Chapter 1822

Jian Jian and Bei Mingzhi finalized the next itinerary, and Bei Mingzhi proposed to let Jian Jian move out of the inn and go to Beiming Bieyuan for a temporary stay.

"Elder Jian, you are already the elder of our Beiming family. If you live in the inn again, it will seem that we are negligent. Today, I will move to another courtyard with me for a while. Before leaving for Jingzhou, I can accompany the elder for a while. Turning to the stall, Xiling hurt our interest the previous time."

Beiming said while shaking his folding fan.

"it is good."

Jian Jian has no reason to refuse, and saves the fairy stone for her.

At this time, the restriction of the simple courtyard was pulled again, and after the restriction fell, Nan Fengjin and his two guards appeared in front of them.

When he entered the living room, he immediately saw the jade plaque on Jian Jian's waist representing the elder of the Beiming family's Ke Qing. With a flash in his eyes, he cupped his hands reluctantly and said:

"Fairy Jian, congratulations on joining the Beiming family and becoming the elder Keqing."

"You're welcome. It's also thanks to Mr. Nanfeng, who introduced Mr. Beiming to me. That's all for now. I won't talk about the past! Although I missed the Nanfeng family, Mr. Nanfeng is still my friend. "

Simple and slightly apologetic, very polite.

Nan Feng felt a block in his heart. Ever since he learned that Jian Jian entered the Tianwei list after only one battle, and was directly ranked No. 20. Seventh, his heart has not been smooth, and his resentment towards Dong Yanshu has deepened. Now He is the one who regrets the most, but now he doesn't even have the chance to win Fairy Jian back.

"Fairy Jian is right. It's not Fairy's fault for not being able to join my Nanfeng family. It's because I was a little sloppy in my usual work, and some people took advantage of the loopholes.

However, just like what Fairy said, you can't be the guest minister of my Nan Feng family, and also my friend of Nan Fengjin, so Fairy can't get around this. "

Nan Fengjin showed the demeanor of a family cultivating immortals, and wanted to keep the friendship with Jian Jian as much as possible, so that it will last forever in the future.

He nodded with a simple smile, agreeing with the other party's statement.

Bei Mingzhi on the side was not happy, he waved his folding fan and said:

"Mr. Nanfeng, don't insinuate me when you speak. I have a relationship with Fairy Jian openly and aboveboard, and I also invited Fairy in front of you. I don't even bother to play tricks behind the scenes."

"I didn't mention you, don't take your seat."

Nan Fengjin glanced at Bei Mingzhi and said directly.

Afterwards, Nan Fengjin took out a storage bag and said to Jian Jian:
"Fairy Jian entered the Beiming family, and I didn't have time to prepare a congratulatory gift, so I simply returned it to the original owner. This is the thunder dragon. Please accept it, Fairy Jian."

Simply shook his head and said:

"Since Mr. Nanfeng regards me as a friend, you will pay one yard for one yard. You will accept the boat fee. As for the congratulations, you have come to congratulate me. I accept your wishes."

Jian Jian doesn't pick up the other party's things, she doesn't plan to take this Thunder Dragon back to the Seven Directions Immortal Realm, not even a single part, lest Long Sanzu will come to find her bad luck again.

When she was shot into the black hole space that day, many people saw it. If she really wanted to go back, she would directly tell Long Sanzu that Long Lei was directly crushed by the black hole space.

Nan Fengjin looked simple and did not intend to accept it, so she could only take back the storage bag:

"In that case, I will prepare another congratulatory gift."

Later, Nan Fengjin specifically said:
"Fairy Jian, because of this incident, the marriage agreement between me and Dong Yanshu will be terminated later, and she doesn't have to work hard to act in front of everyone."

After simply listening to this sentence, he knew that the other party was very clear about Dong Yanshu's hypocrisy, but it never touched his bottom line, so he turned a blind eye.

But now that he has been implicated and lost his own help, he will naturally end the marriage agreement. Speaking of it now, it should be with the consent of the family, and it can be regarded as an indirect explanation for himself.

"Hey! It's such a mess. It's a good marriage."

He simply shook his head and sighed.

"Mr. Nanfeng, let's cancel it! Anyway, Dong Yanshu doesn't really admire you, and you don't really like him. Since the two of you have no intentions, why tie them together!"

Bei Mingzhi stuck a knife in the side.

Nan Fengjin stroked her heart, and asked directly:
"How do you know that I don't like her and she doesn't admire me?"

"Tsk, you're ashamed to say that you like someone, and only your room full of concubines is there, so ghosts will believe you. Besides, I only saw the indifference to you in the eyes of Miss Dongyan, but I didn't see the tenderness of affection." .”

Bei Mingzhi shook his folding fan, and his analysis was logical.

Nan Fengjin decided to take a step first, and if he continued, he wanted to beat this guy up.

Looking at the back of Nan Fengjin leaving hastily, Bei Mingzhi whistled proudly, his mood became more and more beautiful, and then he said with a smile:
"Elder Jian, let's move the place too! Beiming Bieyuan has already arranged a separate courtyard for you."

Jian Jian didn't object, and then went to the other courtyard with the somewhat proud Bei Mingzhi.

"Fairy, is that little fox beside you?"

Bei Mingzhi asked suddenly.

"He is about to advance, so I let him retreat temporarily."

"Do you need me to prepare another mount for you?"

Bei Mingzhi asked intimately.

"There's no need to be so troublesome. That day Baituan just acted as my mount temporarily, and he was always by my side on weekdays."

The two walked while talking, and walked through the bustling commercial street to Beiming Bieyuan. The Beiming family's Bieyuan is based on white and black, which looks a bit cold and aloof, but it is completely different from Beimingzhi's temperament. do not match.

Jian Jian spent three days resting in Beiming Bieyuan, and bought some complete high-level sea beast corpses, which were to be disassembled and used for refining weapons and alchemy. One of the huge flying whales cost her half of the offering.

Just when the group was about to leave Qianyuan Port, Bei Mingzhi came here excitedly to find simplicity.

"Elder Jian, I just received the news that Nan Fengjin and Dong Yanshu have broken off their marriage. On the second day after the marriage was broken, the Xiling family came to the door and proposed to the Dongyan family that Xilingshang and Dong Yanshu be married. Couple, I don’t know how to discuss it, but Patriarch Dongyan agreed.”

"For the Dongyan family, it doesn't matter who they marry with. It is enough to get actual benefits. As for the Xiling injury, seven guards died, and people were offended. They have to fight for themselves. If they don't, they will get paid now. I wish."

Said simply and indifferently.

"Tsk tsk, Xilingshang relied on the fact that his parents fell to save the patriarch. If I dared to let the clan lose so many powerful immortals, I would have been punished to climb an iceberg with bare hands."

Bei Mingshang shook his head and said.

"No wonder his temper is so extreme. He got what he wanted, but it may not be a good thing for Dong Yanshu."

Simply say it casually.

"Don't Dong Yanshu love to act, she just happens to be a pair with that lunatic Xilingshang, and they are a perfect match."

Bei Mingzhi said with a smile.

"Fairy, let's get ready to go!"

Afterwards, Bei Mingzhi boarded the Beiming family's sea boat with Jian Jian, and set off for Jingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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