Chapter 1819 Ranking on the List
The people who got in the way left, and Bei Mingzhi put on a serious face, coughed lightly and said:

"Fairy Jian, we Ming people don't speak dark words. My Beiming family is very sincere. I invite the fairy to be the guest elder of my family. All the treatment is the same as that of the elders in the family. If you have time, you can teach the disciples in the family about swordsmanship. "

When Bei Mingzhi said so, it was a formal invitation to Jian Jian.

Simply smiled, did not respond to the other party's invitation, but asked:

"The white-robed man I strangled just now is in the Immortal Monarch Realm. Can he enter the 'Tianwei List'? Where is he ranked?"

The folding fan in Bei Mingzhi's hand stopped, and he looked at the guard behind him. The guard took a step forward, clasped his hands and said:
"My son, Fairy Jian, the captain of the white-robed guard is considered powerful in the Xiling family. If I remember correctly, he should be No. 290 and eighth in the Tianwei list."

"In this way, I won him and should be able to replace him."

Simply said with a smile.

Bei Mingzhi reacted at this time, and said directly:
"Fairy Jian, in my opinion, your strength is above his."

Then he said to Guard B:

"Send a message back to the family to let them see if there is any change in the Tianwei list? Where does Fairy Jian rank?"

"Yes, son."

Guard B sent a message on the spot, and all that was left was to wait for the clan's reply.

"I'm very moved by Mr. Beiming's invitation. I don't know if it's your own intention, or the family's consent?"

"It is not only my personal invitation, but also the sincerity of the clan. I hope that Fairy Jian will not refuse. Xilingshang is a lunatic, and everyone in his family is also a little crazy. Today you killed seven high-ranking guards in their clan in a row. I'm afraid they won't let it go, I know fairies are not afraid, but it's annoying to have flies flying around your ears all the time."

Bei Mingzhi said bluntly.

"I understand what you mean, son. Let me think about it. You can also wait for the reply from the clan to determine whether you are willing to create a rift between me and the Xiling family, and then decide whether to continue to invite me into the Beiming family as a guest elder."

Simplicity did not reject the other party, but gave both parties time to consider.

"Okay, Beiming understands, so I won't bother the fairy."

Bei Mingzhi understands that if the other party doesn't reject it, it proves that there is still a chance, and he doesn't have to stalk, and he is also very curious, based on Fairy Jian's performance today, how many places can she enter the "Tianwei Ranking"? Into the top [-], the family will absolutely agree with their decision.

After seeing off the last guest, he simply dropped the restriction, sat on the chair a little lazily, and asked Liu Chuan directly:
"Chuan, why are those guards so good? I thought it would take a lot of effort to gather the strength of the seven of them, and my consciousness hasn't recovered, so I'm afraid I'll fail. I didn't expect this to be the result."

This is something Jian Jian has been puzzled since he fought against those seven people.

"Jian Xianjun, it's not that he is weak, it's that you are strong enough."

Liu Chuan wanted to roll his eyes, and replied directly.

In a simple fight with someone just now, although he didn't help him, he could clearly see the whole process, the fairy of his own really didn't hold back, and he opened up all his firepower as soon as he came up, and used the Moxi sword directly.

"I'd be proud if you said that."

He simply stroked his sleeves, boasted, and then said solemnly:

"Forget about the other six people. After all, their cultivation is not as good as mine. The captain of the guard in the white robe is also the strength of the Immortal Monarch Realm. Why is he so vulnerable?"

"Jian Xianjun, in the world of seven directions, you are always in a combat environment, if you have the slightest hesitation, your soul will be gone long ago.

Unlike the guards supported by their families, although they also have the opportunity to take action, they only need to protect their son, and rarely involve life and death.

You are different, whether it is the reaction to the battle, the combat power, or the deployment of the battle, they are not at the same level as them. The most important thing is that you are a sword fairy, and you can challenge at higher levels. Naturally, Dharma Xiu is not your opponent.

Besides, you looked at the jade slips yesterday, and I was looking at them too. This Qianyuan Immortal Realm is fairly peaceful, there are no foreign enemies invading, and there are some disputes between the Immortal Cultivation Family, the Great Sect, and the royal family.

In my opinion, it is the robbing of resources, which is nothing more than a small fight. After a long time of comfort, it is natural to lack the heart to fight, and the strength will naturally be discounted.

Naturally, it is different from the combat power you have experienced in a life-and-death game like yours. You think that everyone is just like you, always under attack and killing, otherwise why would you come here? "

"Chuan, what you said is very reasonable. I will take it easy in the future."

He simply pursed his lips and smiled.

"Then do you agree to Beiming's invitation?"

"Why don't you agree? Let's find a place that will provide me with long-term training. What I said just now is to show my reserve. Besides, I also want to know that with my current strength, I can rank No. [-] on the 'Tianwei Ranking'." A few, if the ranking is good, I am the best bargaining chip.

Besides, I'm poor and useless now, and I've already borrowed Sesame's Immortal Crystal, so I have to use your collection next time. "

"I'm watching the battle today, and I've gained something, so I'll go to a small test first, and don't bother me if I have nothing to do."

Liu Chuan simply disappeared.

"Tsk, chicken thief guy, when it comes to fairy stones, he disappears."

Simply pouted.

But she also knew that Liu Chuan was just deliberately teasing her, otherwise the "Mu Fengchun" at the bottom of the box would not have been readily taken out for her healing.

Here, Bei Mingzhi returned to his own courtyard, and couldn't wait to ask the two guards:
"The two of you are also in the sword field today, how do you feel?"

"My lord, this Fairy Jian is a veritable sword fairy. Now that the sword domain has been established, she is the absolute master of this domain. Moreover, she has a strong immortal power, and she has killed seven people without changing her color. It can be seen that the skills she practiced are absolutely excellent. Heaven-level exercises."

The guard gave his own analysis.

"My lord, this Fairy Jian is named Jian Jian, but she is not simple. The killing spirit in the Sword Domain is so heavy that my elder brother and I can't breathe. This kind of killing spirit is not just killing one or two people. There will be, at least tens of thousands of lives will be filled by her sword."

Guard B added.

"Then shall we still fight for her?"

Bei Mingzhi also hesitated a little. If the other party is too powerful and unwilling to be controlled by the family, wouldn't it mean that the family invites an ancestor back.

"Young Master, you can inform the clan about today's events, and after the ranking of Fairy Jian is confirmed, the clan will definitely make a decision, and then you can do as you want, even if you don't invite Fairy Jian to be a guest elder in the clan, You can also make friends with her."

The bodyguard clapped his hands.

"Well, you're right, everything depends on the elder's decision.

But I'm really in a good mood today, and Nan Fengjin, Dong Yanshu, and Xilingshou couldn't get it off with Fairy Jian. How could I be so happy to see them being beaten and slashed by Fairy Jian!Hahaha! ! ! "

The two guards hardly noticed their son's proud face.

(End of this chapter)

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