Chapter 1599 Challenge 1
Simply, since closing your eyes and starting to attack the barriers of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Middle Realm, the immortal crystals in the gathering array began to be consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Both Zhima and Liu Chuan were paying attention at all times. Make it up now.

"Liu Chuan, you said it's almost a hundred years old, why hasn't the master shown signs of awakening?"

Sesame asked, wagging his tail boredly.

"What's the hurry? Even a small advancement takes time. How can it be so fast? After the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm, cultivation becomes more and more difficult. In addition to the accumulation of immortal power, it is also necessary to deeply understand the power of laws. Activate your own blood talent.

Do you think that everyone is like you, sleeping is a retreat, and when you wake up, you can advance smoothly after refining what you eat? "

Liu Chuan replied directly.

"Zhima understands, you are just jealous of my easy advancement, but that is because the master helped me find enough resources, otherwise the advancement speed of Immortal Gu will be very slow."

Sesame defended himself.

"I know, it's just that your master is generous and used half of the fairy crystal vein to hatch you! With that half of the fairy crystal vein, it's no problem for her to advance to the first level."

"Hee hee, I knew it, you are jealous that the master treats me better than you!"

Sesame said triumphantly.

"Look how beautiful you are, I've followed the simplicity for a longer time than you!"

"So what"

The two just chatted with each other, killing time.

And all of this did not disturb the simple cultivation, she had already entered that state of ecstasy, sorting out her meridians over and over again, wandering the celestial energy in the meridians, while polishing the meridians, widen them again, and then A little bit of tempering the internal organs.

In the end, the celestial energy enters the dantian, and it will be purified again by the Yin-Yang Taiji plate before it can be completely precipitated.

The Yin-Yang Tai Chi disc in the dantian rotates at a high speed, while it contains the Silent Sword and Moyue Zhan, it is also using the accumulated pure power to attack the barriers of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm.

While running the exercises, Jian Jian is also rehearsing all the competitions he has experienced after entering this secret realm in the sea of ​​consciousness, finding out his own shortcomings, and evolving in the sea of ​​consciousness time and time again, in order to use the least amount of power, Make the most effective attack.

A sound of "哗啦" came from Jian Jian's body. After a lot of ink and wash skills, he finally broke through the barriers of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm. In the next breath, the immortal crystals in the Yuan Gathering Formation were consumed rapidly, which alarmed the two who were arguing. .

Liu Chuan and Zhima acted at the same time, quickly replenishing the loss of the fairy crystal, and took out their own stocks, so they must not lose the chain at critical moments.

After a wave of operations, the speed of Jian Jian's absorption of fairy crystals slowly slowed down. Half an hour later, Jian Jian suddenly opened his eyes, golden, purple, and blue luster flashed one by one, and a whistling sound overflowed from her mouth.

"Congratulations, master, for your promotion!"

Zhima felt that her master's aura had become more solid again, and she immediately opened her mouth to speak.

"Well, thank you two for protecting me!"

He simply raised his hand and cast a cleansing formula for himself, and then he saw the spent immortal crystals in the Yuan Gathering Formation.

"Girl, to help you advance this time, Zhima and I contributed all our stock, you have to supply us!"

Liu Chuan's leaves flickered lightly, and they also asked for credit.

"it is good."

Simple smiled and replied, she successfully entered the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm, both of them have contributed, her spiritual pet is so powerful, naturally she will not be stingy.

So she directly wiped it in the storage bracelet, in fact, she took out some fairy crystals from the space and gave two directly.

In addition, he also cut two palm-sized spars from the fairy crystal veins he obtained in the ice field, the top-grade fairy crystal that can breed fairy crystal veins, and gave each of Zhima and Liu Chuan a piece.

"Thank you master!"

Sesame's small eyes glowed green, and he swallowed it into the space in his body. He had been thinking about it for a long time, but because the master buried the immortal crystal in the space to breed veins, he always looked at it every time. Drooling, it's rare that the master is so generous, so he didn't hurry to put it away.

"Woman, why are you so generous this time?"

Although Liu Chuan said so in his mouth, his speed of collecting fairy crystals was no slower than that of sesame seeds.

"When has your master ever been stingy?"

He simply raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

While speaking, Jian simply retracted the gathering array, stood up, and then her figure flashed, and disappeared from the top of the white jade pillar.

Simply counting silently in her heart, after three breaths, the scene in front of her suddenly became clear. This time she landed on a black jade platform, surrounded by immortals in twos and threes.

Her appearance attracted other people to wait and see. She simply felt a few overly hot gazes and raised her eyebrows. What's the matter?His consciousness swept across his body, and his brows frowned.

His "Thousand Faces" seemed a little unstable, revealing his true face in a flash.

With a simple movement of consciousness, and with the next breath, the transparent little silver armor covered his face, stabilizing "Thousand Faces".

"Amitabha! Fairy Ziyan, I thought you were eliminated!"

Jinghui's fat Maitreya, with big arms and round waist, walked up to him at this time, performed a Buddha ceremony, and said familiarly.

"Thanks to Master's blessing, I barely advanced."

A simple and polite return.

Walking towards the simple white-robed Yin Ren, his footsteps paused, and he cursed in his heart: If you are reluctant, what is the five dead people in their team.

"Fairy, you are finally here!"

Yin Ren bowed his hand.

"Well, you are very fast, you arrived before me, what's the situation now?"

asked simply with a smile.

Just as Yin Ren was about to answer, Quan Wei also came over and bowed to Jian Jian:

"Fairy Ziyan, your guess is correct, I lost."

Quan Wei's misidentification was straightforward, which surprised Jian Jian. She raised her eyebrows and looked at the other party. The meaning was very clear, please explain.

"Hey, I formed a four-person team with others, won the challenge team, and then after a small level of cultivation, I was teleported here.

The voice reminded us that the challenge is coming next, and we must start the challenge with an opponent whose cultivation level is equal to ours. If we win, the next challenger's cultivation level will be one level higher than our own, and so on. Your opponent who is one level higher, Fairy is now in the middle realm of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Realm, so you must challenge the person who wins the Immortal Realm of the Heavenly Heaven in order to continue to live. "

The more he talked about the back, the worse Quanwei's face became. Jinghui directly proclaimed the Buddha's name, and Yinren's brows were also knotted. It was because of luck that he could enter this round. At the critical moment, it was because of Zi Yan offered to help, as a music cultivator, it was a bit difficult for him.

It's simple to know that there is no kindness in this secret realm where the dog beeps, and this is not here!

She glanced at the people who were paying attention to them openly and secretly, and then asked:
"Those immortals from Luotianshangxianjing, after challenging the same level, who else can challenge? As far as I know, the highest level of cultivation to enter here is Luotianshangxianjing."

 Fengling didn't tell her parents when she entered the cabin this time, she didn't want them to worry, but after five days of fooling around, her mother still noticed her. I pushed it twice, and she felt that something was wrong. In the end, she was found out. She felt that it was unfilial for a person of her age to worry her parents. After comforting them for a long time, they felt better when I returned home.

  Therefore, dear children, you must take care of your health and spend more time with your parents. This epidemic is very unfriendly to the elderly.

(End of this chapter)

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