Chapter 1582
The Western Immortal Emperor's aura was released as soon as it was released, and those who were waiting to become orioles immediately hid deeper. No one wanted to bear the Immortal Emperor's anger. The man in black who was attacked was obviously seriously injured, although he ran fast , but it is hard to say whether he can survive.

At this time, in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, a large group of guards had already rushed to the scene of the incident, and Jun Li was clutching his chest, kneeling on one knee and pleading guilty:

"Master, it's all because of the incompetence of the disciples that made you interrupt your comprehension!"

"Do a good job of dealing with the aftermath, and don't disturb my retreat in the short term!"

The voice of the Western Immortal Emperor came from the closed cave.

"Yes, the disciple has written it down!"

Immediately, the ban came down again, indicating that the Immortal Emperor continued to retreat, which made Jun Li heave a sigh of relief, and if the master pursued it, he would not be able to absolve himself of the blame.

He was also injured at this time, and the evil saber energy in his body was not forced out of his body, but now he has more important things to do.

Jun Li got up and said to the guard captain beside him:

"Take a group of people and follow me to the Dongting Immortal Mansion. The person I fought with just now seems to be the Immortal King Yueluan!"

Junli, who suffered a loss, didn't think about covering for Yueluan at all, and said directly.

After hearing this, the captain of the guard frowned, but still cupped his hands and said:
"Immortal King, you are wounded."

"It's okay, I was plotted against by Xiao Xiao, so follow me first!"

Immediately, Jun Li took his people and rushed to Dongting Immortal Mansion in a hurry.

After Shoudian and Qingji left the range of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, they did not return to the inn in a hurry, but went to Dongting Immortal Mansion together with aspirations, and then the two of them made a decisive attack and directly joined hands to break the ban on Yueluan's retreat. By the way, she destroyed her cave mansion with a knife, so that the guards guarding the door could see clearly that there was no one in the cave mansion, so she left the Dongting Immortal Mansion.

As soon as the two left, Yueluan came back. She saw the broken restriction and the broken cave, and knew that someone destroyed her cave first, and the purpose was to expose the fact that she was not in the cave.

An angry Yueluan fell on her back. She knew that with Junli's temperament, she would destroy her identity in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, and she would definitely come back as soon as possible to prove that she was not in the Dongting Immortal Mansion. At that time, she would be passive , and gave the opponent a chance to stand up.

Yueluan showed a cold smile, and appeared in front of the guard. The six insect legs stretched out behind her, and quickly pierced into the guard's body. In just two breaths, she sucked him dry. The guard He was so terrified that he didn't even have a chance to call for help.

Yueluan moved her feet and threw off the mummy, and [-]% of her injuries have recovered, except for her pale face, there is no flaw.

Then she directly waved her sleeves, releasing a giant black beetle, and transformed herself into the number one beauty in the fairy world, holding a red silk at this time, fighting the beetle.

It took less than 3 minutes from when Yueluan's cave was broken, to when she arrived in time to make amends, and then to alerting the immortals in the mansion, and rushing to the scene of the battle, it took less than [-] minutes before and after. government people.

And the battle between Yueluan and the giant black beetle came to an end. Hong Ling pierced the beetle's membranous wings, and when the opponent's abdominal attack was not prepared, he directly cut off the opponent's head, and the entire beetle fell to the ground. A hole was smashed.

Jun Li, on the other hand, had a sullen face, stepped forward and said:
"Yueluan, did you go to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion just now?"

Yue Luan looked surprised, then frowned and said:
"Are you blind? Didn't you see that my cave was attacked by the Zerg? I only realized something was wrong when the bug attacked the restraint. When I came out, I found that the guard had been sucked dry by the bug." , I can only strangle him, and all the immortal servants in the Dongting Immortal Mansion have seen it! What do you mean by asking that?"

Jun Li frowned when he saw the situation at the scene. He saw his confidants lying on the ground and turned into mummified corpses, and then looked at the steward in the mansion.

"Reporting to Immortal King, Immortal King Yueluan's cave is under attack. We don't know where this giant black beetle came from. It was after the two sides exchanged hands that it alarmed us. When we came, it looked like this."

The steward was also puzzled.

Yueluan snorted coldly, took away her natal celestial weapon, looked straight at Junli and said:
"Junli, I lost my child, and my cultivation base has declined. You don't even care about it, but now you come to ask me to ask my teacher for my crimes. What did I do wrong? To be treated like this by you?"

Jun Li frowned and looked at Yue Luan, but didn't answer. He was very sure that the figure he saw was indeed Yue Luan, but the other party's cultivation base had fallen to the realm of Immortal Monarch, except for his ugly face, there was no sign of serious injury .

"Why don't you talk? I have nothing to say? Junli, I didn't do anything to apologize to you. Instead, because you are a mermaid, you are obsessed with sex and attracted a tsunami. Where are the people in the Western Immortal Territory? You Still think about it carefully, how will you explain it after the Immortal Emperor and his old man leave the customs!"

Yueluan's loud words spread to the ears of everyone present, and everyone lowered their heads, trying to pretend that they didn't exist. Knowing too much is sometimes not a good thing.

"Yueluan, don't talk nonsense, that Anna's death has nothing to do with me!"

Jun Li was a little worried when his scars were exposed.

"It has nothing to do with you! Do you dare to swear an oath to say that it has nothing to do with you?"

Yue Luan asked a little aggressively.

Now it's hard for Jun Li to answer the conversation, so he can only say:
"The clean is clean, don't mess around!"

"Hmph! Aren't you the one who messes around? I did something wrong and didn't even apologize. How do you let me deal with it? Although you and I have become a fairy couple, I always put you first and listen to you in everything. , but what did I lose in the end? The child is gone, the cultivation base has fallen, and you still have to question me! What do you rely on?"

Yueluan rubbed the center of her brows, and waved her hand to call in her immortal attendant, raised her hand to collect the things in the broken cave mansion, passed Junli directly, and was about to leave the Dongting fairy mansion.

Jun Li dodges and stands in front of Yue Luan:

"what are you going to do?"

"What are you doing? There is no place for me to live here. What am I still doing here? I'm going back to my Mingyue Immortal Mansion. If you want to incriminate me, you can come and find me, but it's best to bring real evidence. After all, I am also an Immortal King, and it is not something you can do with a touch of your upper and lower lips to convict that person who should not be charged with crimes."

Yueluan waved her sleeve robe directly, led the people, and left the Dongting Immortal Mansion in an open and honest manner.

There was such a big commotion here that someone had been secretly observing for a long time, and found that Yueluan had left Dongting Immortal Mansion and returned to her own Mingyue Immortal Mansion, and all parties started a new round of news transmission.

After Yueluan left, she said to the immortal attendant beside her:
"Propagate the confrontation between me and Junli just now, word for word! Since he wants to bite me, I will make him unable to gain a foothold in the Western Immortal Territory first."

"Yes, this subordinate will do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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