Chapter 1816 Shura Scene
Bei Mingzhi shook his folding fan, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He felt that such vulgar words should not come from Fairy Jian, so he could only take the opportunity to change the subject:
"What does Fairy Jane mean by saying that?"

"You and I both know that the root of the problem lies with Nan Fengjin, not me. Without me, there are other female immortals. Could it be that Xilingshang wants to kill the other for the sake of his sweetheart? If I were He will solve the problem at its root."

He said with a simple smile.

"Solve it at the root? How to solve it? Make Nan Fengjin not close to women? From what I know about him, it's impossible."

Bei Mingzhi shook his head.

"Since this Xiling injury is pleasing to Miss Dong Yanshu, why not just kill Nan Fengjin and replace him? If he is Miss Dong Yanshu's partner, naturally he won't make Miss feel sad."

Simply spread your hands, and said the most direct method.

Bei Mingzhi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, thinking that Fairy Jian was really ruthless, this idea came up, maybe that lunatic Xilingshang would really accept it.

The two fairy guards behind Bei Mingzhi looked at each other, with the expression in their eyes that this fairy is really a ruthless character, and then returned to normal.

"That. Fairy Jane, this method is a bit extreme, and it is easy to provoke a fight between the two great families. Once it fails, we will all be involved."

"Don't be afraid, Mr. Beiming, I'm just joking. Who told them to drag me, an innocent person, into this triangular peach blossom? One wants to get rid of me to vent their anger on his sweetheart, and the other wants to use me as a raft to get rid of this embarrassing marriage. One wants to win me over to contribute to their family, but I never realized that I am so important."

After finishing this simple sentence, Bei Mingzhi digested it for a while before he understood the meaning, as if he had discovered a new continent, his tone was a little higher:
"What does Fairy mean to say that Dong Yanshu doesn't love Nan Fengjin as much as the rumors say?"

"Didn't you also say it, it's in the rumors!"

He simply shook his head and asked back.

She felt that these aristocratic families like to engage in marriages. Is the help found through marriages really reliable?It's better to spend energy on cultivating the disciples in the clan. If you become stronger, you will naturally attract better Taoist companions, so why not find help.

"Fairy Jane, forgive me for my blindness, how did you see it?"

Bei Mingzhi humbly asked for advice.

"Because I'm also a woman. If I really love someone and keep him in my heart, my eyes will not be so indifferent."

Simply said with a smile.

Just as Bei Mingzhi was about to continue asking, the restriction on the simple courtyard was lifted. Bei Mingzhi swept away his spiritual sense and said in a lively tone:

"Fairy Jian, what a coincidence, Dong Yanshu actually came to the door, do you want to see Fairy?"

"See you! I haven't done anything wrong."

Jian Jian waved his hand to open the restriction, and saw Dong Yanshu wearing a red fairy dress, bringing his two female guards, into the living room, not surprised to see Bei Mingzhi, first greeted Jian Jian, and then Sit down slowly.

"Fairy Jian, Shu'er is taking the liberty to visit today, it's really in my heart"

Just as Dong Yanshu raised her head, she simply raised her hand to stop the other party, and then said with a smile:

"I simply swear here that I have no relationship with Nan Fengjin. In order not to destroy the relationship between the two of you, I swear that no matter what happens in the future, I will never join the Nanfeng family. If I break my oath, I will die Dao disappears."

Before Dong Yanshu could stop it in time, the oath of immortality was fulfilled, and a touch of law power fell between Jian Jian's eyebrows. Immediately, she smiled at Dong Yanshu, and asked:

"Fairy Shu'er, do you have any other doubts?"

Dong Yanshu's heart choked, the other party was more decisive than she thought, and directly used an oath to get out of the way between her and Nan Fengjin.

"There is no doubt that Fairy Jane may have misunderstood me."

Dong Yanshu forced a smile.

"It's okay, as long as you don't misunderstand me."

Then he said to Bei Mingzhi:

"Master Beiming, don't just watch the fun, tell Miss Dongyan the reason why I was attacked yesterday, she must be very curious."

Simply dragging Bei Mingzhi into this silent battle, these people make her unhappy, so they don't want to stay out of it.

Bei Mingzhi regretted that he came to look for Fairy Jian early in the morning, and now he involved himself in it, but he had no choice but to repeat his interrogation results once again.

Now it's Dong Yanshu's turn to look bad, she frowned and said to Bei Mingzhi:
"Master Beiming, you can't talk nonsense."

"Hehe! That lunatic from Xilingshang is still in my other hospital! If you want to ask him face to face, I'll let the guards bring him over, and everyone will speak clearly in person.

I was almost hurt by him. Fortunately, Fairy Jane and my guards reacted quickly, otherwise I would have become his ghost under the knife. His fame is not paper. "

Bei Mingzhi was also two points unhappy, he was just a pond fish that got hurt.

Dong Yanshu bit her lip, not being able to answer the conversation, if someone came and said something nonsense in front of her, then she would be more passive.

Bei Mingzhi didn't care about this, and nodded to his bodyguard, who disappeared behind him, and after five breaths, he appeared in front of everyone together with Xilingshang.

After seeing the people in front of him clearly, Xi Lingshang frowned, and when he saw Dong Yanshu, a light flashed in his eyes, which was fleeting, but all the people present were immortals, so they could see clearly.

Dong Yanshu's two guards also have some headaches. This Xiling injury really has intentions for my lady. You have expressed it openly. Doing these useless things in the back will also affect your lady. They really want to beat them up The other party has a meal.

Before Bei Mingzhi could speak, the restriction of the simple yard was lifted again, and this time it was Nan Fengjin.

"My small courtyard is really lively today, and I am honored to receive the young masters and ladies of the four great families."

Simply pursing his lips and smiling, he waved his hand and opened the restriction, allowing Nan Fengjin to come in.

As soon as Nan Fengjin stepped into the courtyard, she felt that the atmosphere was not right. After seeing the people in the living room, the corners of her eyes unconsciously twitched twice. Finally, she chose a chair near the door to sit down, and said to Jian Jian:
"Fairy Jian, I didn't expect so many distinguished guests to visit you today. I came here at a bad time."

"Mr. Nanfeng, you came at a good time. Speaking of which, these people are all here for you."

He said with a simple smile.

Then he glanced at Bei Mingzhi, and the other party immediately stood up, bowed his hands to everyone, and explained the cause and effect of the matter clearly. During the period, Dong Yanshu wanted to stop him, but was suppressed by a simple look.

Xilingshang didn't intend to stop him, but just listened with his head down, like an outsider.

After Bei Mingzhi finished speaking, he sat down, took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and then said slowly:

"Xiling wounded because of love, and almost hurt me, an innocent person, so what?"

After the words fell, only a "bang" was heard, the restriction of the courtyard was broken, and seven figures appeared around Xilingshang.

 Babies, the two chapters I promised you have been uploaded, that's all for today!Fengling is going to follow the drama with her parents, the update will continue tomorrow, everyone should rest early after watching!good night~
(End of this chapter)

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