Chapter 1806
It was only half a year after boarding the ship that the bones of the whole body were spliced ​​and repaired bit by bit.

Bai Tuan saw Jian Jian opened his eyes, and immediately asked:
"Fairy, has your injury worsened? How is your recovery going?"

The fox's eyes were full of worry. During the time when the fairy was in seclusion, several people came to the door and tried to trick him, but they were all fooled by him. But if the fairy didn't show up for a long time, they would definitely conduct further temptations. That was more than he could handle.

"Don't worry, [-]% of it has been repaired now, and it will take some time to fully repair it."

He briefly touched Baituan's head, and asked with a smile:

"Bai Tuan has worked hard, did something happen during my retreat?"

"It's fine for the time being. Two days ago, a female fairy came to look for the fairy. She said that the owner of the ship was holding a banquet and invited you to a party, but I dismissed her. She was still a little unhappy and rushed into the cabin on purpose, but was pulled out by Liu Chuan. I went, and never came to the door after that.”

After listening to Baituan's words, he gave a simple hand pause, and only then did he hear Yanagawa's lazy voice:
"Jian Xianjun, why are you in such a mess this time? I was just consolidating my cultivation, and you tossed yourself out of the Seven Immortal Realm again!"

The meaning of ridicule is very obvious.

"There was a little accident, and it was plotted against."

Simple and not angry, he said with a smile.

"Can you confirm who plotted against you?"

Liu Chuan continued to ask, when he went back, how could he find the place again.

The simple phoenix eyes narrowed, and then said:
"It should be Yueluan. I didn't expect her to be so courageous. She actually touched the Yaoxian Realm and set up a plan to kill me."

"I guess it's that old witch. With your current cultivation base and the divine weapon body protection, it's not easy to kill you. With the things you've been tossing about in the fairyland, Yueluan will definitely not be able to sit still." Hold on, this setup was a success, but it's a pity that she didn't know about the existence of the Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron."

Liu Chuan already knew about falling into this sea area from Bai Tuan.

"I'm not dead yet! Let her jump around for two days, and we'll take care of her when we go back. Immortal Qing Ji, who accompanied me, will definitely be able to guess that it was Yueluan who made the move, and will definitely stare at her to death. As long as she Showing the slightest bit of tell's foot, Jian's family and Xianjianzong will never let her go.

And this time I had an accident in the Yaoxian Realm, and the purpose was to protect that low-level trial secret realm, which can be regarded as indirectly helping the juniors in the Yaoxian Realm. The Demon Emperor will also accept my favor, we will wait and see That's it. "

"I think it's a good thing for you to leave the Qifang Immortal Realm temporarily, because of the existence of sesame, you are regarded as a thorn in the side of the Zerg there, and you must guard against their deadly attacks in everything, and here, although we live in Not familiar with us, but others are not familiar with us, just like when you first entered the Demon Realm, it will be regarded as a different place for trial."

Yanagawa continued.

"Tsk, it's rare for you to comfort me."

Simply said with a smile.

"It's not that Baituan is worried about you, and you are seriously injured this time, and you really need time to recover. It is right for you to kill Long Lei directly. If he really breaks the contract with you, he will definitely use his claws Stretching out to you, even though I am here, if we fight against that stupid dragon, we will definitely lose and lose, and we will definitely take advantage of others."

Liu Chuan told the truth, he never underestimated his opponents, let alone Thunder Dragon, he was born to suppress him as a wood type.

"Don't worry, I won't die that easily, just like you said, it's a trial."

"Master, don't worry, before you recover from your injury, there are me, Yanagawa and Baituan, and we will definitely protect you. The most important thing is for you to recover from your injury with peace of mind."

Zhima also moved the simple earlobe at this time, showing that he was also there, and that he was also capable of protecting his master.

"Fortunately, there is the Ziyu Silver Dragon Cauldron. The wounds on the fairy were all injured when she rescued the secret realm in the fairyland, and she was not injured twice in the black hole in the starry sky. Otherwise, it would be really hard to say, and we are protected by the fairy. , now is the time for us to protect the fairies."

Sesame's tail is up and down.

What happened so suddenly at that time, Zhima entered the simple body directly along the earlobe, and hibernated quietly. When he fell into the shoal, he did not wake up. He didn't wake up until he boarded the ship. Come here, Yanagawa woke up after him.

"It's good that you have nothing to do. In the next period of time, I will be a weak fairy. You have to protect me!"

With bright phoenix eyes, Jian Jian said with a smile.

"Fairy, don't worry, after I wake up, I will let the little silver armors go to inquire about the news."

Sesame cocked her tail proudly, and then told all the news from Shining Armor.

Among them, Tianweibang, Diyuebang, Guixu Holy Mountain, and Hidden World Family had a few unclear words, which attracted simple attention.

"It seems that this is also an existence similar to our Seven Immortal Realm, but the power here is mixed and impure, and we don't know how long we have been in the black hole in the starry sky, and where is this place, and whether the time flow rate is the same as that of the Seven Immortal Realm , These all need to be investigated, it would be great if we can get the star map."

Simply stroked Bai Tuan's head and said softly.

"Who asked you to leave the star map obtained from a corner of the fairy world in Tianjianzong before you ascended. If you bring it up, maybe it will be of some help."

Liu Chuan said.

"Who would have thought that this would be the case. I don't know if the living map I bought in Western Immortal Territory can map out the terrain here."

Simply frowned.

"It's useless to be anxious now. Your spiritual sense can't be used, and you can't get things out. Don't force it. I heard from Baituan. In order to kill that stupid dragon, you force your divine sense to use your divine sense. It hurts more, now you just have to be your delicate fairy, and the rest of the things will be done step by step, anyway, it’s already like this, how can it be worse.”

Yanagawa continued.

"Okay, I listen to you."

Simple and glad to accept.

"When I was recuperating to heal my wounds, the three of you discussed and dealt with any problems. If you encounter problems that cannot be resolved, wake me up again."

"Nevermind, take care of yourself first."

Liu Chuan said directly.

"Isn't it just the day that the ship owner is hosting a banquet tomorrow, I'd better show up, lest they send people over and over again in the future, just in time for us to find out their details."

Briefly describe your plan.

"The master is right, the news that the little silver armors overheard is a bit messy after all."

Sesame was the first to express support.

"Alright, show up, and then I'll help you restore your meridians."

Yanagawa also agreed.

"I obey the fairy's orders."

Baituan responded obediently.

On the second day, Jane, who was in good condition, left a few little silver armors to guard the door, hugged Baituan, walked out of the cabin slowly, and walked all the way to the main cabin.

Looking at the simplicity of stepping out of the cabin for the first time in half a year since boarding the ship, Nan Fengjin, the owner of the ship, was the first to get the news.

 Boys, good noon!Apologies in advance. I was out of business yesterday, so I couldn’t update the code words. It was ten o’clock when I got home. I was too tired. I just washed and went to bed. I woke up early today to update. I will post one chapter first, and I will code three chapters later. Let’s go together upload!Thank you all for your patience. (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of this chapter)

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