Chapter 1820 Unexpectedly
Dong Yanshu returned to her own courtyard, leaving only her exclusive guard behind, then rubbed her forehead and said:

"You are all here today, and you all know the current situation. What should we do next?"

The two female guards looked at each other with helplessness in their eyes. Among them, the female guard with a colder face was the first to speak:

"Miss, you have lost the opportunity. Not only did you offend Fairy Jian, but also Nan Fengjin noticed your intentions. Now it is best to tell the clan the truth about the situation here.

Just don't take the responsibility on yourself, and say that because of your misunderstanding, Nan Fengjin lost the chance to win over Fairy Jian, and that's why he blamed you.

As for Xilingshang's attack on Fairy Jian because of his admiration for you, it caused an even bigger misunderstanding. It was not what you wanted, and you were also very passive, which caused Nan Fengjin to have other thoughts, which you could not stop. "

"I understand. I will tell the truth. As for how the clan decides, it is beyond my control."

Dong Yanshu sighed, the most mistake she made this time was to use that Fairy Jian as a raft, but unfortunately she didn't achieve her goal and let herself be so passive.

"Miss, it's best to let the family see the ranking of Fairy Jian in the 'Tian Wei Bang'."

The female guard reminded.

"If her ranking is not bad, wouldn't uncle be even more annoyed."

Dong Yanshu frowned.

"If you don't say it, won't the clan check it out? Why don't you bring it up yourself and make it look like an accident."

"I see."

No matter how unwilling she was, Dong Yanshu still sent the news back to the clan.

And the most tragic thing was Xiling injured, seven of his guards fell one after another, the patriarch was shocked, thinking that something happened to Xiling injured, he immediately sent a message to inquire, but got a reply from Xiling injured.

This time Xiling injury did not dare to hide anything. He told the family why and how his seven guards fell, and why he was injured before that. Say it yourself.

Xilingshang's guess was good. The patriarch of the Xiling family was frowning and thinking after seeing the summons of Xilingshang, and then received the jade slips from the Beiming and Nanfeng families successively.

One family blamed Xilingshang for hurting others for no reason, implicating his own junior, and the other blamed Xilingshang for coveting the junior's partner, secretly doing some unspeakable things, which put the marriage of the two families in an awkward situation.

Xiling Patriarch Qiqiao smoked, slapped the jade slips on the table, and said to the steward beside him:

"Go and investigate carefully. I want to know what Shang'er did to make these two families sue me."

"Yes, patriarch!"

On the other side, Nan Fengjin was lying on the soft bed, and the concubine Ji beside him seemed to know that he was in a bad mood, so she didn't dare to make a fuss, and they all waited on him with low eyebrows.

"You all go out!"

After sending away all the concubines in the room, he called his guards in and said casually:
"This Dong Yanshu will really spoil my good deeds! It caused me to lose the opportunity to invite Fairy Jian into the family. Originally, my chances of winning were the greatest."

"Young Master, since you know that Miss Dongyan's mind is not with you, why bother accommodating her, this is a deal, why not sue the family, and there is a ready-made excuse, she not only ruined the good things of the young master, but also dragged down the family. The Nanfeng family does not need such a future patriarch's wife."

The guard cupped his hands and told his son the truth about his thoughts.

"You're right. She knows who I am, Nan Fengjin. She knows in her heart that I didn't hide it. Since she agreed to the marriage at the beginning, even if she doesn't like me, she can at least take on her responsibilities and do a good job." Superficial.

It's a pity that she is acting one way on the surface and another way behind her back. I can't afford such a Taoist companion. "

"Where is Fairy Jane"

"We just had some misunderstandings because of Dong Yanshu, and it's not that we can't continue to be friends. You have seen Fairy Jian's combat power, and we should focus on friendship."

"Yes, son."

"I've sent the news back to the clan. I'll go to remind you. Why haven't you replied yet? I also need to confirm how Fairy Jian is currently ranked in the 'Tianwei List'. She was released by the Hermit Family to practice. People have officially played against each other, and they should have been included in the list."

Nan Fengjin was still thinking about this matter. After all, he was in his sword domain today, and the feeling of jumping on the edge of life and death was very bad. He wanted to know how far the gap between himself and Fairy Jian was.

"Don't worry, my lord. We are also very curious about how Fairy Jian can be ranked. We will send you the news as soon as it arrives."

At the foot of the Holy Mountain of Pasheng Haiguixu
Two pieces of [-]-meter-high jade, one blue and one white, stand at the foot of Guixu Holy Mountain. The blue piece of jade has the word "Tianwei" in the dark pattern. The piece of white jade in the distance has the word "Diyue" written on the top, which is exactly the Diyue list.

Three miles away from the two lists are the places where sects, aristocratic families, and royal families are stationed, and they all observe the changes in the two lists from time to time.

"Look, there is a change in the Tianwei list."

A royal guard said in a low voice.

Sure enough, a water-blue halo flashed on the jade biscuit of the Tianwei List, and simple names appeared on the list, but their rankings were very low, and they didn't even enter the top [-].

"I don't know which junior it is. It is estimated that it has just entered the list not long after it came out to experience, so there is no need to pay attention."

Another royal guard said.


This change was naturally ignored by everyone.

At that time, it was because Jian Jian blocked Xi Lingshang's sneak attack, she didn't even hold the Mo Xi sword, and just let Mo Xi sword swing the sword at will, it was a little lesson for the other party, Jian Jian didn't expect it, that's it , has already made her into the list.

On the second day, there was a big change in the Tianwei list, because the simple name suddenly jumped from the top ten thousand to No. 20 seven, as if appearing on the list out of thin air, alarming all the people stationed.

"Which family is this simple disciple? What kind of cultivation? Why did it appear so abruptly?"

"I don't know. I'm still investigating. This person seems to have appeared out of nowhere. I don't know if it's a man or a woman."

"What are you doing in a daze? Check it out!"



The four mountain guard elders stood in front of the jade disc, looked at the two characters No. 20 and Seven, and looked at each other.

"This simple person who was born out of nowhere, I don't know what the reason is, but he has entered the top [-] of the Tianwei list with the momentum of a dark horse. This is something that hasn't happened in thousands of years."

Elder Tian stroked his snow-white beard and said.

"Yeah, it's exciting to watch now."

The elder also said with a smile.

"Tianweibang is always a pool of stagnant water, but now it's all over, a drop of oil will naturally make it more lively."

Elder Xuan said.

"Everyone of you is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, so please put away your expressions, don't be seen by the juniors, and it will damage our dignity."

Elder Huang took a sip of the wine in the jade gourd and said in a low voice.

 Babies, first pass four chapters, and there is one more chapter to be coded before uploading~
(End of this chapter)

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