Chapter 1589 Deep Malice
"Master, there are actually more than one bug mixed in here."

When it was easy to do it, Zhima immediately transmitted the voice.

He woke up at the same time as he simply exited the level, and showed his master the solid fifth golden line on his belly, indicating that he had advanced.

After being stared at by Jian Jian for a long time, he asked Zhima:

"I was struck by lightning when I advanced, why don't you need to be struck by lightning?"

The tone is a little sour.

"Hey, master! You forgot, I was hatched in your space, whether I need to be struck by lightning or not is not a matter of your words."

After Zhima reminded her, Jian Jian realized that her own space had formed its own domain, and she was the Dao of Heaven here, but this domain was immature, so there was no tribulation thunder for the time being, and the beasts in the space could not transform into forms.

"Okay! Wait for the next retreat, I'll think about it and let you go through a catastrophe!"

Simply said with a smile.

"Master! Be merciful, Zhima wants to accompany you for a long time!"

Zhima almost twisted himself into a twist, his small body couldn't withstand lightning strikes.

"Good boy! It's more beneficial for you to be struck by lightning."

He simply kneaded the sesame seeds and comforted him.My own master has been struck by lightning, so there is no reason for the fairy pet not to be struck by lightning, this is unreasonable.

Zhima regretted his death. If he had known it earlier, he would have pretended not to know. Then he languished and returned to the simple earlobe. After entering the secret realm of life and death, he discovered the Zerg and resurrected with full blood. Only then did the opening scene begin .

The simple movements of her hands did not stop at all. She was moving towards Yueluan's fellow clan before, and the opened sword field made no one dare to approach her within two meters of her body.

"In addition to that one, there are other bugs. It seems that the entrance to this secret realm should be opened in multiple places at the same time."

With a simple backhand sword, a male fairy of the same rank was forced back, and he approached the female fairy by a certain distance.

"Yes! Is the master going to do it now?"

Sesame asked excitedly.

"Of course, with such a good opportunity, you don't even need to make up a reason to strangle them openly."

The simple red lips hooked slightly, and said with a smile.

At the same time, she also moved to the side of the Zerg female fairy, holding the No. [-] Moshi Sword in her hand, and with a backhand, she hit the Zerg who was entangled with a female fairy.

The other party also had two brushes. She sideways avoided the simple first attack, and swung a sword with her backhand, trying to force back the person who plotted against her on her side. After she had dealt with the female fairy on the opposite side, she would deal with the plotter against herself. people.

Simply not retreating but advancing, a vertical slash dispelled the sword light, and a teleportation enveloped the opponent into her own sword domain, but the female fairy who was entangled with the Zerg was stunned for a moment, and she swept it deliberately. It's simple at a glance, and I don't know him. Could it be that the other party wants to form a team with me temporarily?

Just when the other party was puzzled, Jian Jian had replaced the Moxi Sword No. [-] with the Moxi Sword. The power of chaos poured into the sword, and it seemed to fall slowly and quickly, cutting off one arm of the Zerg female fairy.

The Zerg female fairy was shocked, and immediately began to attack the sword domain, wanting to leave the simple absolute domain, but how could simplicity make the opponent happy, a move of "Chaos Heaven and Earth" fell, and the chaotic sword shadow was everywhere, attacking the Zerg female fairy repeatedly .

"Yueluan sent you bugs into the secret realm, what do you want to do? Use this as a new place for the Zerg to breed?"

The simple figure filled the entire sword domain, attacking the Zerg female fairy non-stop, and at the same time, the voice of the other party was heard from all directions, which surprised the other party, and after a short breath, the chaotic sword shadow cut her off again. half of the shoulder.

When Jian Jian put away the sword field again, the Zerg female fairy was dead and could not die anymore, and she also showed the appearance of the Zerg. The other immortals around who were attacking indiscriminately were shocked, and they all gave up this piece spontaneously.

Simply waving his sleeves to sweep the opponent out of the ring, this is the third person who has hit out of the ring by himself, if the opponent is still human.

Just now she picked up the other party's storage bracelet, and there were indeed insect sacs inside, not just one, at least ten, and now she didn't have the time to deal with it, so she temporarily sealed it up and put it aside alone.

"Sesame, show me the way!"

"Got it, master, the one in the purple robe, he hasn't noticed you yet, kill him first!"

Sesame excitedly gave Simple directions.

At this time, a burly body repairer touched Jian Jian's back. Seeing Jian Jian as a sword repairer, he wanted to secretly strike and take her down. His huge fist hit Jian Jian's back.

The obsidian bracelet on Jian Jian's wrist flashed. She held a sword in one hand and clenched a fist in the other. Back up at the same time, and make those around you back up too.

Simple and not interested in fighting, with the strength of this fist collision, he directly sent himself to the purple-robed man who Zhima reminded him, and punched him with a backhand, hitting the opponent's dantian directly.

The purple-robed man was also alert. He felt a figure looming towards him, and immediately swung his whip towards Jian Jian, with the purpose of knocking Jian Jian out of the game.

Simply raising his hand, let the purple whip wrap around his Moxi sword, and the punch still bombarded the opponent's dantian.

The black obsidian bracelet already has the function of strengthening strength, plus it is simple but does not hold back. She used [-]% of her strength in this punch. The body was blown off, the opponent spat blood, stared at Jian Jian, and finally revealed the Zerg body and was swept out of the ring.

With a simple flick of the sword in his hand, the purple whip was shattered, and the opponent's storage ring was taken away, and the next target was strangled.

The movement on her side naturally attracted the attention of the people around. I feel that this female fairy is a bit cruel. Others just knock the opponent out of the ring. She strangled the opponent directly, although it is not a good thing to look at being killed. .

"Master, two worms found that you were strangling their own kind, and are sneaking up on you! Please stay alert!"

Sesame immediately suggested.

"Liu Chuan, move a little bit, let me rest."

A simple sound transmission said that in this kind of place, she would not hold back, touched a storage bracelet, drank a sip of immortal wine to replenish the lost energy, and she would not let her immortal energy reserve fall below [-]%.

In the next moment, Yanagawa quickly spread out from under the simple feet, and went towards the feet of the two worms designated by Zhima. The moment the opponent noticed it, it pierced through the bottom of the opponent's feet and pierced through the top of the head.

The two bugs didn't even scream, and were thrown out of the ring with a simple wave.

"Sesame, next!"

Jian Jian moved and strangled Zerg all over the field, and other immortals were also working hard to complete their tasks. The square white jade platform began to become empty, and more and more people noticed Jian Jian, the female fairy.

"There is still a quarter of an hour left. If you haven't completed the elimination task, you will be eliminated. Please hurry up!"

The malicious voice prompted.

(End of this chapter)

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