Whether it is the power of the five elements, or the power of demon, magic, and fairy, they are all evolved from chaos, so now it is just to reclassify the power of each department into chaos, which is not difficult for the simple .

After a while, a gray energy cocoon formed around Jianjian, wrapping her in it. The energy of various systems penetrated her skin, penetrated deep into the meridians, wandered through the riddled meridians, and released some aftermath. , and finally enter the dantian.

After being absorbed and purified by the Yin-Yang Taiji Disk, it turns into pure chaotic power, enters the meridians again, and begins to repair the broken bones. The ribs on the simple chest are the first to be repaired.

The gray power of chaos wrapped around the ends of the bones, gluing the broken parts together, and then the power of chaos penetrated deep into the bones, allowing the broken bones to grow back, and after being connected together, they returned to pale gold.

Just repairing this rib consumes the freshly purified power of chaos, but the effect is obvious, simple and not in a hurry, continue to absorb the power, then transform it, and then repair it, repeating the cycle.

It took half a day, Jian Jian only repaired the broken bone in her chest, and then she finished her work, waved to Bai Tuan, and asked with a smile:

"Where's Long Lei? Why haven't you seen him yet?"

"Fairy, he must have gone to investigate the way out of here. If he finds a way out, he will definitely leave us and run away. You were healing just now, and Baituan didn't want to disturb you, so I didn't say anything."

Bai Tuan scratched his ears and said to Jian Jian.

"We still need him for the time being, and we cannot let him go easily."

With a simple exhalation, stroking the palm of his hand, he called up the contract seal, and injected the chaotic power he had accumulated just now into it. He only said two cold words "come back", and the contract seal disappeared again.

Long Lei, who was swimming fast on the bottom of the sea, happened to see a boat and was about to jump out of the sea. Unexpectedly, there was a burning pain in his mind, and then he heard the word "come back", and his body trembled unconsciously. Jian Xianjun Woke up.

Looking at the boat in front of him, Long Lei's face was a bit ferocious, he gritted his teeth, swung his tail for the last time, and swam back. He didn't know if the little white dumpling told him after Jian Xianjun woke up. If he doesn't go back, he is sure that Jian Xianjun can make his soul disappear with a little thought.

In the end, Long Lei still succumbed to the simple coercion, the dragon's tail swung quickly, and returned to the inconspicuous shoal at the fastest speed.

At this time, a man on the spaceship frowned and asked the attendant beside him:
"Is this gentleman so scary? That little guy actually ran away!"

The attendant just smiled and didn't answer, but secretly vomited in his heart: How terrible are you, don't you have any points in your heart?Ask knowingly!
When looking at the ship again from the air, it is unusually huge and gorgeous. The whole ship has five floors, and the whole body is glowing with a dark golden luster. Fast forward.

Standing at the bow, the tall man in eggplant red robe was looking at Long Lei who disappeared into the deep sea and sighed secretly, what a good prey!

Long Lei didn't know yet, it was because of the simple summon that he was exempted from the treatment of becoming a lower-level dragon. At this time, he had already returned to the shallows, leaped out of the sea with a flick of the dragon's tail, and went onto the shallows. Looking at his simplicity with a non-smile.

"Fairy, are you awake? I went out to explore the way, and I came back immediately after hearing your call."

Long Lei immediately expressed his loyalty.

Jian Jian's complexion was too calm, he didn't look like a seriously injured person at all, not even a strand of hair was messed up, let alone a fairy robe without a single wrinkle, he couldn't figure out Jian Jian's specific situation.

Simply staring at Long Lei for about 5 minutes, when the other party's forehead was sweating, he said leisurely:

"Although I was seriously injured and unable to use my spiritual sense, I can still kill you with the seal of the contract. Don't blame me for not giving you a chance then."

"Long Lei didn't dare. The fairy hadn't woken up before. I just wanted to go out to seek help. This shoal is about to be submerged by sea water. I won't be able to stay for long. That's why I have to leave the fairy temporarily. Please don't misunderstand me."

Long Lei knew that simplicity was not a joke, but an ultimatum. If he made another wrong step, it would definitely become a material for refining. It was Xianjun Jian who had built up a lot of prestige in his heart, so he didn't dare to take that risk.

"I hope things are as you say."

He replied simply and lightly, and then continued to ask:
"You've been out for so long, what did you find?"

"Yes, when the fairy called me, I found a ship. I wanted to go up and ask, but it happened to be called by you. Long Lei had to turn back first."

"Who are the people on board? Do they have cultivation? Where are they heading?"

Simply ask three times in a row.

Long Lei could only reply with an awkward smile:

"Long Lei didn't even have time to investigate, but the direction should be towards us. With the speed of their boat, the fairy will be able to see it in three days."

Bai Tuan didn't speak for a while, only then jumped up and said in a bad tone:

"Senior Long Lei, are you stupid? Didn't they find you after you found out? You came back here, didn't you attract the people on the boat? What if the people on the boat are not good for the fairy? Or you Want to use the hands of the people on the boat to deal with the fairy?"

A dark light flashed in Long Lei's drooping eyes. His mind was guessed, or by a little fox who did not enter the fairy rank. Long Lei was a little annoyed, but he didn't dare to show it. As long as he showed a little flaw, he was waiting for him It will never end well.

"Bai Tuan, don't sow discord here. The fairy's call is so strong that my soul hurts. Naturally, I rushed back immediately. If I can't come back in time and let the fairy misunderstand me, wouldn't I die faster? I But without the insidiousness and cunning of your fox clan, you can still think so much at the moment of life and death!"


Bai Tuan jumped angrily, and was about to refute, but was simply held down.

"I did call in a hurry, I can't blame Long Lei."

Long Lei listened to the simple words, and then he let go of his heart, and was about to show his loyalty, when he felt a dull pain in his consciousness in the next breath, a destructive force poured on his soul, and it exploded instantly. He finally saw All he saw was the blue sky, and then his consciousness was emptied, and his mind and soul disappeared.

Bai Tuan opened his small mouth, looked at Long Lei who suddenly fell to the ground and showed his original shape, looked back at Jian Xianjun, and found that her face turned pale again, and immediately ran over to help him sit down, and then said anxiously:

"Fairy, you can't use your divine sense. It doesn't matter if you stay with Long Lei for a while. If you kill him now, wouldn't you recover more slowly?"

"Hmph! An abandoned son of the dragon clan has already given birth to two hearts. If I don't recover for a day, he will find ways to use the hands of outsiders to forcibly break the contract. At that time, I will be injured more severely, and I will suffer more. to his revenge.

Instead of doing this, it's better to nip all the crises in the bud. At worst, I'll keep him for a while longer, and his corpse might be able to exchange for our first resources. "

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