Chapter 1812 Four Great Aristocratic Families 3
Nan Fengjin cast her eyes on Jian Jian, as if she was asking: What did I say wrong just now?
He simply pursed his lips and smiled, touched the white ball in his arms, and said:

"Girls are always duplicity. How can those vulgar fans around you compare with me. When I saw me today, that Fairy Shu'er might be ashamed of herself. She felt that compared with me, no matter in terms of appearance, temperament, beauty Because, it's all worse, so I naturally believe that you will change your mind.

Moreover, what you did before must not have given Shu'er enough sense of security, that's why she is so sad, why don't you go after her?Coax him well, otherwise the marriage may really come to naught, and then don't blame me. "

To put it simply, it is very straightforward. Although there is suspicion of boasting, everyone has eyes. If it is really about appearance and demeanor, it is natural that Fairy Jian is better.

Nan Fengjin rubbed her teeth, and could only cup her hands and say:

"Fairy Jian, I'm sorry, I'll go see Shu'er first."

"It's okay, since it's the one you've decided to be a couple, naturally you have to be more patient. If she's still angry with you, you can make an oath to her, promising that from now on, she'll be the only one in your eyes. Yanyan are all floating clouds, if you can't do it, you will be hit by thunder, in short, coax people back first, I don't need you to accompany me here."

Simple and understanding.

Nan Fengjin listened, but the corners of her eyes twitched, she smiled a little forcedly, nodded and said goodbye.

Seeing Nan Fengjin leaving in a hurry, he simply smiled, hugged Baituan and left the Pill Pavilion.

"Fairy, where are we going now?"

"First look for a map of Erqianyuan Immortal Realm, and get an overview of the situation here."

As soon as the two of them walked past the two shops, Bei Mingzhi arrived with his guards. Seeing Jian Jian who was alone, he opened the folding fan with a "snap" and walked over in a suave manner.

"I've seen Fairy Jian, how come I have time to walk around today, and didn't find a guide?"

"So it's Mr. Beiming, long time no see!"

He simply smiled and nodded, then said:

"Mr. Nanfeng was with me just now, but it was just a coincidence that he met his partner, who seemed to be a fairy named Dong Yanshu. I was afraid that he had misunderstood me, so he went after that little girl. Fairy."

She didn't hide it simply, and said directly, anyway, she saw a lot of people, and she didn't believe that Bei Mingzhi didn't know, so asking such a question was probably to drag the other party's hind legs.

"So that's the case, then I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome."

Bei Mingzhi pretended to be deep and said.

"What? Am I in trouble, or is Mr. Nan Feng in trouble?"

asked simply with a smile.

"I'm afraid you both have."

Bei Mingzhi fanned the folding fan in his hand and continued:

"The marriage between the two of them has been decided long ago. It's just because Nan Fengjin is romantic and has never lacked the company of fairies. Dong Yanshu's parents are not very satisfied. The love is deeply rooted, he is the only one in his eyes, and he refuses to listen to his parents and pushes away the marriage."

"Oh, really?"

Simply ask.

"Of course, none of the Four Great Aristocratic Families know about this, and they all envy Nan Fengjin's good luck. Today, Dong Yanshu probably got the news about your existence, Fairy Jian, and came here to confirm."

Bei Mingzhi continued.

"Of course, Fairy Jian, you are doing the right thing, and you have nothing to do with Nan Fengjin, you just took his boat along the way.

However, sometimes the rumors spread for a long time before they become true. I suggest that it is best for the fairy to keep a distance from Nan Fengjin, so as not to be implicated for no reason. "

Hearing these words briefly, his phoenix eyes narrowed. I am afraid that the last sentence was the purpose of Bei Mingzhi.

"Master Beiming is right. There is a safe and reliable inn in this port. Please recommend it to me."

Simply follow the other person's words and continue talking.

"Fairy Jian, you are asking the right person. It's just that this inn is not too safe after all. If the fairy doesn't mind, you can stay temporarily in the other courtyard of my Beiming family."

Bei Mingzhi immediately suggested.

"Young Master Beiming, I'm afraid this is a bit inappropriate. Nan Fengjin and I have nothing to do. Now that his partner has come to the door, I can only avoid suspicion. But if I go to your other courtyard, it will cause you Misunderstandings among family members are not good.

Besides, it would be even worse if Mr. Beiming and Mr. Nanfeng had a dispute because of me. How would others treat me? "

Said simply frowning.

"This is indeed my lack of consideration."

Beiming Zhiyuan didn't think too much about it, but now that he heard the simple words, he felt that it was right. Although he really wanted to pry Nan Fengjin away so that the other party would jump angrily, but if Fairy Jian didn't cooperate, He is not good at forcing.

"However, I still thank Mr. Beiming for his invitation."

Simply smiled and thanked, then turned around and stepped directly into a "Qiwuge" shop.

Bei Mingzhi followed immediately, continuing to feel his presence.

"Fairy, Mr. Beiming, what do you two distinguished guests need?"

The shopkeeper personally greeted them, and they all recognized the sons and daughters of the four great families.

"I'm here with Fairy Jian. If Fairy needs anything, just take the best and put it in the account of my Beiming family."

Bei Mingzhi waved his hand, very arrogant.

Jian Jian just shook his head in disapproval, and then said to the shopkeeper:

"Trouble shopkeeper, I want a map of the Qianyuan Immortal Realm."

"Fairy wait a moment."

When the shopkeeper heard that it was not something expensive, he took out a dark brown sandalwood box from the shelf behind him, put it on the counter, and opened the box lid directly.

Jian Jian swept his phoenix eyes, and found a cube of black jade inside, and the shopkeeper introduced to Jian Jian:

"Fairy, as long as the immortal energy is injected, the map stored in it will automatically unfold."

Immediately, he raised his hand and flicked a ball of immortal energy into Moyu, Moyu shook for a while, and then displayed the interface map of Qianyuan Immortal Realm above it, then pushed it closer to the endless sea, and finally arrived at Qianyuan Port, the last The foothold is this "Qiwu Pavilion".

Nodding in simple satisfaction, he signaled the shopkeeper to wrap it up, and then selected some jade slips, some introducing the history of Qianyuan Immortal World, some introducing various dangerous places, and some about pills, talismans, utensils, and formations. Miscellaneous notes, and so on.

Pushing the selected items to the shopkeeper, without further ado, the shopkeeper put the items into a small and exquisite storage bag and held them to Jian Jian.

"Let's talk about a price, the shopkeeper! That way I can repay Mr. Beiming's favor in the future."

Simply said with a smile.

The shopkeeper looked at Bei Mingzhi's eyes, and immediately said with a smile:

"Fairy, the things you chose are not valuable at all, five thousand low-grade fairy stones are enough."

Hearing the shopkeeper's words, he simply nodded, probably only the three-dimensional holographic map was more expensive, and those jade slips were just a bit of a no-brainer.

"Fairy Jane, do you still want to go to other places?"

"No, I have bought all the things I want to buy today, Mr. Beiming, please introduce me to a reputable inn!"

(End of this chapter)

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