Chapter 1821 Elder Keqing

The guards of the four great families also noticed the changes in the Tian Wei Bang for the first time, recorded the name that suddenly appeared, put it in the message jade slip, and quickly sent it back to the family. They are stationed here, As for this simple situation, the family can only investigate it.

One day after the news was sent back, the clansmen of the four great families stationed in front of the two lists all received a summons from the clan asking them to confirm the accuracy of the news again and again, which made them a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

This time, the list was directly recorded with a photo stone and sent back to the family, and no inquiries were received from the family.

The four great aristocratic families are all in very delicate moods now, some are happy, some are regretful, some are angry and furious, each of them behaves differently, and they are all considering how to deal with this matter.

Simple is not too worrying, she knows her combat power well, she should have no problem entering the top [-], not to mention that she has never demonstrated any of the four arts, which is a bonus item.

A day later, Jianjian ushered in Bei Mingzhi. This guy is more evasive, but he is more reliable in speaking and doing things. He will only be suppressed when he meets Nan Fengjin.

"Congratulations to Fairy Jian, you have entered the top 20 of the Tianwei Ranking with just one battle, ranking No. [-] and [-]th."

Bei Mingzhi bowed his hand and informed the news immediately.

Yesterday, after he received the letter from the clan, he couldn't believe Fairy Jian's ranking. The patriarch personally sent a message to him and told him repeatedly that he must invite Fairy Jian back to the clan. They were stupid for such strong help. will give up.

What's more, at present, only their four great aristocratic families know about Jian's person, and their Beiming family is the only one who has not had any trouble with Fairy Jian. Based on this, they must take down this fairy. In the words of the patriarch:

"The three of them push their help out. Don't we continue? If they have the nerve to look for it during the holidays, our Beiming family is afraid that they will fail. It is because Xiling was injured first. We will support Fairy Jian for this waist." .

You just invite Fairy Jian back. If you can decide what the fairy asks, you can agree to it. If you can’t, just send me a message. When you come back, I will give you a credit and allow you to enter the family’s treasure house to choose a treasure. "

The patriarch gave the order to die, and Bei Mingzhi also felt that this time was his chance to show himself, not to mention the treasure promised by the patriarch. Today, he is absolutely sincere to invite Fairy Jian. If the fairy is not willing, he is also prepared to temporarily Follow behind the fairy, grinding slowly.

Jian Jian can still accept her own ranking. After all, his spiritual consciousness has been damaged and has not recovered so far. If she really meets the power of the Immortal King Realm, she will definitely suffer.

"It seems that my hard work and practice are not in vain. At least I have lived up to the expectations of the tribe and entered the Tianwei list. However, the tribe stipulates that I should at least be in the top ten, which is still a bit of a gap."

Simple smiling nonsense.

"Hiss..." Bei Mingzhi took a deep breath. This hidden family's requirements for disciples are too much. If he enters the top [-], it is estimated that the family will have a special feast for him.

"Fairy Jian, the elders in your clan are too strict. If I can make it into the top [-], I will be secretly happy."

Bei Mingzhi said with emotion from the bottom of his heart.

"That's because you and I have different realms. I don't think the family has strict requirements."

He said with a simple smile.

"The fairy is right. I have just stepped into Luo Tianshang's fairyland, and there is still a long way to go!"

Bei Mingzhi reported his cultivation, and then turned the topic back on track:

"Fairy Jian, what do you think about my invitation? Our family is very sincere, and your own strength, fairy, also proves that you are worthy of my Beiming family's worship.

Furthermore, our Beiming family has always treated people with sincerity, and will not ignore the lives of non-family disciples. Although there will be emphasis, it will not be contemptuous. Fairy and the other three families have had some troubles. It is embarrassing to join them. It is better to go to me The Beiming family feels comfortable being an elder."

Bei Mingzhi shook the folding fan in his hand, and talked eloquently, listing the benefits of simply joining Beiming's family one by one, and was going to persuade Jian Jian in one fell swoop, but he couldn't give other families a chance.

"it is good."

Nodding simply, it was accepted, and Bei Mingzhi was interrupted. The other party reacted for a while before confirming that Fairy Jian had agreed to be the elder Ke Qing of their Beiming family. She immediately smiled and waved to the guards behind her.

The guard immediately stepped forward, holding a box in his hand, and presented it to Jian Jian.

"Fairy Jian, this is the identity jade card of the elder Ke Qing. You only need to drop your blood to recognize the master. After you recognize the master, there will be a record in the clan, and then your offering will be sent over. The fairy stone, fairy clothes , Immortal Artifact, Immortal Boat, whatever you want, just say it."

Bei Mingzhi said generously, anyway, it is enshrined in the clan, so he just needs to bring the words.

Simply waving his sleeves to open the box, inside is a snow-white jade pendant with the word "Bei Ming" engraved on the front, and an upright ice bear on the back, tall and mighty, with its huge mouth open, revealing a sharp tusks.

With a simple flick of a fingertip, a drop of blood fell into the jade pendant and was absorbed after a while. Seven semi-milky white stars lit up around the words "Zheng Ming Bei Ming" on the jade pendant, and seeing Bei Mingzhi's eyes straightened.

He didn't expect that Fairy Jian was actually a fairy, and she was a powerful middle-level fairy, otherwise the identity jade card would not be able to light up seven and a half stars all at once. Credit goes.

Jian Jian casually hung the jade plaque on his waist, and he officially became the elder Keqing of the Beiming family, and said to Beimingzhi:

"Young Master Beiming, I came out in a hurry, and the clan didn't give me much rations. This time, I will replace the offering with immortal stones. By the way, prepare two sets of immortal robes for me. I don't need the rest for now."

"Elder Jian, you can just call me Bei Mingzhi. This is a trivial matter. I will let the guards arrange it."

Bei Mingzhi completed the important task of the family, and the whole person relaxed, and his words became a little closer.

"It's time to work, what's the plan for Mr. Zhi next?"

Jian Jian didn't call him by his first name, but just changed his name to make him look closer. Bei Mingzhi didn't object, and said with a smile:

"Elder Jian, before I came to this port, I heard that the royal family in Jingzhou wanted to choose a concubine. There would be many beauties gathered there, and the immortal cultivating families and great sects would join in the fun. If the elders are interested, we will go and have a look. You know the strength of all parties."

Bei Mingzhi waved his folding fan and began to fool around.

"I think it's you who want to see the beauty yourself!"

I don’t care about the simplicity, but I’m just interested in choosing concubines from the imperial concubine. After all, mortals choose concubines after going through five trials and beheading six generals. Yes, sorry for her ignorance, but I really want to see it.

"Hey! If the elder finds out, don't expose me. I'm such a lively person!"

"Okay! Since you said so, it also aroused my curiosity, so let's go and have a look."

 Dear children, today is the last chapter. Fengling is going to cook dinner for her parents.Comparing everyone! !

(End of this chapter)

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