Another female sword fairy with a round face also frowned and said.

It's not that she doesn't support her senior brother's search for a companion, she has to do what she can, it's really not that she looks down on her senior brother, he just has a sword, and even to Jingzhou is a sea boat that rubs against others. The fairy is not what senior brother Neng Xiao thinks about.

The youngest junior sister didn't speak, but nodded frequently, obviously agreeing with what the two senior sisters said.

Xu Kuangshi supported his forehead and said helplessly:
"Several senior sisters, junior sisters, you have misunderstood! I followed the instructions of my master and wanted to ask that fairy a few questions. It's not that I didn't find a suitable excuse, so I followed them. I always have to find a suitable opportunity. Bar!"

"Master's order?"

Senior Sister Ziqun said with a little doubt.

"Of course, otherwise, how could I follow others so cheekily."

"Okay! But if you follow him like this, you won't be able to fulfill the master's order. After a while, you will directly invite him to sit in the restaurant in front of you and ask everything you need to ask."

Senior Sister Ziqun was very courageous and said directly.

"Okay, I'll listen to my sister."

Xu Kuangshi nodded and said, he also knew that it was not the same thing to follow like this.

"Brother, I just want to ask a question."

The little junior sister who hadn't spoken all this time suddenly interjected.


"Is Elder Jane beautiful?"

Xu Kuangshi was stunned for a moment, and then said:
"Beauty, beyond the ordinary, is a rare beauty."

After hearing Xu Kuangshi's return, the three fellow teachers and sisters all had expressions of "I see" on their faces.

Xu Kuangshi had black lines all over his head and had to add:

"But her swordsmanship is even more beautiful, it's a pity that I don't have the opportunity to ask for advice."

"Explaining is covering up. Everyone has a love for beauty, and we all understand it!"

Senior sister Ziqun patted her junior brother on the shoulder and said.

Well, it's better not to say it!Xu Kuangshi just shut up, just waiting for the simple line of buying good spices to come out quickly.

The Flower Immortal Stone went well here, and Bai Tuan also took out his own treasured immortal stone, and bought a piece of "Fushen Fragrance" within his ability, but it is more likely that he will use it for himself.

She simply chose a piece of high-grade "spirit of the soul", and searched away all the fairy stones on her body, and even borrowed some from Liu Chuan in private. She just looked at the other spices greedily, and gave up. up.

But just bought this piece, and the female demon cultivator gave it away with a smile on her face. After all, it is a high-end spice, and she only sold this piece in 80. The commission she got was enough for her to practice for a long time.

Simply came out with Bai Tuan in his arms, and saw Xu Kuangshi waiting there. Before Bei Mingzhi could speak, the fairy in the purple dress stepped forward and said:

"Young Master Beiming, Elder Jian, my junior brother has something to ask the fairy. I wonder if I can go to the restaurant opposite to sit for a while, drink a cup of tea to moisten my throat, and rest for a while."

When Bei Mingzhi heard it, he knew that the main event was coming, and he was impatient to play Tai Chi with the other party, so he said with a smile:

"Okay! That restaurant looks good."

"Several, this way please."

Xu Kuangshi led the way, and the junior sister had already reserved a private room on the third floor of the restaurant, which was a very sincere invitation.

After entering the private room and sitting down, he simply raised his hand and withdrew the spell that concealed his appearance, and immediately heard a few inhalation sounds. It was Xu Kuangshi's three senior sisters, especially the youngest one, whose eyes were wide open. Liuyuan, with her small mouth slightly open, was obviously surprised by the simple beauty.

Jian Jian pretended not to hear, took a fruit and stuffed it into Bai Tuan's paws, and let him eat it by himself. She raised her eyes, looked at Xu Kuangshi, and said lightly:

"What does Mr. Xu want to ask?"

Xu Kuangshi coughed lightly to call back the attention of the three fellow students, and then said:

"Elder Jian, my family ancestor's parents and sons rushed into the ancestor's robbery thunder and were struck to death by the robbery thunder. It was because of his mistake that the robbery thunder of the ancestor Jin-ranked Immortal Emperor aggravated, although in the end he barely survived He killed Jie Lei, but he also left behind hidden wounds.

Coupled with the face-to-face fall of the parent and child, and Huangfushan's madness, the master had a heart demon, and his cultivation base could not make any progress. If this continues, it will really be like what the fairy said, and it will be impossible to ascend to God at all.

Therefore, Xu has the audacity to ask the fairy for advice, how should he untie this knot?Break through the demons of the master. "

Bei Mingzhi had stopped waving his folding fan, and was standing on the front line of eating melons. Sure enough, he was hit by his own Elder Jian.

After listening briefly, she lowered her eyes slightly, but she didn't expect that there was something hidden in it, but she didn't know whether the child really entered by mistake or was sent in on purpose.

She is more inclined to the latter, after all, crossing the Tribulation of the Immortal Emperor is in Wanjianzong, how could it be impossible to clear the field, even ordinary immortals would not have the guts to rush into the thunder of the Immortal Emperor.

"The Immortal Emperor of the noble sect, is the ruthless way cultivated?"


"Have you ever experienced in the world?"

"I have been to the secret and dangerous places, and I have been to the Holy Mountain of Guixu"

Xu Kuangshi answered truthfully, but was interrupted by simply raising his hand:

"When I talk about entering the world, I mean entering the mortal world, experiencing life, old age, sickness, death, love, hate, love, and enmity in less than a hundred years of mortal life!"


"Then I suggest that your family's master seal his memory and cultivation base to enter the mortal experience, or the soul enters the world experience. After he has experienced all this, he will ask himself, what is ruthless? What is sentient?"

Said simply and lightly.

"that's it?"

"that's it."

The simple answer is very straightforward.

To put it simply, the other party was well protected by the sect, and his journey was too smooth, and the only calamity came from his own children, so it was inevitable that he would be on the edge of the horns and be tortured a few times, so it would not be like this.

"Also, go back and find out what happened back then. Are there no elders guarding the Thunder Tribulation that crossed the Immortal Emperor Realm? How could people enter the range of the Thunder Tribulation for no reason?"

"Elder Jian is keen. The suzerain at the time also had doubts about this matter, and arranged for a thorough investigation. The child was deliberately thrown into the range of the robbery. Because it was too sudden, no one was prepared. It's just that the person's cultivation base is not good enough. Low, no trace has been found."

This is already Wan Jianzong's secret heart, and it is a bit embarrassing for him to say this, but the facts are the facts.

"Tsk, go back and tell your master that even if you want to avenge your own child, you must survive this test."

"Yes, Xu wrote it down, thank you elder for reminding me."

Xu Kuangshi got up and saluted.

"It's just a few words, I hope it can help your master."

"Elder Jian, are you simple?"

Senior Sister Zipao, who had been silent since entering the box, suddenly interrupted.

Simply turning his eyes, glanced at the other party, and nodded lightly.

"Hiss" this time it wasn't just the three seniors who inhaled, Xu Kuangshi was also inhaled, and then the four of them lined up:

"Meet Xianjun Jian."

"Am I so famous now?"

He simply turned his head and asked Bei Mingzhi who was on the side.

Boys, today's writing is too difficult. There is a problem with the laptop, and the blue screen restarts every hour. Fengling is going crazy, so I have to repair the computer tomorrow, and ask everyone for leave in advance. , Tomorrow's text may be uploaded later!Pen refills for everyone! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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