a space blade landed on Yueluan's back, seriously injuring him, and blood overflowed from the corner of her lips. Yueluan didn't dare to make a sound, and fled away immediately. If she was forced to stay, she would really say no Clear.


Junli is the happiest, Master took action, it proves that he is fine, the so-called news that his master is experiencing three declines and five calamities, it will be self-defeating, but he doesn't know that Western Immortal Emperor is already a little bit I can't stand it anymore.

Immortal Emperor Xixi, who was in a state of suspended animation, woke up from the state of suspended animation because Junli's attack touched the restriction, and found that his condition had not improved, and was still intensifying. His apprentice was still fighting with a black man. The men in clothes fought, and it was obvious that the other party was coming towards him.

So he insisted on making a shot, seriously injuring the opponent, showing that he was fine, and no one could shake his position.

(End of this chapter)

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