Chapter 1815
After hearing what the female guard said, Nan Fengjin's face was not very good-looking, but he also knew that if he continued to entangle at this time, it would be annoying instead. It would be better to leave temporarily. When Dong Yanshu's mood calmed down, he It's not too late to explain.

The female guard looked at Nan Fengjin's leaving back, a trace of sarcasm flashed in her eyes, and then turned back to Dongyan's other courtyard.

But Nan Fengjin, who returned to his own courtyard, received a message from Tong Guanshi, Yu Jian, and learned that Fairy Jian had gone directly to the inn to avoid suspicion. He was so angry that his forehead jumped, and Fairy Jian was attacked. When the news came later, his brows frowned even tighter.

"It's such a coincidence that people from the four great families all gathered at Qianyuan Port, which is rare."

Nan Fengjin pinched the jade slip, with a pensive look on her face.

"This subordinate also thought it was a coincidence, so I went to check it out. Mr. Beimingzhi arrived at Qianyuan Port earlier than you, and it seems that he came to seek your bad luck, while Miss Dongyanshu was rumored to be returning with you and Fairy Jian. After the news spread, they rushed over in a hurry, and Young Master Xiling arrived at Qianyuan Harbor following Miss Dong Yanshu."

Tong Guanshi was able to be stationed in the other courtyard of this port, naturally he had two brushes, and immediately explained all the information he had found out.

"Then why did this Xiling wound attack Fairy Jian?"

"This subordinate doesn't know, but now Xiling wounded people in Beiming Bieyuan. Do you think it's necessary to use the secret to find out?"

Manager Tong lowered his voice and asked.

"There's no need to waste your time on this kind of thing. I'll go see Fairy Jian tomorrow and ask about the situation. If Bei Mingzhi wants to win her over, he will naturally give her an explanation."

"Yes, son."

At the same time, a group of seven guards was rapidly approaching Qianyuan port.

"Captain, just received the news that the young master was injured and was taken to another hospital by Bei Mingzhi."

"What about the people around the young master? How could they hurt the young master?"

The white-robed captain's face immediately darkened.

"The young master threw them away and went directly to find trouble with that fairy. When they chased after him, it was a step too late. The young master has entered the Beiming other courtyard. They have no ability to force their way in."

"Speed ​​up, go to see the young master's injury first!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Jian Jian didn't know at this time that a big drama was about to be staged in her courtyard the next day, and she was checking the map of Qianyuan Immortal World at this time.

Bai Tuan stopped practicing at this time, and moved closer to Jian Jian, staring at the three-dimensional hologram with great interest.

"This Qianyuan Immortal Realm is dominated by sea resources. The entire Immortal Realm is divided into four seas and thirteen continents. What we have fallen into is one of them, the Endless Sea."

Simply wave your sleeves to move the image in front of you, and talk while watching.

"Thirteen continents are surrounded by the sea, no wonder their ships are so tall."

Bai Tuan blinked his fox eyes and looked at the distribution of the Thirteen Continents on the map. He said it was the Thirteen Continents, but they were actually land, but these lands were big and small, and the small ones were as big as a fairy city in their Fairyland. Dezhou is like a fairyland in the seven directions fairyland.

Jian Jian's current location is the southernmost point of the Qianyuan Immortal Realm, and the Endless Sea is the southernmost sea area, where the Nanfeng family's sphere of influence lies. The Guixu Holy Mountain that she once mentioned to Nan Fengjin is in A separate island near the heart of the Eastern Pathein Sea.

"Fairy, do they have to take a boat to travel between continents? That would be a little troublesome. Your spaceship can't be taken out now!"

Bai Tuan scratched his ears and said worriedly.

"It doesn't have to be a sea boat, you can also take a long-distance teleportation array, but it will cost some fairy stones."

Simple and helpless.

It's really hard to move forward without the fairy stone. She has already borrowed a top-quality fairy crystal from Sesame, and the wool can't catch the whole family, so she should borrow it from Liu Chuan next time.

"There are still ten years, I should be able to recover, don't worry."

Simply comfort Baituan, and discuss with Baituan by the way:

"Leaving Qianyuan Port this time, which continent should we go to experience first?"

"It's fine for the fairy to decide. We can go to a smaller continent first, and then go to a larger continent to practice. It's just that Mr. Beiming seems to be trying his best to win over the fairy. Does the fairy want to join their family?"

"If we join, we don't need our own Huaxianshi. It's just that we will inevitably be restrained and lose some freedom."

Simply looking at the map and said.

"What the fairy said is that Bai Tuan also thinks it's better to act alone without restraint."

Bai Tuan flicked his tail and said.

"Why do I feel that you are about to advance?"

Simply waving his sleeves and withdrawing the three-dimensional map, he changed the subject and asked Bai Tuan directly.

"Is it true? No wonder Bai Tuan has been feeling sleepy recently."

Bai Tuan's eyes lit up, as if he had just realized what was wrong with him.

"Since that's the case, then you can enter the fairy beast bag! When did you get promoted, I will let you out to survive the tribulation."

Simply put.

"Yes, fairy."

Bai Tuan was very happy to be promoted, but he never thought that he would be promoted when he came to Qianyuan Immortal Realm.

After finishing speaking, he plunged into the fairy animal bag around Jian Jian's waist, surrounded himself with four tails, and fell into a state of deep cultivation in a moment, with a rhythm between exhalation and inhalation, making Bai Tuan closer to the natural and primitive state.

Seeing Bai Tuan's state, Jian Jian was relieved, pinched a finger, put away the mouth of the fairy beast bag, and then took out the jade slips he found in Qiwu Pavilion, and began to look through them one by one, slowly Slowly understand Qianyuan Immortal World.

On the second day, when Jian Jian was still looking at the jade slips, Bei Mingzhi came to visit with his two guards.

He simply opened the restriction and invited Bei Mingzhi in. After he sat down in the living room, Bei Mingzhi shook the folding fan in his hand and said, without waiting for a simple question:

"Fairy Jian, you must never have imagined that Xilingshang attacked you because he was angry with you."

"Really? Then is he for Nan Fengjin, or for Dong Yanshu?"

Asked with a simple smile.

"How does the fairy know it's for the two of them?"

Bei Mingzhi asked excitedly.

"I came back from the endless sea, and I came into contact with these few people, who else could it be!"

"The fairy's guess is really accurate, and it has something to do with these two people."

Bei Mingzhi had an expression that he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and before simply continuing to ask questions, he continued:

"Xiling is sad and pleased with Dong Yanshu, but Dong Yanshu has already made an agreement with Nan Fengjin, so he can only feel sad secretly, so he pays attention to Dong Yanshu everywhere.

This time, because of the appearance of Fairy Jian, Dong Yanshu changed her indifference to the flowers and plants around Nan Fengjin before, and even came to Qianyuan Port on purpose, just to see you, and in the end because of her appearance, temperament, and cultivation base. Not as good as you, sadly left.

Xilingshang thought it was your appearance that made Dong Yanshu so sad, so he came to you and wanted to kill you so that Dong Yanshu could vent his anger, so that you would not have a chance to destroy the marriage between the two families. "

"Oh! This Xiling injury is really useless, I just want to pick a soft persimmon."

With a mocking smile on his lips, he said bluntly.

(End of this chapter)

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