Chapter 1809 Four Great Aristocratic Families 1
This time simply did not refuse, and responded with a smile:

"In this way, there will be Mr. Lao Nanfeng."

It’s just a port, and it can be seen that this Qianyuan Immortal World is in a mixed state, because there are people, demons, and demons here, and there are also monks who have not entered the immortal rank, and they live together harmoniously, but they don’t see it. mortal.

Hearing that Jian Jian didn't reject it outright, Nan Fengjin knew that her proposal had something to do with it, so she told the uncle in charge:

"Guard Tong, please arrange another carriage. Fairy Jian is my honored guest, and she will stay with us in another courtyard for a while."

"Young master, wait a moment, because I don't know that you have brought a distinguished guest, and I don't have a spare frame, I will go find an emergency one now."

Manager Tong immediately cupped his hands.

Jian Jian had already seen the frame of Nanfeng's family lined up at the port, all of which were made of ebony wood, the carts were pulled by spirit beasts, and the family emblem of Nanfeng's family was a red maple leaf.

"Don't be so troublesome, it's not good to delay everyone's return journey, I have a mount."

Simply wave your hands.

At this time, Bai Tuan, nestled in Jian Jian's arms, shook his ears, jumped straight up, and at the same time he landed on the ground with somersaults, he turned into a huge four-tailed phantom fox, with a snow-white body and no stray hairs. Swinging four snow-white fox tails, she walked in front of Jian Jian with graceful steps.

With a simple smile, she touched Baituan's head, and with a light jump, she sat on Baituan's back, one white and one red, making her more conspicuous and attracting more attention.

The astonishment in Nan Fengjin's eyes was still the same, but the concubines behind him almost tore off their fairy skirts in hatred, and it felt really bad to be robbed of the limelight by others.

Butler Tong opened his mouth, and finally closed his mouth together, looking at his young master.

"Since Fairy Jian has her own exclusive mount, let's not delay, let's set off!"

Nan Fengjin waved his hand and said.

"Yes, son."

Everyone quickly got on the frame and left the port, while Jian Jian was sitting in the white group, looking at the surrounding scenery slowly, with a posture of traveling in mountains and rivers.

This port is three times bigger than the port of Bibohai. Excluding the place where sea ships dock, it is divided into three areas. Just now, the place where Nan Feng's family was waiting was the area closest to the port. Obviously, it was for picking up people. It is specially designated as the smallest area, after all, it is very mobile.

The biggest places are two parallel commercial streets, all of which are shops, and what they sell should be obtained from the sea, followed by an exclusive area for scattered stalls, where there is no shortage of casual repairs, some sea hunting teams who have received offshore missions, They are shooting their own prey. There are people coming and going here, which is more lively than the commercial street.

Along the way, Jian Jian received countless attention gifts, and the news that Nan Fengjin brought back a stunning beauty also spread throughout the port.

Before arriving at the Nanfeng Bieyuan, a spectator ushered in. This person was the nemesis of the Nanfeng family, the youngest son of the Beiming family, Bei Mingzhi.

Bei Mingzhi wore a fairy robe with black stripes on a white background, and held a black folding fan. His appearance was between that of a teenager and a young man. His black hair occasionally flashed a dark blue luster, and he was tied with a dark blue hair. Dai, who is slender and thin, is asking the guards around him:
"Is your news reliable? I don't believe that Nan Fengjin's luck will be so good."

After speaking, he curled his lips.

Because the two are often compared, it's just because he is younger and one level lower than Nan Fengjin in terms of cultivation, so he is suppressed by the opponent everywhere, so he is even more unconvinced, so he often looks for that guy Not happy.

It's a pity that the two are both elite disciples of the four great families, and they are considered one body, and they cannot fall out, so every time they are suppressed before they start to quarrel, but if they make a little trouble for each other, the elders of the family will also open their eyes. One eye is closed and the other is closed.

At this moment, when my young master asked, the guard immediately said:
"The news is correct. Many people have seen it. It's just that we can't find out the origin of that fairy. I guess Mr. Nanfeng should know."

"Don't worry, we'll talk about it when we see someone. As long as it's not from his Nanfeng family, we'll find a way to dig it out."

Bei Mingzhi waved his folding fan with a suave look.

"Son, they are here."

Sure enough, in the next breath, a group of frames appeared in Bei Mingzhi's sight.

Bei Mingzhi's spiritual consciousness could not wait to spread out, bypassing those frames, and went straight to the white fox at the rear.

Although Jian Jian couldn't use her spiritual sense, her senses were very keen. Feeling a prying gaze, she frowned in displeasure, and called out directly:

Bei Mingzhi was still shocked by the simple posture of heaven and man, when he felt a strong force on his consciousness, which instantly made him withdraw his consciousness, and his face was still a little pale.

The two guards around him sensed something was wrong, and immediately stepped forward and said:
"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Bei Mingzhi waved his hand and was about to speak when he heard Nan Fengjin's annoying voice:

"What else can I do? It's impolite! If you want to see someone, just hand over a letter of worship openly. What are you doing with your spiritual sense to peep? It's really embarrassing to our four great families."


Bei Mingzhi was angry, he was really impatient.

At this time, Nan Fengjin's carriage had already parked at the gate of the other courtyard, and a servant opened the door. Nan Fengjin flicked her eggplant red fairy robe, got off the carriage, glanced at Bei Mingzhi, and continued:
"Knowing that I'm coming back today, why did you specially come to the other courtyard to welcome me?"

"Bah! Just you, you are worthy of my welcome, my lord."

"Then what are you doing squatting in front of my courtyard?"

Of course Nan Fengjin knew his purpose, if he didn't say anything, it would make him feel uncomfortable.

"Who squatted!"

Bei Mingzhi was about to die of anger, he flicked up his sleeves, and was about to rush up, but was held back by two guards, one left and one right.

Nan Fengjin's mouth is not taboo about meat and vegetables, the young master is deflated every time, and every time he has to rush up, but he can't beat him, and he still has to show his prestige. Every time it is their guards who are unlucky, so they immediately Stopped his son's stupid behavior.

"Beimingzhi, you are also the young master of Beiming's family, you have to be graceful and don't lose face in front of the fairy."

Nan Fengjin continued to speak, and looked towards the rear of the convoy after speaking.

Hearing this, Bei Mingzhi paused, and then signaled the guard to let go, opened his folding fan with a "snap", and then looked at the four-tailed white fox who was walking slowly.

The conversation between the two was simple and clear, and new news was extracted from it. The one who had a problem with Nan Fengjin was the son of the Beiming family, and both of them were members of the four major families in the Qianyuan Immortal Realm.

Jian Jian jumped off Bai Tuan's back, Bai Tuan stretched his waist, leaped forward, turned into a little white fox again, and returned to Jian Jian's arms.

Bei Ming ruled the Li Xianpao, stepped forward and said:

"In Xiabei Mingzhi, I saw a fairy, but I don't know what the fairy is called?"

"It's simple."

"Fairy Jian, this is the first time I've come to Qianyuan Port. Is it for training? Or to exchange resources? If necessary, I can accompany Fairy."

Bei Mingzhi immediately hit the snake and said on the stick.

(End of this chapter)

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