Chapter 1807
Before Jian Jian reached the door, two attendants greeted him. Seeing the fairy again, the astonishment in their eyes remained the same. After respectfully saluting, they invited Jian Jian into the boat room.

With the simple entry, everyone who was talking in a low voice fell silent. In the huge cabin, only the sound of playing music could be heard, and there were four graceful dancers performing.

Simply ignoring everyone's gazes on her, she was led to sit on the lower seat of the captain. In front of her was an ebony table with various fruits, snacks, and drinks on it. I don't know. How it tastes is pleasing to the eye.

After waiting for Jian to sit down, Nan Fengjin said with a smile:

"How is the injury on Fairy's body recovering well? I went to invite Fairy before, but I was kicked out. I thought you wouldn't come!"

After a brief glance at the captain who was still wearing an eggplant red fairy robe, he said with a light smile:

"Thank you, the captain, for your concern. The injury is fine for the time being. The white group said that I was in retreat that day. I think the fairy who went to invite me was worried and wanted to invite me again in person. It's just that my plant pet has a bad temper. I liked someone close to me, so I 'invited' her out, and asked the captain not to blame her."

After hearing this, Nan Fengjin knew that this fairy was not easy to get along with. It was obviously his concubine Ji who wanted to force her way in, but she was pulled out, and she could still whitewash the matter in front of him. The place is so peaceful that even the ladder to go down the steps has been set up for him.

"Hehe, it's because my attendant doesn't understand the rules, so it's better if the fairy doesn't blame her."

Nan Fengjin immediately said with a smile, ignoring the eyes of the purple-clothed concubine beside her.

"I still don't know what the owner of the ship is called?"

Asking with a simple smile, it can be regarded as turning over the previous matter.

"Under Nan Fengjin, I don't know how to call the fairy?"

"So it's Mr. Nanfeng, my surname is Jian, list."

Simple also notified his name.

"It turned out to be Fairy Jane, but I don't know how Fairy fell into the Endless Sea. The shoal where you got on the boat is almost close to the center of the Endless Sea. Fortunately, the large sea beast nearby was taken away by us."

Nan Fengjin began to quietly inquire about the simple origin.

"I originally accepted the mission. During the execution of the mission, I was plotted against and fell into a crack in space. I managed to get out, and that's why I appeared in the Endless Sea."

Simple and true.

"Tsk, it's good luck for the fairy to escape from the space crack."

Nan Fengjin said bluntly.

"Who said it wasn't, and it was because of this that he was injured, which gave my battle pet a chance to take advantage of it."

Said simply and lightly.

Bai Tuan on the side jumped onto the ebony table a long time ago, holding a blue fruit and chewing on it, while listening to the conversation between the two with his ears up.

Because Jian Jian and Nan Fengjin started to fight each other, the huge boat room became lively again, and the conversation seemed to be loud, but in fact, they both left one ear to listen to their conversation.

"When I come out this time, I also want to see the Guixu Holy Mountain. I wonder if Mr. Nanfeng knows about it?"

Jian Jian held a glass of wine in his hand, only stroked the rim of the glass, but did not drink it.

Hearing the simple mention of the Holy Mountain of Guixu, Nan Fengjin's eyes flashed with dismay. It seemed that the other party really came for the Holy Mountain of Guixu.

"The fairy is well-informed. There are still ten years before the Holy Mountain of Guixu will be opened, but only the top [-] in the two rankings will be eligible to step into the Holy Mountain of Guixu."

Nan Fengjin said with a smile.

"Mr. Nanfeng is talking about 'Tianwei Bang' and 'Diyue Bang'?"

He simply raised his eyebrows and continued to ask.

"It seems that the fairy knows a lot."

Nan Fengjin's eyes lit up, and Jian Jian said calmly:

"The family only informed the news, and we need to inquire further, which can be regarded as a kind of experience."

Bai Tuan squinted his fox eyes, gnawed the fruit very happily, and in his heart was a capitalized word "serve". Based on the bits and pieces of news that little Yinjia heard, the fairy had already disguised herself as a disciple of a hermit family who went out to practice up.

Nan Fengjin was overjoyed again. He really guessed it. He really was a high-ranking disciple of the Hidden Family, but he didn't seem to have heard of the Hidden Family with the surname "Jane". I came out to practice, and hiding my surname is just the most common method, so I continued:

"Since Fairy knows these two lists, do you know how to enter the list?"

"I really don't know about this, I wonder if Mr. Nanfeng can tell me a thing or two?"

She simply said with a smile, she really doesn't know, she can't make it up, she can only tell the truth, fortunately, she has laid the groundwork before, so that the other party will not be suspicious.

"It's easy to say, these two lists stand at the foot of the Guixu Holy Mountain. As long as the immortals who appear in my Qianyuan Immortal Realm have fought against others, the two lists will automatically include them in the list," Tian Wei "Bangbang" is the ranking of all immortals in the Qianyuan world, and "Diyue Bang" is a list of all monks who have not entered the immortal rank."

"Then the ranking of this list is based on cultivation and combat power?"

Simply keep asking.

"Fairy is smart. This list not only depends on cultivation, but also on combat power. It also depends on the level of the four arts of cultivating immortals. It is a very comprehensive list. People with the same cultivation level have different combat powers and different levels of four arts. High and low, these are the standards to measure."

"If you want to enter the top [-], you must be at the top of the cultivation base. There is no hope for those with low cultivation bases."

Jian Jian handed the wine glass to Bai Tuan and continued.

"Indeed, that's because of the special nature of the Guixu Holy Mountain. I heard that the senior Da Neng once said that there is a world of laws inside. If you can't reach the level of cultivation, even if you barely enter the top [-] on the list, Entering the holy mountain will also be crushed by various laws."

After hearing this, she simply raised her eyebrows. She has never seen the world of laws before. This is a good place, which will help her understand various laws. The comprehension and application of the laws between heaven and earth, and the law of time is something she has never understood.

"Then if you have reached your cultivation base and failed to enter the list, do you have a chance to challenge?"

"Of course you can. If you are ranked No. 90, you go to challenge No. [-] No. [-]. The challenge is two out of three rounds. Both sides can choose one of their own specialties to compete. Any of the four arts All of them are fine, and the last one is a real battle of real swords and guns.

If you win, you will replace the No. 90 eighth place, and the loser will be automatically reduced to the one hundred and first place, and the loser can continue to challenge others. "

"Can you limit the number of challenges?"

"Three times, the rankings of the two lists will be updated every time the holy mountain is opened, so the ten years before the opening are the busiest time, as long as the list is not officially announced, everyone has a chance, but we must have full confidence before challenging Otherwise, let alone wasting three chances, you won't be able to enter the list.

Of course, those immortals with low cultivation bases know that they cannot enter the top [-], and they will challenge the top [-] people. After all, as long as they can enter the top [-] of the 'Tianwei Ranking', it is also worth showing off . "

(End of this chapter)

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