Chapter 1832
"Elder Jian, since you entered the 'Tianwei Bang', you have become famous outside, but you have not officially shown up, and they don't know where to find you if they want to find you."

Bei Mingzhi opened his folding fan again with a "snap", and continued proudly:
"Fortunately, I have a predestined relationship with Elder Jian. I got to know you first, and I sincerely invited Fairy to be the elder Keqing of my Beiming family. I finally lived up to the patriarch's entrustment."

After talking, he became more and more complacent, and the corners of the mouths of the two guards behind him twitched. How dare they boast to the client so much!
Because Xu Kuangshi had practiced at sea before, he didn't know that a simple person was born in the "Tianwei Bang", while the three senior sisters received a message from the Zongmen when they were practicing outside, and asked them to practice Check out this "simple" on the way.

It's just that this "simple" is a man or a woman, and no one knows where she is in Qianyuan Immortal Realm now, why she is on the list, and they don't take this mission issued by the sect seriously, after all, there is really no clue.

They just met Senior Brother Xu at Wan Jianzong's residence yesterday evening, and they learned that he was looking for a fairy. They thought the cycad tree was blooming, so they followed to watch the fun, and it turned out to be a surprise.

Simply raised his hand to let the four of them sit down, then smiled and said:

"I am the elder Keqing of the Beiming family now. I don't want to be too high-profile. You all know it, and there is no need to deliberately publicize it."

"Yes, Elder Jane."

The four responded immediately. They understood Fairy Jian's decision very well, and the other party looked like someone who was afraid of trouble.

"Elder Jian, I heard from Mr. Beiming that you will stay in Jingzhou for a while this time to meet the selected concubines of the Huangfu family. If you have time, we can go to sea to practice swords. I will ask the elders for advice."

Xu Kuangshi said immediately.

He briefly touched Baituan's head, as if he didn't hear it, and said to Bei Mingzhi who was beside him:
"Master Zhi, the piano building over there is so lively, is there anything new?"

Sure enough, looking out from the window, there is also a three-story piano building diagonally opposite the restaurant. At this time, there are many immortals coming in and out, and the staff of the piano building are also welcoming the immortals who come and go with smiles.

The guard took a step forward, stood in front of the window and looked at it for a while, then came back and said:

"Young Master, Elder, the piano tower is using a silver horned horse as the lottery prize today, and is competing in piano skills. The winner can take the lottery right away, so many people have been attracted to have a try."

"Elder Jian, do you want to join in the fun?"

"My fairy is proficient in guqin."

This time it was Bai Tuan who answered first.

Bai Tuan had heard of simple playing the piano to fend off enemies and kill insects in the battlefield, so he immediately said with a smile.

With a simple smile, he gave Bai Tuan a tad tacit agreement, mainly because he was interested in the silver horned horse.

"So, let's go and have a look, maybe we have a chance to win this lottery!"

A group of eight people left the restaurant and moved to the piano building opposite, and they all tacitly did not bring up the previous topic again.

This piano building has three floors. The first floor is an exhibition hall, displaying all kinds of musical instruments of different grades, which are obviously for people to buy. When the staff saw the group headed by Bei Mingzhi enter, they immediately put on a professional smile welcome up.

"Several distinguished guests, what do you want to choose?"

"We're just here to join in the fun, mainly to see the silver horned horse."

Bei Mingzhi said with a smile, shaking the folding fan in his hand.

"Please enter the third floor, where there is a competition, and the lottery silver horned horse is also displayed upstairs, and you can see it when you go up."

The clerk graciously led several people up to the third floor, where many immortals had already gathered, because the third floor had used the technique of space expansion, so it didn't look crowded when thousands of people gathered, and the silver horned horse used as a gimmick , was locked in the middle of the third floor.

In a cage shining with a silver halo, there is a silver horned horse with a snow-white body and slightly curly white hair. It is lying in the cage at this time, with a pair of white wings on its back, which are sticking to the back obediently.

When Jian Jian and his party came in, the silver wildebeest's eyelids rolled left and right, and then calmed down again.

Wan Jianzong's junior sister said in a low voice:

"This silver horned horse is beautiful!"

"This is a sixth-order fairy beast, and this kind of fairy beast still has room for advancement, up to seventh-order. No wonder it attracts so many people. It seems that the owner of this piano building has also paid for it. "

Bei Mingzhi's guards were very knowledgeable and directly told the origin of the silver horned horse.

"The combat strength of the silver horned horse is mediocre, but he can ward off disasters for the owner, which is equivalent to giving the owner an extra life, so it is still very attractive."

Bei Mingzhi added.

Simply staring straight at the elegant silver horned horse, he sized him up from top to bottom, his phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his lips curled up, revealing an inexplicable smile.

The silver wildebeest in the cage moved its front feet uncomfortably, then opened its eyes, looked around gracefully, only paused where Jian Jian and the others were standing, and closed their eyes again.

At this time, the white-robed male fairy on the stage just finished playing a piece, raised his hand to put away his flute, arched his hands gracefully, and stepped off the high stage, the other party's friends applauded respectfully.

At this time, another female fairy in a pink skirt tapped her toes, jumped onto the bandstand, and put her Guqin in front of her, while she sat cross-legged in front of the piano table, plucked her jade fingers lightly, and a string of pleasant piano sounds flowed out.

"This is a disciple of Tianyin Palace. She is well versed in rhythm. She has a great chance of winning the first prize."

Bei Mingzhi gave a simple explanation with a smile.

Simple and very curious, why the other party covered his eyes with red gauze, so he glanced at Bei Mingzhi and asked directly:
"Is she doing it because her eyes can't see it? Or is it a gimmick to attract more attention? Or does it help her win the championship?"

The detection of spiritual consciousness was too abrupt, and she didn't recover, so she simply asked Beiming directly.

"This Fairy Yinsha really can't see anything. She has been covering her eyes with red gauze just because she went out to practice and learned the Tao. Everyone feels very sorry. Now everyone is used to calling her Fairy Red Gauze."

People with good things around them automatically answered the conversation.

"So that's the case, it seems that he is also a person with a story."

Simply said with a smile.

Bei Mingzhi judged the opponent's sect based on the opponent's fairy cannon, and he really didn't know who it was. Today is the first time he has heard of this red yarn fairy.

At this time, in the hall on the third floor, the sound of the piano flowed out along the fingers of Fairy Yinsha, and a peaceful immortal force centered on her slowly spread in the auditorium. beautiful melody.

All the immortals on the third floor were mesmerized by the sound of the piano, and they were brought into an artistic conception of soaring into the sky by the sound of the piano, soaring freely in the nine heavens, overlooking the entire earth.

With a sound of "pa", the sound of the piano stopped abruptly. The Yinsha Fairy seemed to be a little unstable, and she was touching the red gauze covering her eyes with trembling hands.

 Guys, I went to the computer city to check my notebook today. I need to redo the system, so I coded a chapter on my mobile phone. Everyone will watch it first, and I will take a day off. I will make up the notebook when I come back tomorrow!Feng Ling couldn't open her sleepy eyes, so she squinted for a while, please forgive me, Feng Ling left with the pot lid on.

(End of this chapter)

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