Chapter 1600 Challenge 2

Quan Wei couldn't answer.

"Let's take care of ourselves! We have to challenge others and accept challenges from others."

A male cultivator in the distance spoke.

"The higher the level, the higher the challenge, the more successful you can leave alive, unless you take out your stuff from the bottom of the box."

Someone answered immediately.

For a while, everyone began to discuss in a low voice, obviously discussing how to deal with it.

"Elite, you must have confidence in yourself. This secret realm provides you with a way for free. As long as you defeat the opponent and absorb the opponent's cultivation base, you will also advance to the next level. Then you can deal with opponents who are a little higher than yourself. When the time comes, the odds of winning will be even greater! The secret realm will use everyone's initial cultivation base as the standard, I hope you will seize the opportunity."

The voice sounded again, and the words became more and more bewitching, and his proposal obviously moved some people's minds.

Simple is to frown. This secret realm is too disgusting. It is not obvious that it will lead everyone to the path of evil cultivation. If you are really addicted to this cultivation method, it is not a good thing.

"Amitabha! Absorbing other people's cultivation is the practice of evil cultivation, it is not a good idea."

Jing Hui frowned and turned the red sandalwood rosary in her hand, reminding everyone loudly.

"Hmph, what do you know, you bald donkey? You don't know the art of reconciling yin and yang. If you have cultivated in this way, it's not considered evil cultivation."

A slightly obscene voice sounded, and the other party's salivating gaze fell on Jian Jian's face.

He could see clearly just now that the purple-clothed female fairy had a beautiful appearance. Although the other party covered it up in time, it still fell into his eyes. He was originally practicing the domineering dual cultivation technique, so he could tell at a glance that the other party's Yuan Yin was still weak. Lost, her cultivation base is in the middle realm of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal, which happens to be a small level lower than her own. If she sucks up her cultivation, at least she can enter the peak of the Nine Heavens Profound Immortal Emerald Realm.

Simply following the voice and the responding gaze, I saw the male fairy. The appearance of the other person was very handsome, but it gave people a sense of unreality.

And beside the other party stood a female fairy in revealing clothes, wearing a red tulle fairy dress, which strangled her upper body in waves, and the skirt of her lower body was slit up to her thighs.

The other party's cultivation level is equal to hers, and his appearance is comparable to Tian Po's. At this time, he is staring at her with a kind of selective and devouring eyes.

He raised his eyebrows and smiled briefly, and a blue light flashed in his eyes. He was sure that the man who made the sound had actually reshaped his appearance, and his aura was connected with the female fairy opposite. Obviously, the two were a couple of dual cultivators.

"You're right, it depends on your abilities."

Then, simply raised his hand, pointed at the red fairy, and said with a smile:

"I want to challenge you! If you win, I will challenge the sugarcane man next to you."

The two people on the opposite side looked at each other, and obviously felt that the simplicity was delivered to the door by themselves, so the fairy in red smiled coquettishly, and said directly:

"Little bitch actually has the guts to challenge our 'Chilian Xianlian', I will give you a chance."

The moment the voice fell, Jian Jian and the other party disappeared in place at the same time, and then everyone found that the two had appeared on the ring.

"Tsk, this purple-clothed fairy is going to be unlucky."

Someone said it directly.

"How to say?"

Immediately there is a curious answer.

"Those two are a couple of dual-cultivation immortals, and they have the same aura. Fighting one person is equivalent to fighting two people. Although the other person has not entered the ring, he can use their dual-cultivation skills to pass on his own cultivation to the other party, which is equivalent to fighting two people. There is an object who can replenish Xianyuan power at any time, what do you think will be the result?"

The man before shook his head.

Quan Wei, Yin Ren and Jing Hui heard the conversation between the two.

"Amitabha! Fairy Ziyan is reckless!"

The three of them quickly gathered to the edge of the ring, looking at the two female fairies, one red and one purple.

When Jian Jian appeared on the ring, he rolled his eyes in his heart. This secret realm was afraid that they would go back on their word, so he sent them to the ring as soon as the opponent responded.

The fairy in red gave a disdainful smile, then twisted her waist, and began to dance, showing her perfect figure and natural femininity to Jian Jian.

It's simple and black lines, I'm not good at this, and there is such an operation?Then she narrowed her eyes and glanced at the other party. In her eyes, the other party had changed from one person to three, and the enchanting dancing posture became more and more seductive. The other party was actually confusing her soul, which was interesting.

"I really learned a lot today."

With a simple whisper, then her body swayed, and she left from where she was. At the same time, she transformed the immortal energy in her body into magical energy. The dantian flew out, turned into a height equal to a person, and slashed at the female fairy in red who was dancing hard on the opposite side.

"Is she a magic fairy?"

Someone spoke up.

However, Yinren and Quanwei, who had fought against Jianjian, were a little surprised that Ziyan was actually a dual cultivator of Dao and Demon!
Especially Yinren, who felt a little numb from the blow, what else can this Ziyan not know?Which monster is this released to humiliate them?
And the man under the arena had a very bad expression at this time, the other party was a magic fairy, his plan fell through, he and Chi Hong cultivated the immortal power, even if they defeated the opponent, they would not be able to absorb that magical power , unless they want to go crazy.

When Chi Hong on the stage was attacked by Moyue Zhan, she was also extremely surprised. How could the other party be a Moxian in a blink of an eye, and her face smelled as bad as her own double cultivation partner.

It's simple but no matter how they feel in their hearts, after breaking through the opponent's provocative posture, the "Magic Moon Colorful" attack has followed closely. When the female fairy received the move, she sent the electric Holding the eel black whip in his hand, he smiled and threw it towards the other party's thigh with a somewhat ambiguous smile.

"Crack..." A red mark formed on the leg of the fairy in red. Although the opponent teleported away, the red mark faded somewhat due to the practice, but it did not completely disappear.

Jian Jian squinted his eyes, and continued his two-pronged approach. This time, the opponent was about to run out of the turbulent waves. With a "pop", there was another red mark.

Chi Hong was going crazy with anger, this woman in purple was simply a pervert, ever since she stood on the ring, the other party's whips were aimed at her chest, arms, and thighs, but not at the deadly part, which made her feel like being beaten humiliation.

Some male immortals in the audience saw the weird way of fighting on the ring, their eyes flickered again and again, and the corners of their mouths twitched. They felt that they had taken the initiative to strike up a conversation with the other party before, which was a burst of courage and luck. If they met Zi Yan The fairy is in a bad mood, and the whip with purple thunder flowers will probably fall on her.

Yin Ren: When Zi Yan fought against him, he must have shown mercy.

In less than a stick of incense, Chi Hong was pulled off the ring and crashed into the arms of her double cultivation partner, her body was so soft that she could hardly stand, the welt marks all over her body were accompanied by thunder flowers, making the man back subconsciously step.

 Babies, today is the fourth update!Rest early after watching!Good night!

(End of this chapter)

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