Chapter 1583 Half Man, Half Insect
Junli could only watch Yueluan leave, but he couldn't stop him. The other party was right. He had no evidence. If Yueluan bit him back, he would be the one who lost more than he gained, because Anna triggered a series of events. He is in an awkward position, and it is not suitable for him to tear himself apart with Yueluan for the time being.

Everyone in the mansion was watching their hearts, no one looked up, as if he didn't exist, Jun Li recruited his confidants, and ordered:

"Arrange someone to watch Yueluan secretly, what happened today is too coincidental."


The confidant immediately left the ruined yard and went to work.

"You guys clean up here again, I will bring Yueluan back in two days."

Junli ordered directly, and continued to whitewash the peace.

"Yes, Immortal King!"

After everyone agreed, they began to clean up the mess.

On the other side, Shou Dian and Qing Ji also returned to the inn after making sure that there was no tail following them, and saw Jian Jian who was waiting for them.

"Two immortals, is this trip going well?"

"It's quite rewarding!"

After Immortal Lord Qing Ji was seated, Jian Jian immediately poured a cup of immortal wine for his ancestor, and the guard on the other side coughed lightly, and Jian Jian also poured a cup for him in a numb manner.

Qing Ji stared at Shoudian, then touched her earlobe, put Zhima on the table, Zhima twisted her body, Xiao Zhima blinked, and then said:
"Master, I saw that Immortal King Yueluan. Her aura is not right. If she is a Zerg, she is not exactly like that."

Zhima twisted her body, thinking about how to explain.

She raised her eyebrows slightly after listening to it, but in fact, she could see clearly what happened through sharing her vision with Zhima, but her judgment on Yueluan was mainly based on Zhima.

Sesame crawled back and forth on the table, seeming to be thinking about how to explain it better, and Shoudian wanted to laugh when he saw it.

"Whether she is a Zerg or not, she is the Zerg's helper and our enemy. Now that the enemy is in the clear and I am in the dark, it is also convenient for us to operate."

Shoudian said with a smile.

Qing Ji nodded after hearing this, and did not object to Shoudian.

Jian Jian couldn't see Zhima's tangled appearance, so he said:
"The situation you mentioned, I encountered once in the lower realm. Her name is Bi Shu, she is a demon cultivator, she was born in Huanle City, and she was successfully possessed by a half-disabled black beetle larva."

With the simple narration, Zhima's eyes became brighter and brighter, and Shoudian and Qingji also listened with gusto.

"Before I ascended, Bi Shu was still cultivating, and she was already in the late stage of distraction. I believe that as long as she persisted, she would ascend sooner or later. However, her situation was special, because of the ebb and flow, that half of the bugs could not fully control the initiative. Instead, she was gradually assimilated, and her human side dominated, so she was on the side of our human race.

In the last battle of the lower realm, the Zerg channel that was temporarily broken open was because of the fragmentary information that Bi Shu received in advance, so I was able to make a guess based on these and blocked the gap in time.

According to Zhima, this Yueluan should also be half-human and half-worm, but I don't know what method the other party used to fuse Yueluan's soul and take the lead, so Zhima was somewhat confused. "

After the simple words fell, Zhima poked her tail and nodded frantically:

"Yes, as the master said, this is the case. As long as she does not reveal the characteristics of the Zerg, it will be difficult for us to expose her, unless the opponent is directly killed on the spot. However, her cultivation is not weak, and she can Only the Immortal Emperor can kill her with one blow, otherwise she will be harmed instead of being killed by a snake."

"Fortunately, we were cautious enough today. With the blessing of Yinyue Mirror, we didn't expose ourselves. Instead, we let her face off with Junli. This result is not bad."

Qing Ji said with a smile.

Jian Jian was thinking about how to let Yue Luan show her feet, so it wouldn't be good to wait passively all this time.

"When we left, the Western Immortal Emperor should have made a move. I guess Yueluan should be injured. Now is a good opportunity."

Shoudian is also thinking about the same problem.

"Don't worry, wait until tomorrow and see the reactions of all parties."

Immortal Lord Qing Ji is not in a hurry now. The pits that should be dug have been dug. Whether the opponent can enter the pits or not depends on the situation, and then adjust the deployment.

"It's rare, you didn't say you want to strike while the iron is hot."

Shoudian's peachy eyes narrowed, and he smiled at Xianjun Qing Qing.

"This is not in the battlefield, she is there, and it is not so easy to get out of our sight."

After Qing Ji finished speaking, she pointed the finger at Jian Jian:
"Little girl, don't worry about the rest of the matter for now, go to retreat to stabilize your cultivation, you must fully grasp the power of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm, otherwise you will be the one who suffers when facing the enemy."

"Yes, Xianjun, then I will leave the sesame seeds to you so that you can track down Yueluan?"

"No need, the Zerg want to plot against me and the guard, but we don't have enough time to deal with it ourselves."

Immortal Qing Ji waved his hands directly.

It just so happens that Sesame also wants to stay by Jian Jian’s side, mainly because he has not yet absorbed the resources collected from the South China Sea. This time, the master has advanced to the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm, and he has also gained some benefits. The fifth golden thread must grow.

Hearing Zhima's sound transmission, he simply waved his hand and put Zhima into the space. In the next breath, Sesame appeared on the bun on the top of Xiao Gushen's head, and Xiao Gushen trembled in shock:
"Sesame, are you back?"

"Well! Come back to retreat and advance. This time, the master advances, and I also get some benefits. You should send me to that piece of fairy fruit forest!"

Sesame was too lazy to move, and directly ordered Xiao Kuan to follow the path.


Xiao Gushen immediately agreed, as long as he was not allowed to play with him, he would be more than happy.

This time, Zhima chose the largest Yuyan fruit, drilled a hole, rolled up, and entered the state of cultivation. Xiao Gushen carefully marked the fruit, if it disturbs the old man to advance , it was him who was tossing.

After finishing all this work, Jian Jian also appeared in the space, and Xiao Gushen flashed to his master at the first time:

"Master, do you want to retreat for a while?"

"Well! You just got promoted, you need to stabilize your cultivation, you go and do your own work."

"Yes, if the master has any orders, just greet Gu Shen."

After saluting, Xiao Kuan went to his fairy planting garden. The tea leaves of Wudao tea had matured a few more, and he wanted to pick them off.

After simply dismissing the little ginseng, he dispersed his consciousness and inspected the entire space before returning to the practice room in the bamboo building and began to carefully study the "Immortal Law of Chaos in Heaven and Earth" and "The Art of Immortal Magic" in the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm Two exercises.

As far as the Jian family land in the Eastern Immortal Territory, the wheel of fortune in the secret place stopped flickering after being promoted to the Nine Heavens Xuan Immortal Realm, but the brightness has increased by a notch, and the wheel of fortune has turned a notch.

Southern Immortal Realm Picking Star Building

Today is the Fourth Elder's duty again. He saw that the Emperor Star representing the Western Immortal Emperor dimmed a bit, on the contrary, the new Emperor Star brightened a bit, and the double stars are now in the starry sky of the Western Immortal Territory. flashes in.

(End of this chapter)

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