Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1593 Forming a Team to Confront

Chapter 1593 Forming a Team to Confront
Yinrou Xixiu spat out a mouthful of dark red blood, and in the next breath, a slender willow branch penetrated from the bottom of the opponent's feet, piercing the opponent's dantian, and the next moment, he was thrown out of the ring.

"He plotted against me!"

Xie Xiu didn't care about wiping the blood from the corners of his lips, he counterattacked and thrust half of the blood knife into the ground of the ring, trying to keep himself on the ring.

"Why are you only allowed to plot against me, and not allowed to plot against me?"

Simply hooking his lips into a smile, and based on the principle of taking advantage of your illness to kill you, he teleported to the edge of the ring and opened his sword field.

This evil cultivator is also ruthless. He took out a soul streamer from the storage ring and patted it into his broken dantian. The billowing black energy instantly filled his dantian and began to rush to the meridians. With loss.

Simplicity is also drunk, so the evil cultivator hates it the most. She teleported again and pulled the opponent into her sword domain. This time she was also cruel. The entire sword domain was full of chaotic sword shadows, and it was not gray, but golden Yes, each one is full of meritorious golden light.

The sword shadows fell like a shower, and they all greeted the soft and evil cultivator. This time, it was a solid golden light of merit, but within five breaths, the little soul banner completely collapsed, and the evil cultivator was pierced through unwillingly. With the sea of ​​consciousness between the eyebrows, he fell before he even blew himself up.

Jian Jian stopped the attack, and took back his golden light of merit with distress. It was not easy to earn some merit by himself. He was all harmed by this evil cultivator. Throw away the corpse of Xiexiu.

In the next breath, he simply and firmly stood under the ring, proving that he had won this round.

"Amitabha! The fairy is a person with great merit and virtue, and should come to my Buddha Temple to practice!"

A fat monk with big arms and round waist stood in front of Jian Jian, smiling at Maitreya.

He was polite, simple and polite, and immediately clasped his hands together and performed a Buddha ceremony:
"Master praises me, my daughter is a layman, let's practice in the world of mortals!"

"It's okay, there are many lay disciples in the Buddha Temple."

The fat monk continued to lobby.

"Master, are we in a fairyland?"

He simply raised his eyebrows and asked.

After all, there were faces all around, and the power of the boxing did not come from the fairyland she was in. She had reason to suspect that the fat monk was not in the same fairyland as herself.

"Amitabha! I was negligent!"

The fat monk thought to himself, he just said that such a person with profound merits and virtues would be ignored in the orthodox Buddhist immortal realm, and his affections are not in the same immortal realm as himself.

Since he couldn't abduct the Buddha Temple where he was, the fat monk changed the topic:
"Just now, I was really worried about the fairy. That evil cultivator was tracked by my Buddha Temple. This time, it was also to track him, so I entered this secret realm, but this secret realm is also somewhat evil."

When the fat monk spoke later, his voice also lowered.

"They come, the security!"

Simply said with a smile.

"Amitabha! The female patron sees clearly."

"Master, call me Ziyan!"

Being called the female benefactor makes Jian Jian feel that if she wants to give up money, what she gives up in the fairy world is the fairy stone.

"Fairy Ziyan, I respect you!"

"Master Jinghui!"

The two of them knew each other now. The fat monk Jinghui was very curious about how Jian Jian earned merit, so he secretly asked for advice. After all, the Buddha with his merits and virtues has more reputation.

Just as Jian Jian was about to say a few perfunctory words, the malicious voice sounded again:

"Congratulations, everyone. You have passed the second round of competition. Next is the third competition. I will give you half an incense stick of time to form your own team and choose the team to fight. The one with the most wins will be the final winner. All eliminated teams will be wiped out, good luck to everyone!"

The opponent's deep malice was felt by the winners of the second round, and they quickly began to look for team partners.

Because of the simple point mentioned before, Quan Wei did not form a team with Jian Jian, while Master Jing Hui wanted to form a team with Jian Jian, but she refused.

"Master, you'd better choose someone who is capable and has a grudge against you to form a team."

After listening to these inexplicable words, Master Jinghui's eyes flashed, he politely proclaimed the Buddha's name, and left.

There are also people who watched the simple competition before and thought that she was quite strong. Although she was only at the initial stage of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, she couldn't hold back that she was a Sword Immortal and could challenge at higher levels, so she wanted to form a team with her, but they were all rejected. Simply and politely declined.

"It's crazy!"

The enchanting fairy said disdainfully.

"He has strength!"

There are also those who can't understand the enchanting female fairy, and directly reply.

Anyway, this is the only time we met each other, and we can talk about whether we can go back alive, so there is no need to be too polite, just how comfortable we are.

"Humph! Just wait and see!"

After listening to Quan Wei's introduction, Jian Jian didn't intend to form a team with anyone. After all, everyone is not familiar with it, and they don't have that much trust. With the piss of this secret realm, what can be suppressed, or ask for more Fu!

Banzhuxiang's time was almost here, and she simply rejected it clearly, so no one would look for her to form a team, and some people seemed to have noticed something, but in the end they chose a team to join.

"Our team will fight you!"

The enchanting female fairy came to Jian Jian and said maliciously.

He simply raised his eyebrows, and glanced at the opponent's team. There were six of them. It seemed that he felt that he was alone. He picked up the persimmons and was about to start a wheel battle. This way, they had a great chance of winning.

"Yes, but the order of the opponents is up to me to choose."

Simply stroked his long hair and said with a smile.

"That's not up to you!"

Looking at the complacent face of the other party, a blue light flashed in the simple eyes. The enchanting female fairy who was complacent just a second ago suddenly slapped her own sea of ​​consciousness between the eyebrows, killing her on the spot.

Simply sneered, she still wanted to use this level of coquetry on herself, her consciousness had already reached the realm of the fairy king, if it wasn't for the suppression of this secret realm, she would release coercion, as long as she could deter the opponent for a breath, She will win.

He simply raised his hand and popped out a bunch of phoenix real fire, turning the opponent into a pile of ashes, then waved his sleeves, completely erasing the existence of the opponent, and then looked at the teammate of the enchanting fairy.

The remaining five subconsciously took a step back, not even daring to look directly into their simple eyes. They could see clearly how their temporary teammate died just now.

"Who's next?"

asked simply with a smile.

The opposite team felt a little regretful, they shouldn't have listened to the instigation of the enchanting female fairy, thinking that the other party was alone, and their chances of winning were greater, but when they met each other, they directly killed one of them.

Just when everyone was hesitating, Jian Jian pointed to a white-robed fairy, who was full of bookishness, and was also looking at Jian Jian, and was stunned when he saw the other pointing at himself.

"Zi Yan asks for advice from the Immortals!"

(End of this chapter)

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