Chapter 1808 Preliminary Plan
After listening to Nan Fengjin's narration, Jian Jian already had a rough plan for his experience in Qianyuan Immortal Realm, so he continued to ask:
"Where is the challenge?"

"Of course, as long as it is in the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, the 'Tianwei Bang' can sense it. If the fairy is interested, you can join the team of my Nanfeng family. What do you think?"

Nan Fengjin took the opportunity to extend the invitation, and the ears of everyone in the cabin perked up.

"According to Mr. Nanfeng's explanation, this list is more about personal ability, what is the relationship with the family?"

Jian Jian didn't refuse or agree, just asked the reason with a smile.

"To tell you the truth, the list is based on personal strength, but the more family members, sect disciples, and royal family members on the list, the stronger the strength, the better the allocation of resources."

Nan Fengjin spoke the truth.

"I see."

To put it simply, the other party explained in such detail that he was waiting here, but after hearing what he said, it is not difficult to understand that the Qianyuan Immortal Realm also respects strength, and only if you are strong enough can you occupy more and better resources.

"Would Fairy consider joining my Nan Feng family?"

Nan Fengjin didn't want to miss the opportunity, so she asked again.

"Young Master Nanfeng really thinks highly of me, how do you know I have this ability?"

It is not easy to make a decision now because I simply follow the way of Tai Chi and do not know the situation of other families.

"Fairy was joking, your only battle pet is the sixth-order Thunder Dragon, and your cultivation level will naturally not be lower than that of the Immortal Monarch Realm. This cultivation base has already entered the ranks of high-level in my Qianyuan Immortal Realm. What about this skill!"

While Nan Fengjin answered, she also made a small gesture.

Simply lowered his eyes and thought for a while:
"To tell you the truth, Mr. Nanfeng, my injuries have not fully recovered. If I fail to fully recover before the announcement of the list, thus delaying the challenge, then there is no point for me to join the Nanfeng family. If my injuries fully recover , can you accept the young master's proposal again?"

After listening to the simple reply, Nan Fengjin understood that he still needs to think again, but this is understandable, after all, they came from the hermit family, and their Nanfeng family is not the most powerful.

"Naturally, the fairy's healing is the most important thing. If you need any healing pills, just tell me."

Nan Fengjin said with a smile.

Now that there is speculation about the identity of Fairy Jian, it is best to make the other party owe them a favor from Nan Feng's family in order to show their strength properly.

"Mr. Nanfeng has a heart. Because I practice a special technique, I don't want to use pills to recover. I just take advantage of the injury and polish it. It will be beneficial to the next practice."

Simply politely declined.

"Since that's the case, I won't cause trouble for the fairy. If you need anything, you can tell my attendant."

Nan Fengjin said with a smile, since she decided to make friends, don't leave a bad impression on others because of these trivial matters.

After Bai Tuan drank the glass of wine that Jian Jian handed him, his limbs were already stretched, and he was lying on the table in a dazed state. White halos flashed across his body, and he was refining the energy in the wine.

Simply raising his hand to hold Bai Tuan in his arms, he got up and said goodbye to Nan Fengjin:

"Thank you Mr. Nanfeng for explaining Jian's doubts, I will not disturb Mr. Wang's elegant mood."

As he spoke, he glanced at the concubines of various colors who were surrounded by Nan Fengjin, thin and fat, and ended the conversation in a timely manner.

Nan Fengjin didn't feel embarrassed either. Originally, she thought about getting a simple favor. After all, the other party was a rare and stunning beauty, but now that she knew the other party's details, he had given up on this idea. Compared with his concubines, the former made more profits.

After simply returning to the cabin, after closing the door this time, Liu Chuan directly separated a wicker to surround the entire cabin, turning it into a restriction and barrier.

And Bai Tuan, who was pretending to be drunk, also came to his senses. This time he was smart. Although Fairy Jian handed him a cup of fairy wine, he only licked it with his tongue. Remember, so this refinement went very smoothly.

Now everyone is gathering together to discuss the news they got from Nan Fengjin.

"Fairy, would you like to go to the Holy Mountain of Guixu?"

Bai Tuan asked first.

"With this plan, it happens that my cultivation has also entered a bottleneck. Maybe this is an opportunity."

simply replied.

"I agree, since it can be called a holy mountain, it must have a lot of background! As for the list, with your strength in the Immortal Monarch Realm, it is not difficult to enter the list."

These are Yanagawa's words.

"Wherever the master goes, Zhima will go."

This is a loyal follower.

The matter was decided so happily, and for the remaining half a year, with the help of Liu Chuan, he used the wood-type immortal energy to mend the meridians of the whole body.

This time Liu Chuan was not stingy, and used the "Mu Fengchun" that she had hidden at the bottom of the box on Jian Jian, and made it clear that she would have to pay it back after her consciousness recovered.

Simply promise that I will return it, and only then can I enjoy Liu Chuan's treatment of healing with the wood-type celestial power.

The energy of the wood-type immortals is already gentle, and adding "Wood Fengchun", the effect of repairing the meridians is really good. After three months, the meridians of all sizes in the simple body have been repaired, but the consciousness is still shrinking in the consciousness. Hainei did not come out.

She simply knew that this was because her consciousness was seriously injured and was being cultivated in the sea of ​​consciousness, so she was not in a hurry. Now the injuries on her body have basically recovered, which does not affect her combat power, but she cannot open the storage bracelet and the space of the purple mansion.

However, she still has Zhima and Liu Chuan, and if they pick out a little from their private possessions, it is enough for her to walk in Qianyuan Immortal Realm.

Zhima and Yanagawa shook at the same time, feeling as if they were being watched.

After a year, a month, and 20 days of traveling, everyone finally saw the land port.

During this period, the sea ship was attacked by high-level sea beasts four times, and those mid-level sea beasts were not counted. Fortunately, there was no wave of sea beasts, and because the sea ship was well equipped and manned, there were no surprises along the way. Surprisingly, he landed on the shore.

The ship docked, and after Jian Jian took care of herself, she left the cabin and got off the ship with Nan Fengjin, finally feeling down-to-earth.

"Young master, you are finally back! The patriarch and all the elders have figured out that you have just landed in the past few days, and specially ordered me to pick you up."

A man in a dark blue robe, smiling all over his face, greeted Nan Fengjin and his party, but his eyes glanced twice more.

It was so simple and too beautiful, almost half of the people at the port were watching Nan Fengjin and his party, and some were talking in low voices.

If it wasn't for simply being with people from the Nanfeng family, someone would probably have approached him long ago.

And Nan Fengjin's vanity was also greatly satisfied, so she smiled and said simply to the side watching casually:
"Fairy Jian, this port is a bit messy. If you don't mind it, you can go to the other courtyard of my Nanfeng family to rest for two days."

(End of this chapter)

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