Chapter 1590 Being Targeted
"Sesame, is there any more?"

Simple voice transmission asked, her elimination task has been completed long ago, and now she wants to use the limited time to strangle as many Zerg as possible.

"Master, there is another one. The other party has already sensed your purpose and is avoiding you!"

Sesame said disdainfully.

"There is still time, you continue to guide the way!"

Simple does not give up easily.

"Okay! Master, the other party is hiding behind the big guy who attacked you before!"

Sesame's tail curled up, and immediately transmitted the voice.

Jian Jian turned his eyes, and the next moment he appeared in front of the big man. The opponent subconsciously punched out. It looked like a punch, but it started with a hundred punches.

Quanwei had already completed his elimination task, and stood near the center of the jade platform, his spiritual sense guarding the surroundings, and found that the female fairy who had confronted him before appeared in front of him.

His teeth were a little gritty, he didn't take advantage of the previous confrontation, and now the opponent is coming towards him again, is it to avenge the previous attack, so he quickly attacked.

Looking at the huge fist shadow, Jian Jian also punched at the same time. This time, there were not many people around, and the two of them punched together with more than a hundred punches. Quan Wei took a step back, letting out the person in pink who was deliberately hiding from Jian Jian. Fairy.

The other party looked terrified, and teleported away from the current position, frowned briefly, and teleported away from the same place in the next breath, making Quan Wei a little puzzled, and then the rest of the people on the white jade platform saw that the man in purple magic robe The fairy chased the fairy in the pink fairy dress, chasing and fleeing, it was very lively.

Some clever people immediately realized that there must be something wrong with the fairy in the pink fairy dress, so they were chased and killed by the ferocious purple-robed fairy.

There are also some immortals who are very vigilant, thinking that the two of them should be acting and eliminating others by the way, so they don't let them get close.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six"

The voice began to count down.

The Fenqun female fairy moved faster, as long as she persisted until the end, the opponent would not be able to attack her.

Jian Jian suddenly stood still, no longer teleporting, but looked at the pink fairy who was still teleporting, showing a faint smile, making her scalp numb.

In the next moment, a willow leaf that was crystal clear and emerald green like jade turned into a stream of light and pierced into the sea of ​​consciousness between the opponent's brows. The blade spun, directly shattering the opponent's soul, and then pierced out from the back of the head. The female fairy stood upright. He fell to the ground, his eyes still staring at the simple direction.

With a simple teleportation, the opponent's storage bracelet was collected, and the opponent was thrown out of the ring with a wave of his sleeve.

Then, a vacuum zone formed around her, no one approached her anymore, and she was happy and at ease, turning her head to meet Shang Quanwei's little eyes, and smiled.

Quan Wei immediately averted his gaze, and he also discovered that the purple-robed fairy was not going towards him at all, but the pink-robed fairy, but he happened to be in her way.

"time up!"

The voice sounded again, and another ten people disappeared from the white jade platform in the next moment. Obviously, these people did not complete the elimination task, which was tantamount to elimination.

"Congratulations to everyone standing in the ring, you have passed the first knockout round, and now you are officially entering the second round."

After saying that, the previous mask disappeared, and the fog around the Baiyu Terrace also dissipated. She simply walked to the side of the Baiyu Terrace. She wanted to see the surrounding environment. What exactly is this place?
Seeing the scene after the mist, Jian Jian's pupils shrank, and there were several gasping sounds from around. Obviously, someone had the same question as her.

Around the entire huge white jade platform, there are space cracks, just like what the voice said, there is indeed a chance to leave here, but I don’t know if there is such a life, she has already seen half of the pink-robed Zerg Being eaten by cracks.

In the gaps between the cracks in space, there are piles of white bones. I don't know how long they have been accumulated. She frowns simply, and she knows that if she wants to leave alive, she will really have to work hard.

In the next breath, the entire white jade platform quickly extended around, covering the cracks in the space, and then countless balls of light fell, and everyone subconsciously raised their hands, each holding a ball of light.

And on the basis of the white jade platform, ten small arenas were raised, also made of white jade, simply raising eyebrows, it seems that this is about to start a two-two duel.

Simply looking at the ball of light in his hand, there is a word "purple" inside, and the people around him also saw the word in the ball of light in their hands, they looked at each other, and remained vigilant.

"In the second round of the competition, two people holding the same words will compete on stage. The winner will enter the third round, and the loser will be eliminated!"

The voice sounded again, and in the next moment, twenty people were sent to the small arena, obviously a successful match.

Simple is not in the first round of the competition, she walked to the nearest ring, ready to watch the competition, the winner might be her opponent in the next round.

There were also people who had the same idea and chose different arenas to watch the competition in twos and threes.

At this time, the two people in each arena had already exchanged their hands. Fist Wei hesitated for a moment, and then slowly moved to the side of the arena where Jian Jian was. Simple.

Simply looking at the fight between the two sides, a blue light flashed in her eyes, and the movements of both sides could not be hidden in her eyes. She quickly judged who was winning and who lost, and then she turned and went to another ring.

Seeing Jian Jian leave, Quan Wei hesitated for a moment, and then went to another arena to watch the competition. At this time, some people had already started talking to each other, at least to find an ally for himself.

"What are you doing with me?"

With a simple smile, he asked about the fist power five meters away.

"Hey, I'm just watching the competition, I don't want to follow you."

Quan Wei said subconsciously.

"Oh, that was my misunderstanding."

With a simple smile, he turned around and went to the next ring.

It took a while for the fist power to follow, this time he directly bowed to Jian Jian and said:

"May I ask this fairy, are you also a body cultivator?"

"Not really, I practice swordsmanship, and I also train my body."

Jian Jian looked at the competition on the stage, and replied casually.

"You are a rare female fairy who can compete with my boxing power."

Quan Wei took a small slap on the simple rainbow fart.

"so what?"

"I want to ally with you."

Quan Wei didn't beat around the bush, and said directly.

"We may be opponents in the next game. What kind of alliance do you form with me?"

Turning her head simply, she looked at the other party and said in a flat tone.

"No, if we all win the second match, the third match will be a group fight."

Fist said resolutely.

Hearing this, Jian Jian raised his eyebrows and continued to ask:

"Have you ever entered this secret realm?"

"No, my ancestors came in, as long as I can leave here alive, the harvest will be great."

 Fengling is going to work hard, and write another chapter!Upload before twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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