Space Cultivation: Rebirth Against the Little Orphan Girl

Chapter 1804 Ship Capital Thunder Dragon

Chapter 1804 Ship Capital Thunder Dragon
"Bai Tuan thinks I've done too much?"

Jian Jian sat down cross-legged again, exhaled a foul breath, and asked with a smile.

"No, Bai Tuan understands that if the fairy doesn't wake up, Long Lei will definitely start looking for a way out, and when he finds a partner, he will force the fairy to terminate the contract. At that time, we will only have a dead end. There is the life-saving hair given by the ancestors, but it can only save my life once, and there is no immortal king to suppress Long Lei, he can kill me with a flick of a finger."

Bai Tuan's fox eyes were shining, and he said everything he could think of.

"Well, your analysis is quite right, Long Lei was spoiled by his ancestors, and he is used to running amok in the Dragon Clan territory, but he doesn't know the dangers of the Immortal World.

Even if he doesn't dare to betray now, there is no guarantee that he won't be instigated by others to do things that are not good for us in the future, just like a thunderstorm bomb that will explode at any time, and if he hurts himself, he will also implicate us, so I decided to send him back to the embrace of the demon god. "

"Bai Tuan understands."

Bai Tuan nodded seriously.

"Then let's talk about it now, why did you sneak into my fairy beast bag?"

Jian Jian raised her phoenix eyes and asked with a smile.

"this and that"

Baituan began to look at the sky and the earth, but he didn't dare to answer directly, he thought the fairy would not ask!

"Do you know that your Yaojun will worry about you? If something goes wrong, you won't even be able to go back to the Yaoxian Domain."

Simply disagree.

"Fairy, don't be angry, Baituan thinks it's safest to stay by your side, so he slipped into the fairy beast bag while you were discussing how to deal with that terrible black hole, coincidentally, the fairy didn't close the fairy beast bag , gave Bai Tuan a chance."

Bai Tuan explained flatteringly.

"You're smart."

He briefly nodded Bai Tuan's head, and then said:
"Although Long Lei is dead, the ship he attracted will definitely come here, and we just took this opportunity to leave this shoal.

What Long Lei said before is correct, the shallows will be completely submerged by sea water soon, and I am seriously injured, unable to take out the spaceship in the storage bracelet, and your cultivation level is too low to cope with the crisis in the sea .

Long Lei's corpse is our bargaining chip. We just made a deal with the owner of the ship. Long Lei will belong to them. We will leave here on their boat. As long as my injuries can recover half, I won't be so passive. "

"Yes, Baituan understands that you should concentrate on recovering from your injuries first. The healing medicines collected by Baituan are too low-level to have any effect on Xianjun. Everything depends on Xianjun himself. Before they come, you can recover as much as you can."

Bai Tuan said immediately.

"Okay, you put away the dragon thunder first, and arrange a concealment formation around it."

"Fairy, I'm afraid they can see through Bai Tuan's formation at a glance."

Bai Tuan was a little embarrassed, his knowledge was not enough to hide their tracks.

"It's okay, just to make a point. If the other party is really coming towards us, he will definitely step forward. If it is not towards us, he will naturally avoid it when he sees the concealment formation. However, the possibility of this is very low. You have to do it well." Prepare."

"Bai Tuan understands, let's set up the formation now."

Bai Tuan put Long Lei's body into the fairy beast bag, then took out his own formation materials, and began to arrange a concealment formation on the shoal of less than [-] square meters.

The simple thing is to close your eyes and enter the state of repairing the injury again. There is no room for delay now.

Three days later, the huge sea ship really appeared in Bai Tuan's sight, Bai Tuan immediately pressed another fairy stone into the hidden formation he had set up, and then came to Jian Jian's side, obediently lying at her feet , Waiting to see the reaction of this ship.

Inside the tall sea ship, in the largest cabin, the man in eggplant red robe was reclining on the bed, and beside him was the beautiful and enchanting concubine Ji fanning, massaging, and feeding him fairy fruits, and three others. A beautiful luthier is playing the melody, and four dancers with slightly cool clothes and weak figures are dancing, and the cabin is full of singing and dancing.

The attendant walked into the cabin and said in a deep voice:

"Master, I found a hidden formation in front of me, do I want to make a detour?"

The man raised his eyelids, glanced at his attendant, and said displeasedly:

"Didn't you say that the little dragon is coming this way? If he is hiding in the formation, wouldn't he miss it?"

"My lord, the hidden formation is not a fairy-level formation. There is only a fairy and a little fox inside, and there is no shadow of the dragon."

"Tsk tsk, you are so stupid, what if someone cuts off your beard? Since you are a fairy, you still met in this endless sea. It can be seen that we are destined. I will meet this fairy."

The man regained his spirits immediately, and waved his hand to let the concubine Ji who was surrounding him go down. Regardless of the mournful expressions of the beauties, he strode away from the cabin.

Helplessly, the attendant shook his head and could only follow behind. If he had known earlier, he would have asked the young master to follow. The master would have restrained himself a bit. I don't know what happened to that fairy, and how she ended up in the endless sea.

Bai Tuan watched the huge sea ship sailing straight towards them, and knew that the other party was really coming towards them as the fairy said.

"Baituan, go open the formation and ask them if it is convenient for us to leave by boat. The boat fare is a thunder dragon, do you know what to say?"

"Bai Tuan understands."

After saying that, Bai Tuan came out of the hiding formation, squatted on the edge of the shallows, and watched the sea ship approaching.

When the man and his attendants saw the snow-white little fox, they seemed to have expected them to come, and were waiting for them with their tails flicking.


The man stood at the bow of the boat with arms crossed, and said to the guards beside him.

The guards didn't want to talk to him, they just looked at Bai Tuan and asked loudly:

"Where are the fairies in the formation going? Do you need our help?"

Only then did Bai Tuan's soft voice sound out:
"Seniors, my fairy sent me to ask, is it convenient for us to leave here by boat?"

"Then what good can we gain?"

Before the guard could reply, the tall man asked first.

"My fairy said that since I took the boat of the senior, I will pay the equivalent price of the boat, and I will definitely satisfy you. I don't know what the senior thinks?"

Bai Tuan said neither humble nor overbearing.

"You little fox is so smart, are you willing to follow me?"

The man stared at the white group and began to poach the wall.

"I don't want to. My fairy treats me very well. She never thought of making a contract with me. She taught me the way of life and practice. Which of these can you do?"

Bai Tuan tilted his head and asked.

This question stopped the man, and he muttered:
"Your fairy is not raising a pet, but raising a son. I can't do that."

"Senior, would you like to let us board the ship?"

Bai Tuan brought the topic back on track.

"Let's talk about the fare that satisfies me first."

"Senior, my fairy said that the thunder dragon you are chasing is the boat fare we paid senior, are you satisfied?"

(End of this chapter)

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