Chapter 1810 Royal Power
"Tsk tsk, I said Bei Mingzhi, it's not appropriate for you to poach a wall in front of me!"

Nan Fengjin stood aside with folded arms, and said bluntly.

"Fairy Jian is not from your Nanfeng family! Can you still make decisions for her?"

Bei Mingzhi shook the folding fan in his hand, and replied.

"I can't make the decision for Fairy Jian, but Fairy has agreed to live in Nanfeng Bieyuan temporarily, so you're still busy with your work, so I won't say hello."

Nan Fengjin waved her hand, ready to send Bei Mingzhi away.

With a simple smile, he said:
"It's time to live up to Mr. Beiming's kindness. This matter is indeed negotiated with Mr. Beiming."

At this time, Guanshi Tong took advantage of the time when his young master was talking with Beiming, and had already arranged a separate courtyard for Fairy Jian to rest, so he interjected at the right time:

"Young Master Beiming, my son and his party have just returned, and the journey is exhausting. I need to rest for a few days, so I can catch up with you sometime later?"

Bei Mingzhi knew that it was not good for him to block people's doors like this, and it was easy for Fairy Jian to think that he was impolite. Anyway, the person had already seen him, and the rest was easy to say, so he took out a piece of paper from his storage belt. The sub-post, handed over simply:
"It's my honor to meet Fairy Jian today. This is my post from Beimingfu. You can come to Beimingfu at any time with this post. I won't bother Fairy to rest."

Jian Jian did not refuse, accepted the post, and nodded with a smile.

Nan Fengjin didn't stop him. If this guy didn't achieve his goal, he would definitely not let it go. Instead of doing this, he might as well be more magnanimous.

"Fairy Jane, please come inside, your courtyard has been tidied up."

"It's work."

After a simple and polite answer, he followed Tong Guanshi into the other courtyard.

After Nan Fengjin entered the gate of the other courtyard, she waved her sleeves, and the gate closed with a "bang", blocking Bei Mingzhi's sight.

"Cut! Be stingy! I'm not looking at him."

Bei Mingzhi shook the folding fan twice, and then told the guards beside him:
"Go find out the details of this fairy. With such a beautiful appearance, she should not be an unknown person, and I can't see her cultivation."

"Yes, son, let's go find out."

"Pay attention to Nan Fengjin's whereabouts in the past two days. If he goes out with the fairy, let me know in time, so as to create an opportunity to get close to the fairy again."

"Yes, son."

The guard lowered his eyes in response.

The simplicity of entering a single courtyard has already caused Liu Chuan to set up a restriction, and he entered the state of cultivation again, and it has been a month since he opened his eyes again.

The simple operation method this time is to renew the vitality in the body, so that the yin and yang Taiji disk in the dantian also reserves enough immortal energy and magic energy.

Practicing here, her advantage of chaotic spiritual roots has been brought to the extreme, and now she needs to solve the problem of her spiritual consciousness, so she decided to go to the commercial street to see if there is any elixir for the cultivation of spiritual consciousness.

Throwing a cleansing spell to herself, she simply hugged Bai Tuan and left the courtyard she was in. Before she could reach the door, Nan Fengjin got the news and waved away the jade hand that was about to reach into his robe , got up and left Ruanta, the angry Concubine Ji who didn't succeed had a slightly ferocious expression on her face.

"Fairy Jian, are you okay after resting for a month? I think you look good, and you must have recovered from your injuries."

Nan Fengjin was already waiting at the gate of the other courtyard, seeing Jian Jian who was walking slowly, said with a smile.

"Thanks to my son, I'm resting well. I just want to go to the shops in the port today. I'm still in need of a healing elixir."

He said with a simple smile.

"That's just right. I'm going to inspect the family's store too. I'll accompany Fairy to the commercial street along the way. If Fairy Jian is interested, you can also go to the stall area."

Nan Fengjin said immediately.

"That's Mr. Lao Nanfeng."

Jian Jian didn't refuse, and accepted with a smile.

She knew that Nan Fengjin just made an excuse, the purpose was not to want her to have more contact with Bei Mingzhi or other people. If there are fewer people in contact with, the information obtained will be less, and there will be less room for choice. There will be more opportunities.

The two took a car this time and went to the commercial street. When Bei Mingzhi got the news, they had already set off. Bei Mingzhi immediately took the guards, and then set off.

Sitting in the frame with the space array applied, Jian Jian didn't want to waste time, and asked questions of interest to him:
"I have read in the family's collection of books that we still have the mortal world here, and the mortal world has imperial power, but now the royal family seems to occupy some resources in the fairy world?"

After hearing the simple words, Nan Fengjin's eyes flashed, and then she said with a smile:

"Fairy Jian is really reading an ancient book. There is an ordinary world in Qianyuan Immortal World, but it is now separated from the Immortal World. As for the royal family, after several 10 years of management, they are also in the Immortal World after people with spiritual roots appeared among them. established power.

Their disciples are only collected from the ordinary royal family, and the qualified disciples born after the marriage between the royal families have developed to the present and have a place. "

After listening briefly, he nodded and said with a smile:

"No wonder the elder Shouge said that the things I saw are too old. The books that record these contents are all made of animal skins. Even so, they are on the verge of weathering. I was given the task of organizing and re-collecting these contents. "

"If Fairy Jian meets the disciples of the royal family, it is best to keep a distance from them. These people have practiced the emperor's mind since childhood, and are good at manipulating people's hearts. It only takes a few words to calculate people."

Nan Fengjin pointed out with a smile.

"There are a few of the royal family who are stupid. Now that they have cultivated the immortal method, it is naturally the icing on the cake. The ability to manipulate people's hearts will only increase."

Simply touching Baituan's small head, he said with a smile.

While speaking, the car had already arrived at the commercial street. The two got out of the car one after the other and walked slowly into the commercial street.

"Fairy Jane needs pills, so she can go to the biggest 'Pill Pavilion' here, which has a fairly complete range of pills."

Nan Fengjin suggested.

Simply nodding his head in response, he walked side by side with Nan Fengjin and went straight to Dan Pavilion.

Nan Fengjin was on the sidelines with great interest, and briefly introduced the shops in the commercial street. When he arrived at the center of the whole street, there was a shop with the most people entering and leaving, and it was "Dan Pavilion". There are nine small stars, which means that this shop can provide the highest level of pills.

"Fairy, do you want to buy pills? Please come inside."

A clever shop clerk had already greeted him, the cheek on his neck exposed the fact that he was a demon cultivator.

"I want to see the elixir that can nourish the spiritual consciousness."

Simply put.

"The fairy enters the private room first, and I'll go find the shopkeeper, because this kind of elixir is more expensive, and we little guys can't handle it."

The demon cultivator immediately led Jian Jian into the private room with a smile on his face. If the deal is successful, he will also get a commission. Just because this kind of elixir is expensive enough, his commission will only be higher.

 Dear children, Fengling is going to cook for her parents, so upload the coded chapter first, and there will be another chapter around 10:30.

(End of this chapter)

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