Chapter 1811 Four Great Aristocratic Families 2
This time Nan Fengjin didn't enter the private room very winkingly, after all, if she followed in, she would be suspected of spying on the other party's financial resources.

"Fairy Jian, I'll wait for you in the lobby. After you've selected the elixir, we'll look elsewhere."

"Okay, please wait a moment, sir."

Nodding simply, he entered the private room directly, and after a while, an elderly immortal who exuded the fragrance of alchemy walked in.

"Fairy wants to buy the medicine for nourishing the soul, what level do you want?"

"I want one without erysipelas."

Simply put.

The old fairy's eyebrows trembled, and he continued:

"We don't have erysipelas-free elixir in our store. It belongs to the top-grade elixir. Only big aristocratic families or big sects, and royal families have collections. The strength of the small shop is limited. There are no top-grade elixir. There are a few top-grade elixir, including two top-grade ones." 'Xingshen Pill' is helpful for recovering consciousness, but it's only at this price"

"You say a price."

Simply keep asking.

"The minimum price of a pill is 2000 million high-grade immortal stones."

The old fairy said immediately.

After a simple calculation, this elixir costs at least [-] celestial crystals, which is really not cheap, and it is a bit inflated.

Seeing Jian Jian's frown, the old fairy knew that the other party was not satisfied with the price he quoted, and immediately added:

"Fairy seems to be acquainted with Mr. Nan Feng. For the sake of Nan Feng's family, I can give Fairy a [-]% discount. This is the lowest price. If it is lower, it will not even get back the capital."

"Let me take a look at the pill first. If it is really worth the price, I will consider selling it all."

Said simply and lightly.

"Of course, it's a fairy. Others can't see the pill. After all, every time you open the pill box, the power of the medicine will be lost. Just wait a moment."

The old fairy smiled and said immediately, then turned and left the private room.

"Master, are you thinking about the top-grade fairy crystal rewarded to Zhima?"

Sesame immediately spoke up.

After simply listening to Zhima's words, the corners of his lips curled up, and he said slowly:
"Look at the elixir first. If it's worth it, let's go for it. If it's not worth it, forget it. Besides, you don't know how many top-quality immortal crystals I have. When my consciousness recovers, I will naturally return it to you."

After hearing what his master said, Sesame's small eyes immediately turned:
"Cough, master, it is right to help you, but can you give Zhima a slightly larger top-quality fairy crystal?"

"Okay! For the sake of your generosity, I'll give you a big one back."

He simply agreed with a smile.

The next moment, the old fairy came in with a tray, on which were placed two white jade boxes, obviously a elixir was placed in one box.

There was no need to do anything, the old fairy opened a box for Simple to have a look.

The moment the box was opened, with a slight movement of the nostrils, the scent of the elixir floated into her nose, and with a lightening of consciousness, she immediately judged that the elixir was real and indeed top grade.

"Let me see the other one too."

Jian Jian has already decided to take both pills, so naturally he has to examine the other pill.

The old fairy did not hesitate, opened another box, rubbed his hands together and said:
"Fairy, the quality of our products is absolutely guaranteed, and we will never shoddy them. You can buy them with confidence."

"The quality of the pill is indeed right."

Simply nodded and said.

The old fairy immediately put the lid on the box and waited to simply pay the fairy stone.

She simply raised her hand and touched her earlobe, and then a top-quality fairy crystal appeared in her hand.

"This top-grade fairy crystal should be enough to pay for two pills."

When the old fairy saw the fairy crystal in Jian Jian's hand, his lips trembled a little. The immortal energy in the fairy crystal was obviously ten thousand times stronger than that of the top-grade fairy stone. Let him know that this is really a top-grade fairy crystal, and he can see it in his lifetime. A top-quality fairy crystal is really complete.

Simply looking at the other party's excited expression, Xiumei raised her eyebrows. It seemed that the other party was shocked. Now she can only take out such a piece of top-quality fairy crystal, and it is borrowed from sesame seeds. I really can't get the rest. It's time for a show.

"Not yet?"

Jane asked with a slight smile.

"Oh yes. The old man has lost his composure."

The old fairy took the top grade fairy crystal with both hands, his eyes were almost glued to it.

He simply patted Bai Tuan's head, motioned for the jade box, Bai Tuan understood, lifted the little paw, and put the two pills into his body space, no one would suspect that he was a little boy who had not entered the immortal rank. The fox has such a valuable elixir.

"Shopkeeper, but check it out."

Jian Jian was ready to leave, after all Nan Fengjin was still waiting for her outside!

"Okay, okay! Fairy wait a moment."

The old fairy put the fairy crystal in his storage ring, flipped his hand again, and there was a palm-sized wooden tablet with medicinal fragrance, with the word "Dan Pavilion" engraved on the front and nine words on the back. little star.

"Fairy, this is my exclusive jade card for Dan Pavilion. As long as you hold this card, you can enjoy the most powerful discount at any branch of Dan Pavilion in Qianyuan Immortal Realm."

Jian Jian took it smoothly, touched the brand that looked like wood but was actually jade, and asked very interestedly:
"This is He Yu, and it has a medicinal fragrance, which is very rare."

"This is a jade token exclusively refined by my Pill Pavilion. During the refinement, medicinal materials were added, which is why it has a medicinal fragrance. This medicinal fragrance also has the effect of breaking illusions, keeping the owner's mind clear."

The old fairy immediately boasted.

"Okay, then I'll take it."

Simply stuff it into Baituan's paw, and Baituan put it away again.

Then the old fairy personally sent Jian Jian out of the private room. The moment he left, he heard a slightly sad female voice from the lobby:
"Brother Nanfeng, I heard that you brought back your partner, that fairy is three points more beautiful than me, and her strength is not bad, is it true?

I don't even believe what they said, I just want to verify it with my own eyes, if it's true, I won't be entangled, and I'll give up my heart, and I will tell the family, you and I are married, just let it go. "

"Shu (shu), you misunderstood. I invited that Fairy Jian back home to be my guest. She is not a partner. I only recognize you in my heart. Only you are the fairy who will walk with me on the fairy road." companion."

Nan Fengjin immediately expressed his loyalty.

Those nasty words are simple and disgusting, and it is not easy to be scum like this. If she hadn't seen the beautiful concubine in his boat room, she might have believed it.

Simply walked forward slowly, and said with a smile:

"Young Master Nanfeng, I kept you waiting, we can leave now"

Then, as if he had just discovered the beautiful fairy wearing a goose yellow fairy dress, he asked:
"Who is this"

"Fairy Jian, this is the second young lady of the Dongyan family in the Four Great Aristocratic Family, Dongyanshu (shu), who is also my partner."

Nan Fengjin immediately introduced formally.

Dong Yanshu looked at the beautiful face of the female fairy opposite, touched her face, looked at Nan Fengjin with more and more sorrowful eyes, and said heartbroken:
"You really changed your mind!"

Then he turned his head and ran out of the Dan Pavilion, leaving behind Nan Fengjin who was in a mess in the wind, and a group of people eating melons, plus thoughtful simplicity.

 Babies, here comes the sixth update, that's all for today!The monthly ticket is still double, please vote generously, Fengling is very grateful!Rest early after reading!good night~~
(End of this chapter)

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