Chapter 1592 The strongest blow

Xiexiu teleported again, pulling away the maximum distance from Jianjian, his eyes turned red, and said viciously:

"I didn't see it, but you are willing to sacrifice your own merits in order to win me!"

"Yes, although my cultivation level is not as good as yours, but I have more merits and virtues, and I just beat you!"

Said simply and exasperatedly.

"Hmph! I want to see how much merit you have for you to squander!"

The feminine evil cultivator also became ruthless, and in such a short period of time, the aura on his blood knife weakened a bit, making him irritable.

"Not much, it should be enough to win you."

Jian Jian said without shame, but the Moxi sword in her hand did not stop attacking. When she drew the sword, she had mobilized her golden light to protect her whole body.

Fighting against evil cultivators is the most annoying point, that evil energy is the most vicious, like tarsal maggots, destroying meridians and dantian, and at the same time, it can arouse the most evil thoughts in people's hearts. Just imagine who doesn't have a dark side in their hearts.

Jian Jian thinks that she is just an ordinary person. Although she can barely be regarded as a fairy who has achieved success in cultivation, she will not gamble on the eventuality. People are not people, ghosts are not ghosts, and they were directly hacked by the way of heaven.

Although the feminine male cultivator said that he wanted to be simple and beautiful, he was more careful when resisting the opponent's attack. He found that this female fairy was really meritorious, and every attack fell on his natal blood knife. His teeth itch.

And the evil spirit released secretly was also blocked by the merit on the surface of the opponent's body. Even the soles of his feet were covered with golden light of merit, which made him unable to speak for a while.


With a simple cold snort, he knew that this guy was not a good thing. He fought against him head-on, and commanded a ray of evil energy behind him, trying to break through his defense in vain, and was ready to bully him. This game is lost by itself.

A green sword shadow formed in front of Jian Jian, and a "endless" wood sword intent directly attacked Xiexiu's blood knife. The sword shadows were like endless waves, and the power of the next sword was natural Bigger than the previous sword, they all greeted Xiexiu's blood knife like this.

Yin Rou Xiexiu's face became paler and his eyes were bloodshot. It's not that he was incapable of receiving these sword moves, but each sword move contained a ray of golden light of merit and virtue, and he had already heard it when it hit the blood knife openly. The wail of his natal knife was heard.

The simplicity at this moment also gave a purple-gold light to her eyes. In her eyes, the evil cultivator's attack line was also very clear. She even saw a tiny crack on the blood knife, and then she hooked her lips and smiled. , the opportunity came.

The sword intent of "Flame!" was simply swung out, and all her attacks this time were aimed at that tiny crack.

The sound of "clang, clang, clang" made Yin Rou Xixiu's heart ache, and then he realized that all the sword moves of this female sword fairy were attacking the same position of his natal blood knife, and he also discovered that The crack of the blood knife immediately teleported, holding the knife with both hands and slashing down, a blood-red knife light collided with the red sword shadow, temporarily separating the two.

"How dare you destroy my natal sword!"

Xie Xiu's eyeballs were really red this time. He had kept this bloody knife for thousands of years, and he didn't expect it to be damaged here.

"Cut! Then you still want me to offer it?"

With a simple sarcasm smile, he continued to sprinkle salt on the opponent's wound.

"If you want to imitate the ancient evil sword Bloody Miao Dao, you are not even a star and a half short, so don't pretend to be in front of me."

After hearing the simple words, Yinrou Xixiu's eyes flashed.

"Tsk, your imitation is no good! The real Scarlet Seedling Knife won't be so careless!"

"To shut up!"

Xiexiu was said to be in pain, and he slammed his knife frequently, trying to defeat the opponent as quickly as possible. After all, there was indeed a crack in his natal knife, and the opponent could see it. How could he, the master, not Know.

Simply waiting for this opportunity, this time she has turned the yin and yang Tai Chi plate, transformed the power of immortality into the power of chaos, poured it into the Moxi sword in her hand continuously, and slashed down with the move of "Chaos Heaven and Earth", fighting with the opponent The red knife light wants to hit.

The momentary impact of power caused the ink hair and robes of the two to fly, but neither of them took a step back. At the critical moment, whoever retreated would lose.

Jian Jian had restrained all his expressions at this time, and after the power of the first counterattack dissipated, he did not retreat but advanced, stepped forward, and directly hit the opponent's blood knife with another move of "Chaos World".

Yinrou Xiexiu also knew that this was the critical moment, and took a step forward, holding the knife in both hands, and slashed down with gnashing teeth. The red knife light was shining, and it collided with the simple gray sword shadow again.

The two are at the side of the ring, and more and more people are watching the battle. Seeing the toughness of the two, they all admire Jian Jian. After all, as a female sword fairy, she can resist the attack of evil cultivators, and she has real skills.

"It's really not a lie that the sword fairy can challenge by leapfrogging."

"That evil cultivator killed several people in the first round of the battle, and used it to sacrifice his natal evil sword!"

"One sword and one sword are really rivals, and I don't know who is better."

"I hope that the female sword fairy wins. That evil cultivator is too evil and not a good thing."

Immediately someone said.

"Heh! What about evil spirits? As long as you can win, only the one who laughs last can leave this secret realm."

A charming female fairy said with a sneer.

Quan Wei was also watching the competition at the side of the ring, and after hearing what the enchanting fairy said, he glanced at her.

Just now, this enchanting female fairy came to him, trying to strike up a conversation with him, and even used coquetry, and at a glance, he knew that it was not an orthodox Taoism. After being rejected by him, he was a little unwilling. The arena, just followed.

Quan Wei ignored the opponent at all, and continued to pay attention to the duel in the ring.

Under the simple and continuous attacks, although the feminine man avoided the gap of the knife, there was always a hit there, which weakened the attack power of the blood knife, and at the same time, the evil spirit on the knife was also consumed by the simple golden light of merit. almost.

Without the blessing of evil spirits, the power of the knife continued to decline, and the soft man's forehead was also sweating. He didn't expect that the other party really had such a huge amount of merit, that he could withstand such consumption, and continue like this , his blood knife was about to be beaten back to its original shape.

Xie Xiuxiu wanted to take the blood knife back into his body, but suddenly felt the shadow of the sword attacking him grow bigger and stronger, and immediately held the blood knife to meet him.

There was a cracking sound of "click".

(End of this chapter)

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