Chapter 1594 Wheel War 1
The white-robed man glanced at the four people around him, and the four immediately took a step back, obviously letting him go first, he frowned, tapped the ground, and jumped onto the ring, the mask fell in the next breath, which meant the competition Officially begin.

At the same time as the male fairy in white robe fell, a scorched guqin appeared in his hand, and with a flick of his hand, one after another attack rushed away.

With a simple teleportation, she also took out her sword-shaped guqin from the space, plucked the strings with her backhand, and the same attack also attacked the white-robed male fairy, the opponent was a sound repairer, so she responded with sound enemy.

The remaining four people looked at the people on the ring and frowned, apparently they didn't expect that this person was not a pure sword fairy, but also knew Yin Xiu.

"That stupid woman led us all to the pit!"

The only female fairy left in the team muttered to herself.

The three people next to her also pursed their lips. Although they didn't respond, they obviously had the same thoughts as the fairy.

The two of them have fought against each other for a hundred rounds in the arena, and neither side has taken advantage of it, but the expression of the white-robed man is getting more and more serious.

The opponent is not pure tone repair, and he can draw a tie with himself, making him more cautious, no longer blindly attacking, but switching from offense to defense, wanting to fight and consume the opponent, after all, he is a cultivator in the middle realm of Jiutianxuanxian Because, one level higher than the other party.

Jian Jian also sensed the other party's thoughts. The other party's strategy changed, but she didn't. She still focused on attacking. After all, the best defense is attacking. As a swordsman, she should go forward.

The white-robed man built a copper wall in front of him with the rhythm, simply raised his eyebrows, and simply sat on the floor, twisting and twisting his slender fingers, changing the tone, and played "The Song of the Blue Sea Tide".

Jian Jian has a deeper understanding of this song, and it is still the time when I was Anna. The mermaid's singing voice is a means of sound skills. Coupled with the trip to the South China Sea and the blue sea, I have a personal understanding of the ebb and flow of the tide. experience, and it becomes more and more handy to play.

The tone at the beginning was very gentle, just like the calm sea surface, occasionally fish would jump out, causing ripples on the sea surface, and after the ripples spread, the sea surface returned to calm, as if there was no aggressiveness at all.

But the scattered small ripples spread to the iron wall of the man in white robe, but they were destroying the foundation of the iron wall bit by bit. It was only very subtle, but the man in white robe was aware of it.

With a turn of the simple jade finger, there was another turn of sound. There seemed to be a storm on the sea surface. Fish and sea beasts kept jumping out of the sea surface, disturbing the sea surface, and clusters of waves began to surge.

The turbulent waves collided with the white-robed man's defense, ranging from mild to violent, and then violent, each wave was higher and heavier than the previous wave, rolling and roaring, impacting the iron wall, and finally under this kind of offensive, The first line of defense collapsed.

The white-robed man was already sweating on his forehead. He also plucked the strings and began to build a new defense. Occasionally, two abrupt rhythms seemed to be counterattacking, but they all melted into foam under the simple turbulent waves.

At this time, the simple jade hands quickly plucked the strings, and the immortal energy in the body tilted out and poured into the sound of the piano. The sea surface has entered a state of violent storm, and the gloomy sky was illuminated by lightning bolts. Almost touching the sky, it seems to be venting its dissatisfaction, as if it wants to drag everything into the sea and drown everything.

The white-robed man faced the attack of the raging sea, and the copper and iron walls crumbled inch by inch, and the speed of his construction was not even as fast as the speed of simple destruction.

The simple song "Birth of the Blue Sea Tide" also came to an end. The sea romanticized the sky and blended with the sky. With a change of sound, it all poured on the man in white robe.

With a sound of "Zheng", the strings of the white-robed man broke, and a white ponytail stopped at the sea of ​​consciousness between his brows, but it didn't really break into it.

"I lost!"

The white-robed man's immortal energy was exhausted, and he was attacked to a vital point, so he had no choice but to surrender.

In the next breath, the white-robed man was teleported off the ring, and Jian Jian slowly spit out a mouthful, threw a pill into his mouth, took away his sword-shaped guqin, arched his hands to the opponent, and said:

The white-robed man got off the ring, put his guqin aside, opened a defensive shield, and took pills to heal his injuries. The broken strings of the qin also affected him.

"I'll be next!"

The only female fairy jumped onto the ring, she was sure that Jian Jian hadn't fully recovered, she wanted to take advantage of it, at least she wanted to win a game and draw a tie.

She simply curled her lips into a sarcastic smile, and she was ready for the battle. What she swallowed was not an ordinary elixir, but a fifth-rank and ninth-rank refilling pill, which can quickly replenish the lost celestial power. In this secret realm, you can You can't let your celestial power be exhausted.

The female fairy's cultivation base is in the middle of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, and as soon as she raised her hand, she threw a nine-section whip, and the shadow of the whip all over the sky would simply cover it. Throw her off the ring directly.

Jian Jian squinted her eyes, she really didn't talk about martial arts, but she didn't intend to talk about it, and then raised her hand to hold the whip in her hand, and waved the whip to meet her. It also needs the power of the soul to assist, although she has not specialized in soul, but her soul has gone through two lives after all, and she is stronger than ordinary immortals.

The sound of whips hitting each other was endless. After more than a hundred strokes, the two whips, one silver and one black, were entangled together, and the figures of the two flashed out.

The people who watched the competition below had weird expressions. They wished they could drag the enchanting fairy back and kill them again. They had agreed that there was only one person on the other side. As long as they fought with each other, they would surely win. The result! ! !

Yingying's expression was not good at this time, she agreed that the other party's immortal energy was seriously depleted, why didn't she feel at all that the other party's whip was whipped fast and hard, and took all her attacks.

Looking at the black whip, she always felt a little familiar, but with the next breath, she withdrew her own whip with a simple backhand.

This time, it was her own soul power that was simply injected, and with a sudden twitch, Yingying immediately felt that her whole soul was trembling, there was another "pa", and there was a scream of "ah", and it was Yingying who made the scream.

Simple but not polite, three whips in a row, the whip and whip were all on the other party's soul, Yingying felt that her soul was about to leave the body, the seven orifices began to bleed, and finally could not bear the pain of the broken soul, and screamed at the same time :

"I surrender!"

The next moment Yingying was teleported out of the arena, her soul was still in bouts of dull pain, but Yingying stared at her bloodshot eyes, looked at Jian Jian, and shouted:

"You are from the Yan family!!!"

Jian Jian put away the whip, looked at the unwilling opponent, and said lightly:
"What's the matter with you?"

The angry opponent spat out a mouthful of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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