Chapter 1825
Completely fulfilling the Yao Emperor's entrustment, it can be regarded as a successful conclusion to the simple journey to the Yaoxianyu, and then Bi Shu stayed in Luming City with the identity of Hong Lian.

Firstly, this identity cover should continue to be used, and it is better for Bi Shu to hide it. Until now, Jiu Shao didn't know Bi Shu's ability, and only thought that she had the Immortal Gu simply left on her body, even if she had some doubts, As cunning as Jiu Shao, he wouldn't ask too many questions, as long as the hidden dangers in the Demon Immortal Realm can be eliminated.

Secondly, if the shops left in Luming City do not return to the Fox Clan, Bi Shu will not be suspected or exposed, and if something happens, Jiu Shao can also arrive in time. The most important thing is that in the shop, he can get Xian News from all parties in the Domain and Demon Domain.

No, they received news from the juniors of the Yaozu in the secret realm that day, and Bi Shu asked the Jiushao Yaojun to send her to meet the two immortals. Duan Guang, can arrive so quickly.

Jiu Shao brought him here, and went to find Huan Yi for the latest news.

After nearly a hundred years of operation, Qian Wanguan also has the support of people sent by the Jian family and the Immortal Sword Sect. The shop is quite well-known in the fairyland. This time, I followed Bi Shu to meet the two immortals, and I also wanted to confirm that Jian Jian did not come back. , his fate.

After seeing the new list of transactions and accumulation of resources, Qingru said kindly to Qian Wanguan:

"Treasurer Qian, you continue to stay in the Yaoxian Domain to run the store, and you don't need to make any adjustments for the time being. First of all, you are a person who is easy to trust. Over the past hundred years, you have also proved your ability.

If you come to the Fairy Realm again, someone needs to collect information. It simply disappeared from here. If you come back, you must still fall in the Fairy Realm. We need someone you can trust to understand the situation here. Qingji and I are not suitable to stay here for a long time . "

"Yes, Qian understands."

"It's still the old rule. Jane's family will send people here in turn. You just need to direct them, which is also a kind of experience for them."

"Don't worry Xianjun, Qian knows what to do."

Qing Ru waved his hand, and Qian Wanguan exited the conference hall with peace of mind.

Immediately, Bi Shu entered the meeting room of the bamboo building, cupped her hands to the two immortals and said:
"Seniors, the mission in the Yaoxian Realm has been completed, should I continue to disguise myself as Hong Lian, or leave the Yaoxian Realm temporarily?"

"The mission is completed, so don't stay here anymore. I didn't let you go before because I was afraid that someone would suspect it. After all, after simply leaving, some Zergs were still caught. This is easy to attract the attention of the Zergs. In addition, you were in the Demon Realm before. I encountered pursuit, so I let you stay in the Yaoxian domain for the sake of caution.

Now that such a long time has passed, the events of a hundred years ago have faded away. It is safer for you to leave now, because you are a demon cultivator. We discussed it. It is better to send you back to the demon realm. Completing the insect-catching mission in the Demon Immortal Realm has already delayed your practice, which is definitely something that Simple does not want to see.

It just so happens that this time, the Immortal Shoudian sent Mo Ran back to the Demon Realm, and you will accompany him as a disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect. After returning to the Demon Realm, you will stay in the Demon Moon Mansion to practice and wait for the simple return. What do you think? "

Qing Ji said with a smile.

"Thank you two immortals for your consideration of Bi Shu. I would like to return to the Demon Realm, and continue to hibernate, protect myself, and improve my cultivation before the Demon Moon Lord returns. I believe that there will always be a time for Bi Shu to contribute in the future."

Bi Shu replied respectfully.

After Qing Ji and Qing Ru made proper arrangements for the affairs of the Demon Realm, they took Han Pengfei back to the Eastern Fairy Realm, and the guard house took Bi Shu and Mo Ran away, and went straight to the Demon Capital of the Demon Realm. Jade and Moon were also at ease. Practicing in their respective clans, the Fairy Realm regained its calm.

Bai Ze and his wife looked at the leaving Dun Guang from their hilltop, and looked at each other, Bai Ying curled her lips and said:
"Husband, you know that something will happen simply, so you let our stupid son retreat early. I watched him wake up. If he wants to ask about it, you will be responsible for comforting him. This little heartless person is really Did I give birth? Why are you always thinking about others!"

Bai Yan smiled soothingly, and then said:

"Don't worry, ma'am, I'll explain to Xiao Ze'er, but if we simply leave this time, there is hope to bring our eldest son back."

"I just said that the last time I was attacked, why did you stop me from making a move?"

"That's her practice. We've helped her obtain the greatest protection. She has to walk the rest of the way by herself. Besides, the secret must not be leaked. I've suffered a loss once, and I almost got you involved, so naturally I have to be more cautious. "

After Bai Yan finished speaking, he coughed a few times.

"I don't mean to blame you. I just feel sorry for you. It's hard for your body to recover. Otherwise, we would have found Daze back."

Bai Ying glanced reproachfully at the husband next to her, immediately raised her hand and put a white cloak on his shoulders, took her husband's hand, and returned to the cave.

"Let's go! I'll smooth out the inner alchemy for you again, your hidden wounds haven't completely healed yet."

"Yes, I listen to Madam."

Bai Yan was kind, he smiled lightly and let Bai Ying lead him into the cave.

Simply don't know, in Qianyuan Immortal Realm, she can still meet old friends, and more than one. At this time, she is on the deck of the ship, playing chess with Bei Mingzhi, and learning about the power of the royal family in the Immortal Realm by the way.

Today, she simply changed into a light golden fairy dress, which made her look more noble and gorgeous, with an imposing manner on her body, the upper part of her black hair was only tied up with a white jade hairpin, and the rest of her hair was hanging down casually. In the back, there is another feeling of laziness and casualness.

Bei Mingzhi dropped a sunspot with a smile, waved the folding fan in his hand and praised:

"Elder Jian, this golden-haired robe really suits you, and no one else can wear this aura."

"Tsk tsk, your mouth is so sweet, if I don't agree with you going to Jingzhou to join in the fun, I'm afraid you won't say that!"

Simply smiled and dropped a white piece.

"That must be impossible, but it's the first time I've seen such a grand event, so it's better not to miss it."

Bei Mingzhi said with a smile.

"Tell me what you know."

Simply put.


Bei Mingzhi immediately agreed, and gave birth to another son, before he began to talk about the royal family in the fairy world.

"I said before that the royal family can occupy a place in the Qianyuan fairy world because of the offerings of the royal family in the mortal world. Every hundred years, they will arrange immortals to go to the royal family in the mortal world to recruit disciples, and they only accept from the royal family. Disciple, it is said that it is to ensure the purity of the royal family.

And if the disciples of the royal family in the mortal world are selected, no matter which royal family you come from, after entering the fairy world, they will have the same surname Huangfu (fu). This is also to increase their cohesion, and the previous name will be kept. It is said that Huangfu is the royal family of the Qianyuan fairy world The first fairy emperor to come out.

Of course, the growth of the royal family does not only depend on the descendants of the royal family. They have followers in the common world. If they have outstanding aptitude among the followers, they will naturally be brought to the fairy world to practice, and it is logical to become the guards of the royal family in the fairy world. "

(End of this chapter)

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