Chapter 1805 Identity Guessing
The man narrowed his eyes and said with a smile:

"Satisfied, naturally satisfied! Then invite the fairy to board the boat!"

Bai Tuan nodded, first put away his formation materials, and then followed Jian Jian to the front of the ship.

The moment Jian Jian approached, he attracted the people on the whole ship. The eyes of all the curious onlookers were glued to Jian Jian. Even the owner of the ship, the man also showed surprise.

She was dressed in a maple-leaf red fairy robe with gradient colors, the skirt was the darkest, and then gradually transitioned to the unbearable slender waist, and then to the shoulders and a pair of wide sleeves, the color had turned light red.

Look at Jian Jian's long black hair, which hangs down to his waist, an oval face, beautiful eyebrows and phoenix eyes, eyes shining like stars, a tall nose, and bright red lips. He smiled at everyone, revealing four shellfish The teeth are so refined that they are indeed worthy of the title of a fairy.

In addition to being amazed, the tall man's eyes also flashed a trace of doubt. He couldn't tell the depth of the other party's cultivation, and his aura was too restrained.

The attendant frowned. He didn't expect it to be a fairy. He glanced at the contemplative master and said directly:
"Invite the fairy to board the ship."

Simple spiritual sense can't be used, but her eyes are very good. She can see the expressions of everyone clearly with just one glance at the sea boat. As for the man who is in charge, she doesn't want to have too much interaction with him. He showed his sharpness.

"White group."

With a simple call, Bai Tuan jumped into her arms.

Immediately, with a simple tap of her toes, she jumped onto the tall ship. When she landed on the deck, she touched Baituan's head and said:

"Please accept the shipping fee below."

Bai Tuan waved his claws, and the corpse of the [-]-meter-long Tier-[-] Thunder Dragon appeared on the deck intact.

The surrounding crew members all stared straight at the sixth-order thunder dragon, which did not damage a single dragon scale, so it was just handed over to them. The master made a good deal this time.

Only the eyes of the man and the guards beside him flickered, and now they were even more suspicious that this dragon was the bait released by the beautiful fairy in order to board their sea boat.

If this thunder dragon was hunted and killed by this fairy, it is impossible that there is no damage at all. He just saw that even the demon pill was not taken out from the thunder dragon's body. After hunting the monster, the inner pill and the corpse were sold separately , this is their unwritten rule, obviously this fairy does not play cards according to common sense.

"If you are satisfied, please trouble this little brother to arrange a quiet cabin for me. I like quiet."

Simply put, these words were addressed to the servants.

The attendant looked at his master, waiting for the final decision, while the man looked at Jian Jian and said with a smile:

"Forgive me for taking the liberty to ask, is this thunder dragon hunted and killed by a fairy?"

"No, he is my pet in battle. He wanted to join forces with outsiders to attack me while I was injured, so as to force me to terminate the contract. I had no choice but to strike first and crush his dragon soul."

Simply stroking Bai Tuan, smiled and answered the question from the owner of the sea boat.

The voice was exceptionally gentle, but everyone on the boat, including the man, felt chills down their spines.

"Hey, this animal deserves it. Don't be angry, Fairy. Let's go to the cabin to rest first. Our 'Haining' is on its way back, and we will arrive at the land port in about a year."

"I'm not going to get angry with the beast, anyway, it's him who has become the material now."

Simple still replied with a smile.

"Fairy, this way please."

The attendant caught the man's eyes and immediately led Jian Jian to a cabin on the deck.

"Then there will be Brother Lao."

After simply nodding to the captain, he turned and left the deck, leaving behind the crowd watching the corpse of the thunder dragon.

After entering the cabin, Jian Jian and Bai Tuan relaxed.

Bai Tuan immediately jumped out of Simple's embrace, and began to arrange a defensive array in the cabin. Although it might not be able to block those people, but at least it could be a warning. Bai Tuan tried his best to protect Simple.

Jian Jian immediately seized the time and entered the healing state, and a large amount of Yuan Li around her immediately poured into the cabin where she was, because a special formation was arranged on the ship, this time, the simple healing absorbed all the Yuan Yuan, which saved her It's over.

Such a big commotion, the ship owner and those guards naturally found out. At this time, they were gathering in the cabin where the previous ship owner was, guessing their simple identities.

"Master, according to my guess, that fairy should be from the hidden world family, and casually killed a sixth-order contract thunder dragon, and she was so understated, it seems that she didn't take that thunder dragon seriously at all. .”

The attendant who had been with the master before analyzed it.

"But it looks like she loves that little white fox very much."

Another disagreed.

"That's different. That dragon is a battle pet, and it cooperates with her in fighting. If she is not dedicated in the battle, it will easily hurt her. As for the little white fox, its level is too low, and it does not pose any threat to that fairy. She It's a pet, so it's different."

The servant explained.

"Master, do you think we should mention the 'Holy Mountain of Guixu' to her?"

"That depends on whether she can enter the 'Tianwei List'. If she doesn't enter the list, she doesn't even have the qualification to step into the Holy Mountain of Guixu."

"Master, why are you so sure that she entered the 'Tianwei Bang'? Not the 'Diyue Bang'?"

the servant asked curiously.

"Even I can't see her cultivation, what do you think?"

The man glared at the attendant and said directly.

"Hiss! You can't even see the cultivation of this fairy, so at least she's in the first stage of Xianjun!"

Another guard gasped and said directly.

Although the man didn't want to admit it, he still nodded and said:

"Yes, and the breath around her is too clean, I can't even tell if she is a Taoist or a demon."

The man became more and more curious about his simple identity. Judging by his bone age and appearance, he would not be an unknown person. How could he appear in the endless sea?

"Master, do we want to monitor each other?"

asked a servant.

"Forget about being stupid. Keep an eye on her. If you cast a glance over her, she'll be able to detect it. Besides, it's such a big place. If she doesn't plan to leave alone, she will definitely be on our ship and doesn't need to be watched."

The man glanced at the attendant who came up with bad ideas, and finally suppressed the curiosity in his heart, and ordered:

"Don't go wandering around other people's houses if you have nothing to do. We will talk about everything after we go back. This time we have achieved a good result. If we can invite this fairy to join my Nanfeng family's team again, we will definitely have a place on the Guixu Holy Mountain."

"Master, do you want that fairy to help us obtain the inheritance of Guixu Holy Mountain? Is it a bit hasty?"

"Don't worry, I didn't say to settle the matter now, and I have to discuss it with the patriarch after I go back, and this fairy must have this ability."

As the sea ship got closer and closer to the land port, the simple injury was also recovering, but the spiritual consciousness had not been able to be called.

 Babies, it was updated on time, and today is also a million updates!I hope everyone enjoys reading, the new territory has opened, and the storyline will become more and more exciting, so stay tuned!Rest early after reading, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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