Chapter 1588 Cooperate with Acting
In the middle of the Xiping Mountains, the black hole disappeared very abruptly, and the fairy who charged in was thrown into the air, and the previous one entered was even more thrilling, almost leaving half of his leg behind.

Qing Ji and Shoudian frowned when they saw it. This temporarily opened secret realm seemed a bit unfriendly.

"Girl Jian has entered the secret realm now, we will continue to watch over Yueluan."

Qing Ji said to the guard at the side.

"Well, as girl Jane said, there is no need to confront her head-on now, but you can eliminate as many of her party members as you can, so that the girl will save some effort when confronting her in the future."

Shoudian raised his peach blossom eyes and said with a smile.

"It's like something an elder should say, but I know that your new natal seedling knife was simply given to you by my family."

Immortal Qing Ji cast a sideways glance at the other party and said.

"She cut off my natal sword and paid it to me!"

"Heh! That's my family's simplicity and ability to cut off your natal sword."

In terms of protecting weaknesses, Immortal Qing Ji did not give up.

"You should say that she is courageous, she can cause trouble and end it by herself, otherwise, it's really hard to say what the result will be."

Shoudian didn't take it seriously, after all, he was the one who benefited in the end.

"That girl is not without measure. If you were not in the right situation at the time, she would not have dared to risk being strangled by you, so she had to bite the bullet and make a move. Because of this, she missed the Four Arts Competition."

Qing Ji told the truth.

"So, I am here to repay the favor!"

Shoudian spread his hands and said.

"It's almost there."

"I called in the Anbu from Shouzong Palace to come over, and from now on, I will make arrangements and attack Yueluan slowly."

Shoudian narrowed his eyes and said.

"I have no objection. There are also a few elders from the Jian family who have not shown up for a long time to come to support. Now that they have simply entered the secret realm, you and I have no scruples, and we just cooperate with them secretly."

Qing Ji agreed with Shoudian's proposal. She didn't do anything before but focused on surveillance because they had scruples.

After all, this is the Western Immortal Territory, not their territory. It is inevitable to act with hands and feet, and the Immortal Emperor's Mansion is not a decoration. Besides, Jian Jian is by his side. If they make a move, Yue Luan will turn his attention to Jian Jian. This is not worth the candle up.

The most important thing is that even if they want to do something, the information must be accurate, otherwise they will kill in vain, and it will not be good for their practice.Therefore, after the two of them send the simple entry into the secret realm, they can start the follow-up mission.

"Okay, but I just want to remind one thing, you must be steady, don't be afraid to spend time, let those bugs disappear quietly, don't disturb Yueluan, she is the one who is worried now, not us, and the grinder has to grind her into a Alone."

Shoudian knew that Qingji was impatient and courageous, so he was afraid that she would go on a rampage and disrupt the overall plan, so he still reminded her.

"Understood! When have I been dragging my feet on big things!"

Qing Ji pouted.

The two left the Xiping mountain range after saying one sentence to another to run on each other. Anyway, Yueluan moved, and they had plenty of opportunities to make a move.

And here Yueluan sent his own clan into the secret realm, really for the same purpose of the Icefield Secret Realm, after all, those who are allowed to enter this secret realm can be regarded as elite children with middle-level cultivation of the immortal stage, as long as his clan can take it then How many people, the subsequent layout is very important.

Junli did not leave the illusion house, but continued to pretend to be affectionate:
"Luan'er, you and I are one body. I am also heartbroken when I lose my child. I know that you are angry with me, but what happened to Anna was not my intention. It was the mermaids who plotted against me in order not to pay the offerings. Others don't understand me, you are the kindest and considerate, you should understand me."

As Junli said, he wanted to hold Yueluan's hand, but Yueluan looked at Junli with sad eyes, her tears fell like broken beads, and she choked up and said:
"Since you took charge of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, a lot has changed. I understand it. After all, it will take time to control the entire Western Immortal Territory, but you should never be tempted by that female mermaid. Don't say that others are plotting against you, even if it is plotting, you have to take the bait. You are a majestic fairy king, can't you beat the other party's charm?

Now when I see you, I will think of that unformed fairy fetus, that is your own flesh and blood, just leave me like this, do you know how I have lived in the mansion for several years?Why can't I leave the house?

We used to be so affectionate, so many people envied me, now I feel so ironic, please let me be quiet! "

Yueluan half-hid the tears on her face with a handkerchief, got up and left the illusion room, and let a group of melon-eating crowd watch another big show, when Junli chased him out, there was no sign of the other party, so angry He couldn't hold his expression any longer.

And Yueluan, who had left the Xiping Mountain Range, still had no trace of tears on her face, and was whispering to the people around her to do the next thing.

She is not afraid of Junli now. If the other party wants to act, she will act in a friendly role. A good reputation also needs to be cultivated.

After Yueluan returned to Mingyue Immortal Mansion in Xiping Immortal City, a new round of rumors began to spread again, which gave Junli a real headache.

And the three parties who were secretly staring at Mingyue Immortal Mansion also moved after Yueluan started to move, but Junli's people were in front, and the Jian family and Xianjianzong people were behind. For a long time to come, Yueluan The fellow sent out will disappear inexplicably, and they will never be found again.

Yueluan was so angry that she almost smashed the Immortal Mansion, and when she arranged for someone to investigate, she found Junli, and she was even more annoyed, and she spared no effort to smear the other party and add trouble to him.

And when Yueluan and Junli confronted each other, the Jian family and the guards of the Zongdian stopped quickly, so as not to let the other party have a chance to notice, this was their handwriting, so be sure to hide yourself tightly, waiting for the next time The opportunity to make a move.

Entering the secret realm is simple. After waiting for half a day, the entire square jade platform is full of people, and there are about 5000 people by visual inspection.

"Welcome everyone to enter the Trial Realm of Life and Death. You will either live or die here. I wish you good luck to enter the top [-] and leave here smoothly!

At the beginning of the first knockout round, each player must knock ten people out of the ring to be eligible to enter the next round of competition.

I will give you a chance to leave alive. If I am not sure, I will jump off the ring on my own initiative. There is still a chance to survive, but it is only this time!Please take good care of it!The competition begins! "

As the last word fell, a mask rose, covering everyone in it.

Jian Jian had already shot the moment the mask was raised, and she felt the deep malice in that voice, and she would not believe even a single punctuation mark in the words of giving them a chance to leave alive.

There were many people who had the same idea. For a moment, swords, lights and swords flew together in the huge arena, and some people had already flown out of the arena.

(End of this chapter)

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