Chapter 1587 Advance Layout
"Girl, relying on others is worse than relying on yourself. If one day you really meet, Yueluan will definitely put you to death."

Shoudian glanced at the illusion room below, and said with a smile.

After hearing this, Qing Ji glared at Shoudian, but she didn't deny it, obviously what Shoudian said was the truth.

"Thank you Xianjun for pointing out, Jian Jian understands in his heart, so I only fought this Yueluan in the air, and I didn't face her head-on. I am not strong enough now, it is best to lie dormant and accumulate energy. With my cultivation speed, I believe , I will be able to compete with her one day.

However, although my cultivation is not strong enough to compete with her, this does not prevent me from planning ahead and cutting off her insect feet. As long as I can weaken her strength by a bit, it will be beneficial to me. "

Simply said with a smile.

"That's right, girl Jane, as long as you think clearly, now that you know her details, we can slowly erode her power little by little."

Qing Ji feels that her juniors are very transparent, they can see clearly, and they know how to judge the situation. Only such disciples can go far.

"Since you have achieved success, we, as seniors, will not point fingers at you. You have already ascended to the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm within 2000 years of ascension, and you have the fastest advancement speed among the immortals I have ever seen. Yes, I believe that the time to be equal to Yueluan will not be too far away."

Shou Dian regarded himself as a senior, so he encouraged him to be simple, but Qing Ji rolled his eyes again.

"Yes, thank you two seniors for your guidance, I will simply write it down."

Jian Jian cupped his hands to thank the two immortals, after all, they were all for her own good.

"There should be some purpose for Yue Luan to appear here this year!"

Qing Ji changed the subject and spoke directly.

"Indeed, she has been dormant for so long, she must be brewing some new conspiracy."

Shoudian had the same idea as Qing Ji.

Simply looking at the secret realm that was about to be opened, stroked his sleeves, and said with a smile:

"The juniors always feel that this picture is somewhat familiar."

"What do you guess?"

Shoudian asked directly.

"Xianjun, do you still remember the Icefield Secret Realm, and the Yuexia Gate?"

Jian Jian raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"You are talking about the Yuexia sect disciple who buried the insect sac in the secret realm."

Shoudian said with a smile.

As the master of the Shouzong Palace, he is the clearest about the secret realm of the ice field.

"Well! It's her, so I guess Yueluan has the same idea this time, but this secret realm is temporarily open, and she can't make arrangements in advance like Yuexiamen, so she will do it herself."

Simply looking at the black hole that was already stabilizing, he said softly.

"Then stare at her and see what she plans to do. I feel that this new secret realm cannot be entered by her realm."

Qing Ji also spoke.

Simply nodding, I can only wait and see what happens, after all, no one knows what is on the other side.

After another three days, the entire black hole was completely stabilized. This time, there were two immortal kings in charge, and there were no human disturbances, so Junli arranged for people to test it out. After an hour, all the immortals who were waiting patiently around got the result. accurate news.

This secret realm is restricted, and only those whose cultivation base is above Da Luo Jinxian and below the realm of Immortal Monarch can enter, and the bone age must not exceed eight thousand years, otherwise even if the cultivation base reaches it, they will not be able to enter.

As soon as the news came out, [-]% of the people were automatically wiped out, and the remaining [-]% of the immortals who guarded so that the clouds opened to see the moonlight, had already armed themselves, tentatively walked into it, and there was the first one who successfully entered it The fairy seemed to have made a start, and the rest of them rushed into the black hole quickly, for fear that they would be a step too late, because there was a quota limit and they would block themselves out.

"Jane girl, are you ready?"

Qing Ji asked.


Jian Jian smiled and replied, she still has Zi Yan's face on her face, she can't lose her vest in front of Yue Luan, otherwise she will be in bad luck.

At this time, Yueluan in the illusion house had already arranged for two fellow clansmen beside him, and after giving them a few instructions, he sent them to enter the black hole as soon as possible.

"This is a temporary mission, I hope you can live up to my expectations."

"Master, don't worry, we will definitely fulfill your orders."

A man and a woman bowed their hands to Yueluan.

The male fairy is from the middle realm of Luo Tian, ​​and the female fairy is from the middle realm of Jiutian Profound Immortal. They are already considered to be relatively capable siblings around Yueluan. This time, they were sent out to ensure nothing goes wrong. .

As soon as Yueluan waved his hands, the two of them left the illusion house and walked towards the black hole. Jian Jian, who had been waiting all this time, saw the two of them, his eyes flashed, and he also bowed his hands to the two immortals:

"You two immortals, the younger generation has gone to practice."

Jian Jian immediately jumped down from the clouds and entered the black hole first, just before Yue Luan's two fellow clansmen. The two of them were not surprised. After all, it was not just one or two people rushing in, but they represented Yue Luan. Immortal King, he should have the bearing he should have.

So the two of them didn't notice that two transparent silver beetles flew out of the simple sleeves lightly, and landed on the robes of the two with the help of the strong wind.

Among them is the simple and favorite little clever ghost. This time he chose to lurk on the male fairy. After all, the other party has a high level of cultivation and a high chance of being discovered, so the little guy took the initiative to take over this difficult task. The mission was simply released after being instructed by the silver beetle mother again.

After the little witty ghost landed on the other party's magic robe, it entered a state of silence, and it was bound not to let the other party notice it. When the other party entered the black hole and produced a pulling force, the little guy then drilled a little deeper, letting the other party I became a part of the robe, and hibernated quietly.

After simply releasing her small spy satellite, she stepped into the black hole. After a kind of top-heavy feeling, she felt a falling force, pulling her down.

After Jian Jian stood still, he found himself on a square platform, and there were people falling around from time to time. Everyone was very alert and slowly opened the distance from each other.

With a simple sweep of his consciousness, he found that the immortals standing on the same white jade platform as himself were all in the Nine Heavens Profound Realm, from the initial stage to the middle stage, to the later stage, and even the peak of the Nine Heavens Profound Realm. Just one step away from the door, and you will step into the fairyland of Luotian.

With the increase of the number of people, the Sifang Terrace actually began to expand, it seems to be changing according to the increase of the number of people, simply look at the thick white jade pillars erected around it, rushing into the sky, carved with ancient beasts, green dragons, white tigers, and red birds , Xuanwu, Baize, Taotie, Qiongqi...all of them come to life, as if they could jump off the pillar with one breath.

Simply and slowly let go of her divine sense. Since she was promoted to the initial stage of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, her divine sense has also reached the initial stage of the Immortal King Realm, so she can see everything on the entire Baiyu Terrace very clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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