Chapter 1823 The Secret Realm Closes
seven fairyland
Qing Ji and Qing Ru have been guarding the raccoon beast's clan for 100 years. From the initial panic, they are calm now, because the news from Qing Jun's ancestor is getting better and better.

The simple soul lamp did not continue to shrink, but slowly began to recover after nearly 80 years of weakness, the soul fire is no longer dim, and there is no danger of extinguishing, which proves that simple is alive, and the serious injury suffered Most of it has recovered.

Ancestor Qing Jun once sent news to the two of them, saying that Jian Jian should be in a place other than the Qifang Immortal Realm, and maybe he was also looking for a way back, so that they could wait for the secret realm to open in the raccoon orc land with peace of mind.

If Shoudian is fine, he will come over to take a look and bring some news about Immortal King Yueluan.

Because the Jian family and Xianjianzong reached an agreement, they both pointed the finger at Yueluan, and because Jianjian was plotted against this time, they all sent a hidden fairy king to stare at Yueluan's Mingyue Immortal Mansion. The opponent is now unable to move an inch, and can only hide in his own fairy mansion.

After hearing the news, Qing Ji said with some dissatisfaction:

"Why do you keep staring at her? She is hiding in the Mingyue Immortal Mansion and can't come out. No matter how we catch her, we must force her to show her feet."

"What are you in a hurry for? The fairy kings have their own plans. Now they are using her to identify the bugs lurking in the fairy world. If you kill her directly, the bugs that sneak in will be even harder to catch.

What's more, she made Jian Jian like this, keeping her, and cleaning up herself when Jian Jian came back, wouldn't it be more relieved. "

The Taohuayan who guarded the hall rolled her eyes, and calmed Qing Ji with a few words.

"Shoudian is right. Now we can wait for the secret realm to send out the juniors to see if there are any clues."

Qing Ru said with a smile.

On the third day after the three of them discussed the matter, the secret realm was ten miles away from the original opening location, and all the younger generations of demons who entered it were sent out, and then they were closed neatly and disappeared again.

Mo Ran, Jade, Moon, and Han Pengfei all came out of the secret realm safely, because after entering the secret realm, the four of them acted in groups and cooperated with each other, found some natural and earth treasures in the secret realm, and their combat power was also improved.

"Let's go, go to our clan first, Fairy Jane will definitely wait for us there."

The moon confirmed its position, and it was still in the mountains where the secret realm was opened, but it was a little bit off from its original position.

Everyone had no objection, and was about to set off when the moon raised its head vigilantly. In the next instant, elders of various clans appeared in midair one after another, among them were Immortal Lord Qingji and Yaolord Huanyi.

The elders of the Monster Race breathed a sigh of relief when they saw their lively juniors. They called all the juniors to the front, and began to ask about the situation when they first entered the secret realm.

Qing Ji took Mo Ran, Jade, Moon, and Han Pengfei back to the raccoon beast's clan first.

When Qing Ji landed and waved her sleeves to release the four of them, they saw Qingru Xianjun and another handsome male fairy with peach blossom eyes, but they didn't see Jian Jian.

Moon frowned, stepped forward and cupped her hands and said:

"Thank you Xianjun Qingji for picking us up, but what happened? Why didn't you see Xianjun Jian?"

Mo Ran and Fei Cui also frowned, and Han Pengfei was also looking around at this time, making sure that there were no simple shadows on the scene, and turned his gaze to the three immortals.

"It's all thanks to simple blessings that you can come back safely, but we don't know where she is now."

Qing Ji sighed, and briefly explained how the secret realm was almost sucked into the black hole of the starry sky.

"Damn it, you're actually killing fairies right under the noses of our raccoon orcs!"

The moon's bright black eyes flashed with anger, and said through gritted teeth.

"Which bastard dared to harm my master!"

Emerald also jumped and said.

Only Mo Ran is still relatively calm, but the gloomy aura around him indicates that he is in a very bad mood.

Han Pengfei said thoughtfully:

"It's no wonder that when we first entered the secret realm, there was a shock in the secret realm. It must have been that the secret realm was breaking away from the black hole's adsorption. We thought it was a normal reaction to the closure of the secret realm, so we just found a place to hide and opened up our defenses. It probably took less than a moment After a few minutes, the shock was over.

Moreover, the place where the secret realm sent us out this time is not where we entered before. It should be the previous battle that caused the secret realm to deviate from its original position. "

After hearing Han Pengfei's words, Qing Ji and Qing Ru nodded, and then Qing Ji continued to ask:
"During the period of your experience in the secret realm, have you found any abnormalities, such as whether there are traces of Zerg, are there any demons who deliberately approached you?"

"Xianxianjun, before entering the secret realm, the fairy told us to pay attention to the traces of the Zerg. She was afraid that this was a trap set by the Zerg to deal with low-level monsters, so we all acted together to investigate in the secret realm. , and very cautious, but nothing was found."

Mo Ran stood up and said in a deep voice.

"Since Yueluan is a trap specially set for Jian Jian, she naturally has to consider the possibility that Jian Jian will avoid it, or give up the secret realm. She will definitely not let her own family become victims in vain. The low-level fairies should also be fine."

The Immortal Shoudian folded his arms and leaned against a thick bamboo, analyzing in a deep voice.

"Shoudian is right."

Qing Confucians agreed with Shoudian's analysis.

"The three immortals, the demon emperor can make a move, what does his old man say?"

Moon asked anxiously.

"The demon emperor closed the space black hole that Jianjian entered. Let us stay here and wait for you to come out, and see if we can get useful information from you, and ask Huanyi Yaojun to help us find Simple's whereabouts."

Kiyohime answered Moon's question directly.

Moon's eyes brightened, then dimmed again, scratching her hair in frustration:

"Xianjun, the level of the moon is too low. I don't have the ability to build a space channel now. Otherwise, as long as the location of the fairy is determined, I can construct an exclusive space channel and let the fairy come back."

"Just because you can't, doesn't mean Huanyi can't. Maybe that's why the Demon Emperor asked Huanyi to help us find simplicity."

Qing Ru said with a smile.

"That's right! The moon doesn't have this ability, but the ancestor does have it, but now there is no way to determine the location of the fairy."

One problem solved, a new one popped up, and the moon started scratching her hair again.

"Don't worry, Jane is not in danger of her life now, it's just that she's not in the Seven Squares Immortal Realm, just treat her as going out to experience, you have to believe in her ability, she is definitely on her way back, we have to act, and we will work together, There is always a solution.”

Qingru Xianjun's calm and steady voice came to the ears of everyone present, and the three demons and one fairy who had just left the secret realm stabilized their minds.

(End of this chapter)

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