Chapter 1830
"It's all incidental, and it doesn't hinder Huangfu's family."

He added another sentence.

At this time, Bei Mingzhi and his party had already arrived at a spacious street, and saw all kinds of men and women with fairy spirits pouring in, and they also followed the flow of people, and walked slowly into this famous "Baiyi Street" .

At a distance of [-] meters from the entrance of the street, there is a huge piece of purple jade standing there. On it is the introduction of "Baiyi Street", and there are some instructions, one of which is to make friends through art, and fights are not allowed for any reason , will be directly invited out of Jingzhou at that time, which will be regarded as a contempt for Huangfu's royal family.

"What if there is something that can only be solved by hands?"

Jian Jian hugged Bai Tuan and asked with a smile.

"There is also a ring in Baiyi Street, let's compete in the ring! If the grievances are not serious, we will win or lose. If the grievances are too deep, we can fight to the death, but we must sign a contract before going up."

Bei Mingzhi's guard immediately replied.

These are obviously not written into this jade biscuit, it should be a convention, after all, where there are people, there will be disputes, and there will always be people who like to use force to solve problems.

"I see, let's go and see!"

Simply said with a smile.

Bai Tuan moved his nose, raised his paw and pointed in a direction, and the other party simply said:
"Fairy, the fragrance over there is very special, let's go and have a look."

"it is good."

Bei Mingzhi didn't object, and walked over to the place pointed by Bai Tuan. It turned out that there was a three-story antique fragrance pavilion.

Here you can concoct all kinds of spices, such as calming, healing, and tracking. Of course, the most popular among fairies is the kind of body fragrance that blends with the body. There are a variety of fragrances for you to choose from, and it is guaranteed not to be the same, so there are especially many fairies here.

Of course, there are also male immortals who buy spices in the shop, but they focus on healing. After simply entering with Baituan in their arms, a young and enchanting female demon cultivator greets them, mainly for Bei Mingzhi.

Bei Mingzhi waved his folding fan and said to the female assistant:

"I'm here with the elders, you just need to entertain my elders well."

"Yes, son."

Only then did the female demon cultivator turn her gaze to Jian Jian, but unfortunately she couldn't even see her face clearly, her heart skipped a beat, and she immediately stepped forward respectfully and said:

"Fairy, I don't know what kind of spices you want to buy? We have the most complete range of spices in the Perfume Pavilion. If the fairy has other requirements, our perfumer can also mix the fragrance for the fairy on the spot."

Simply nodding to express understanding, this is a private order, and the fairy stone must be indispensable.

"I want to buy some soothing and healing spices."

Simply speak directly.

"Just take the best one from your store and let my parents choose."

Bei Mingzhi said arrogantly.

The guards behind him didn't stop him even if they wanted to. My son doesn't know how valuable the spices are. The spices prepared by a high-level perfumer are even comparable to the top-grade elixir, and they don't have the disadvantage of erysipelas. Naturally, it is not easy to find.

The female devil fairy was overjoyed, and the smile on her face was even stronger, she raised her hand and said:
"Please come inside the fairy."

The conversation here was heard by everyone who was shopping in the lobby of Xiangxiang Pavilion. Some of them had nothing to do with themselves, some guessed the identity of the simple line, and some dismissed it. In short, their expressions were different.

"Young Master Beiming, Elder Jian, we meet again. It's such a coincidence that you also come to choose incense?"

As soon as Jian Jian and Bei Mingzhi took a step, a familiar voice sounded in their ears, and they knew who it was without looking.

The corners of Bei Mingzhi's mouth twitched, no matter why there are such people everywhere, but he still politely cupped his hands and said:

"Xu Xianyou, I didn't expect to meet again today after we separated yesterday."

"So we are destined!"

Xu Kuangshi said with a smile.

"My family always choose spices, you are"

Bei Mingzhi waved his folding fan and continued to exchange greetings.

Even a sword fairy like Xu Kuangshi, who is not interested in anything other than swords, has come to Xiangxiang Pavilion no matter what.

"I came here with my senior sisters and junior sisters. It is rare for them to come to Jingzhou, and they agreed to bring some gifts back from the same sect. They thought the fragrance of Xiangxiang Pavilion was very unique, so they came here to find it."

After finishing speaking, he gave up the three female sword fairies behind him, saying that he didn't want to join in the fun, but was forced to come by his fellow disciples.

However, if the faces of the three female sword fairies were not so weird and awkward, Jian Jian and Bei Mingzhi would have believed his words, obviously these three were just an excuse.

"So, let's buy separately!"

Bei Mingzhi said directly.

"That's fine, we'll meet outside the store later, and then we'll go and have a look elsewhere."

Xu Kuangshi directly and unilaterally decided.

The corner of Bei Mingzhi's mouth twitched, and he was stuck by this sticky candy, so he could only deal with it with a haha, and entered the VIP room simply and neatly.

The VIP room is not big, [-] square meters. There is a set of mahogany tables and chairs. There is also a bronze incense burner in the room. It is very delicate, and the scent of it can soothe people's emotions.

Bai Tuan closed his eyes, sniffing the fragrance, feeling very happy, wagging his tail, obviously very fond of this fragrance.

"Fairy, I like this Xiangbai Tuan very much, I want to bring some to my ancestor, can I?"

"of course."

Simply nodding in response, he directly asked the magic repair guy on the side:

"What kind of spice is this? It has the effect of soothing the soul, but can it be high-grade?"

"Fairy Huiyan, this is the soul-soothing incense. It can indeed soothe the soul, and it can also restrain the demons, so that the listener can understand the soul. High-level ones are naturally available, but the cost will be higher."

"It's okay, just take a piece."

Bei Mingzhi waved his hand.

"Is there any spice that can nourish the soul?"

"Yes, 'Spirit of Soul' has this effect."

The female demon Xiu said with a beaming smile that she would have a very high commission for just these two spices.

"Then what are you still doing? Go get it!"

Bei Mingzhi urged.

The female demon practiced for a while, and then left the VIP room.

Bei Mingzhi then said:
"Elder Jian, Xu Kuangshi is pestering us, what exactly is he trying to do?"

"Didn't you tell him my answer?"

Simply put.

"Say it! So why does he still circle around us?"

Bei Mingzhi spread his hands.

"In two cases, what I said was wrong. It made his elders unhappy, so he followed us. The other possibility, I was right, they wanted to seek a further solution."

Said simply and calmly.

"Looking at Xu Kuangshi's politeness, I think it should be the second possibility."

Bei Mingzhi is not stupid, he immediately reacted after hearing the simple words.

"It's okay, he can follow if he likes, as long as it doesn't harm us."

Simple and indifferent.

"Yes, I listen to the elders."

Outside the Xiangxiang Pavilion, three female sword fairies surrounded Xu Kuangshi. After putting on a soundproof cover, the leading female fairy in purple skirt asked:
"Brother Xu, what's your plan? You leaned forward with a shameless face, could it be that you have taken a fancy to someone else's elder?"

"Senior brother Xu, I advise you to think twice, that female fairy is stronger than you, the fairy dress she is wearing, and the little fox she is holding in her arms are not something you can afford to raise."

(End of this chapter)

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