Chapter 1824: Do Your Best

"What are your plans for the future?"

Qing Ji asked calmly.

The moon bowed to the two immortals, and was the first to say:

"The moon is cultivating in the clan land, and I need to improve my bloodline skills as soon as possible. I have formed a contract with the fairy, and I can better sense the position of the fairy. Although my ability is limited now, with the ancestor Huanyi here, I am also a help."

"Jade is the same. My current cultivation is still very low, even if I want to help the fairy, I have no ability."

Although Fei Cui is a little depressed, she is very self-aware and aware of her own shortcomings. If so, don't make trouble, practice hard and improve her own strength.

"Xianjun Qingji, I want to go back to the Demon Moon Mansion in the Demon Realm."

Mo Ran's face was calm. Just now he had made a decision. Originally, he was still hesitating whether to refine the magic dragon inner alchemy. Now it seems that he has a reason to refine it. Then the Demon Moon Mansion in the Demon Realm is the safest of refining.

"I see."

Qing Ji nodded. Mo Ran is a demon dragon, and it is possible to become the demon emperor's battle pet. She naturally felt that it would be better for him to return to the demon realm.

Shoudian Taohua, who was standing with arms folded, rolled his eyes and said with a smile:

"I happen to have nothing to do, so I will send Mo Ran to the Demon Realm, and meet Mozhi Mojun by the way."

With a smile on the corner of Qing Ji's lips, she glanced at Shoudian, with an expression that I knew you were going to Moyue Mansion, and did not object.

Mo Ran bowed his hands to the Shoudian, and it was considered that he had decided on his next itinerary.

Now only Han Pengfei was left, he finally stood up, cupped his hands at the two immortals and said:

"Two celestial lords, Mr. Han was tracked and entered the demon realm. Now with the help of Xianjun Jian, the natal sword has been repaired, and he has entered the secret realm again, earning some resources for himself. If it is convenient for the celestial lord, send me Just take it to the Eastern Immortal Territory along the way."

Han Pengfei chose this way to avoid Yunyun himself.

"That's no problem. In the Eastern Immortal Territory, the Jian family's face can still be given by others, so you can practice with peace of mind."

Qing Confucian Monarch nodded. This person is quite courageous. Although he is familiar with Jian Jian, he did not rely on these to make any excessive demands, and he did not want to rely on Jian's family. This is not difficult.

After Han Pengfei got an affirmative answer, he also breathed a sigh of relief. He also had his own pride.

In the most difficult time, he simply helped him recast the Wushuang sword, and because of the upgrade of the natal sword, he even rushed into the Golden Immortal Realm.

In the 100 years in the secret realm, he has not let up. Now he has touched the barrier of the Golden Immortal Realm, and the rest is to find a place to retreat and break through this barrier.

Because Jian Jian won the opportunity to enter the secret realm for him, and with the help of her spiritual pet, the storage ring is no longer empty, and it is enough to support his cultivation until he breaks into the Daluo Jinxian, so he will not greedily ask for more , this is his bottom line.

After everything was settled here, Yaojun Huanyi and Elder Longqing joined hands and came to Zhufeng Forest.

After the big brothers met each other, Huanyi informed Qingji and Qingru, the two immortal monarchs, of the feedback from the juniors of various races, and the two immortal monarchs also informed Huanyi of the discoveries of the juniors, confirming each other Accuracy of message.

Long Qing checked the emerald for the first time, and after confirming that the little girl was fine, he said:
"Don't run around, we will return to the Dragon Clan in a while."

"Yes, elder."

Fei Cui agreed obediently, then stepped aside to say goodbye to Mo Ran.

The moon here is obediently standing next to Patriarch Huanyi, just listening with his ears upright, his bright black eyes constantly rolling.

"I understand the meaning of the two immortals. Since this matter happened in the Yaoxian domain, and I have been ordered by the demon emperor, I will naturally help with all my strength. It's just that I can't find the exact location of Xianjun Jian. This is the most difficult thing."

Huan Yi also frowned.

"If the location of Xianjun Jian can be determined, then the moon will be the guide to gather the awakened clan members of our raccoon beast clan, and with the help of the demon emperor, we may be able to build a passage for Xianjun Jian to return smoothly."

After hearing this, the eyes of Qing Ji, Qing Ru, and Shou Dian all lit up, it seems that Jian Jian should have a chance to come back.

"So, on behalf of the Jane family, I would like to thank Huanyi Yaojun first. We are very confident in simplicity. After she recovers from her injuries, she will actively find her way back. Besides, she has the artifact of my Jane family on her body, and we can also use the sensor to find her way back." Artifact, determine a simple location, but now we haven't found anything, so we can only wait."

Qing Confucianism bowed its hands.

"Okay, I understand, then let's use our own methods to determine the simple location, and whoever finds it first will summon the other party, how about it?"

"it is good!"

After several bigwigs finalized the matter, they began to arrange the follow-up matters.

Qian Wanguan took Bi Shu and hurried back to the raccoon beast's clan on the second day.

After Jian Jian was conspired to disappear into the black hole in the starry sky, Qian Wanguan also got the news, and rushed to the raccoon beast's clan as soon as possible, met with the two immortals of the Jian family, first confirmed Jian Jian's safety, and after confirming that the soul fire was not extinguished , he breathed a sigh of relief, and in turn comforted the two immortals:

"The two seniors don't need to worry too much. Jian Xianjun is strong, has good luck and merit, and will not be so easily plotted. Now he may heal his wounds in a place full of immortal energy, and wait for the wounds to heal. , she will naturally find her way back."

"You have faith in simplicity."

Qing Ji raised her eyebrows, looking at the golden fairy robe, the rich Qian Wanguan said.

"Of course, my old money will just manage the shop in Yaoxianyu well before Xianjun Jian comes back, earn more fairy stones, and do what the fairy ordered."

After finishing speaking, he took out a jade slip and handed it to Qingru Xianjun.

"This is the resources exchanged between the three shops and the dark market in Feitian Town during this period of time. See if there is any need for the Jian family, and they can be replaced. The same is true for the Immortal Sword Sect. Shu Lang is responsible for the exchange of resources on the Demon Realm."

"Treasurer Qian, you've done a good job. Since you have a simple order, just follow it. We won't intervene too much in the rest of the matter."

After reading the list of transactions, Qingru still recognized Qian Wanguan's ability, and he didn't plan to intervene too much. After all, this was simply established for the purpose of resource rotation, and he used his own connections. Naturally, the family would not have too many intervene.


Afterwards, Qian Wanguan took Bi Shu to search for a new pavement, and walked all over the remaining tribes and larger cities in the Yaoxianyu, and Qingji and Jiushao secretly protected them.

Naturally, their purpose is not to look at the storefront, but to complete simple tasks that have not been completed, so as to give the Demon Emperor an explanation.

The harvest is not small, because the news of Jian Jian's disappearance in the Fairy Realm has spread here. Without her as the nemesis of the Zerg, the Zerg who had been carefully hiding before finally vented their anger and started to come out again.

Just hit Bi Shu's muzzle, the consequences can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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