"How is this going?"

"I don't know, is Fairy Hongsha's old injury recurring?"

"The piano piece just now is very artistic. If there are no accidents, it should be able to win the first place. It's a pity."



There were constant discussions around, and immediately two female fairies jumped onto the bandstand and said softly:

"Senior Sister Yinsha."

"Senior sister, how are you doing?"

The two stepped forward to help Fairy Hongsha, and immediately a waitress from Qin Pavilion stepped forward and said:

"Several customers of Tianyin Palace, please help Fairy Hongsha and follow me. There is a separate box here for Fairy Hongsha to repair. Would you like to ask Fairy Hongsha to take a look?"

Qin Pavilion is still very good at coming, if Hongsha is damaged in their Qin Pavilion, it will not be good for their Qin Pavilion.

Fairy Yinsha had already been helped up by the two, and right now she waved her hand to the maid and said:
"Don't bother, it's my old wounded, just rest for a while."

Obviously he didn't want to bother Qin Ge to ask for a doctor.

"Yes, three please come this way."

The three people here left the bandstand, but no one went up to play for a while, and it seemed that they all talked about the old story of Fairy Yinsha.

Simply don't care about these things, just turn around and ask Bei Mingzhi:

"Since it's a piano competition, who will judge the winner? I can't say that I can get the first place, so I can get the first place, right?"

"Fairy doesn't need to question the fairness of the piano pavilion. This piano building belongs to the Huangfu royal family. The entire piano building itself is a musical instrument. If the sound of the fairy piano can arouse the spirit of the instruments here, it will naturally be recognized as No. 1."

The winking waitress immediately stepped forward and explained the confusion in a low voice.

"So it's because I'm ignorant."

Simply smiled and nodded.

"It's the first time the elder and I have come to Jingzhou. It's normal not to know, so it's a good experience."

Bei Mingzhi waved his folding fan lightly, and said indifferently.

Bai Tuan waited for the opportunity and immediately said:
"Fairy, would you like to give it a try?"

"You like that silver wildebeest?"

Simply ask questions without answering.

"Well, a little bit! His fur is also white."

Bai Tuan wagged his tail, squinted his fox eyes and said.

"As long as it's white, you like it."

After a brief sigh of emotion, he said to Bei Mingzhi:
"I haven't seen it yet, what will happen to the spirit of this piano building, so I will try it."

"Haha! Then we have good ears."

Bei Mingzhi seemed very confident in simplicity, and said directly with a smile.

He simply nodded and said to the waitress on the side:
"I came out in a hurry today and didn't bring my guqin, please help me get one."

"Yes, fairy."

The waitress went down with a smile on her face, and the distinguished guest said it was a loan, so it would be the same as buying it.

The simple reason is that she can't use her spiritual sense for the time being, and the guqin she is used to is in the Zifu space, so she really just borrowed it.

Bei Mingzhi clapped his palms with a folding fan, and said to Guard B beside him:
"It was my negligence. You follow the maid to choose a piano. Don't be too bad, and don't be tricked."

"Yes, son."

The guard followed the maid to the exhibition hall on the first floor. Because he didn't know the rhythm, he chose an ebony guqin on the recommendation of the maid, and then returned to the third floor.

Simply took the piano, caressed it casually, and jumped onto the bandstand.

Xu Kuangshi and the three female sword celestial beings at the other table next to him watched Fairy Jian gracefully enter the bandstand, and the youngest junior sister said in a low voice:
"Elder Jian is also very confident in his piano skills!"

"Elder Jian said that she is not a pure sword fairy, and she has learned some other things, and she probably dabbled in rhythm."

Xu Kuangshi explained that it is inevitable to feel regretful in his heart. If there is only one sword in his heart, Fairy Jian must be stronger, but she is not bad now.

On the bandstand, he simply put the guqin on the table, plucked a few strings, tuned the strings, and then a section of piano sound flowed out.

Before simply going on stage, someone had noticed their group, and recognized the family emblem of the Beiming family and the fairy robe of Wan Jianzong with sharp eyes. They never expected that these two parties would gather together.

Especially the female fairy on the stage, with an elegant figure and a light-gold fairy robe that is also very luxurious. The important thing is that no one can see her face clearly, which naturally arouses everyone's curiosity.

As the sound of the piano swayed throughout the third floor, from the initial monophonic, gentle and melodious tone, it slowly began to turn into a clear, high-pitched, and repeated chorus, which sublimated the whole piece of music and made it more obvious. Majestic, clear and high-pitched, it is memorable for a long time.

Simple jade fingers were playing, picking, twisting, and hooking, and a piece of "Drunk Taiping" was played. With the immortal power she injected, the music not only echoed on the third floor of the piano building, but also broke through the sound insulation. The hood reverberated throughout the entire piano building, and then slowly began to spread to the entire "Baiyi Street".

The whole piano building also reacted. Listening carefully, you can hear that when the simple performance reaches its climax, some musical instruments join in and match the simple Guqin. Did not come back to God.

The simplicity is to take your own piano, return to your own table, and say to the surprised waitress who has not recovered yet:
"I should be able to take that silver horned horse away today, right?"

"Of course, if the elder's piano skills can't be taken away, then no one can take him away!"

Bei Mingzhi smiled so much that he couldn't see his teeth, his face was too long, and he actually invited the whole piano building to play together. He had never heard of this before, so before the waitress could reply, he waved the folding fan in his hand, Said one step at a time.

The face of the female waitress was very conflicted. As a waiter, how should she respond to this? Originally, the silver horned horse was a gimmick released by her master, and then he deliberately humiliated the silver horned horned horse. Someone who has the ability to lead the whole piano building to play with him, what should I do?

"What? Guiqinlou is going to renege on its promise and lose weight?"

Bei Mingzhi was not happy after a while, and the dandy energy of the cultivating family also came up, and asked with a sullen face.

The people around were all paying attention to this side, wanting to see how this group of people made the people of the Huangfu clan feel deflated.

And the elder sister of Wan Jianzong also rarely said:

"What? Do you think that in Jingzhou, the Huangfu clan can cover the sky with one hand?"

The corner of the maid's mouth twitched when she heard this, Wan Jianzong had old grievances with Huangfu's royal family, and they were extremely difficult to deal with on weekdays, if they had such a good opportunity to step on their feet, they would naturally not let it go.

"Who said our Qinlou is going to renege on its promise and become fat?"

A beautiful female fairy with a gentle temperament and a white misty fairy dress came from downstairs and said as she walked.

Seeing the arrival of the savior, the waitress immediately stepped aside.

"you are?"

Bei Mingzhi asked knowingly.

"I'm the manager of this piano building, named Konghou."

"The name is beautiful, and it's also a musical instrument. What do you say about today's events?"

Bei Mingzhi became a simple spokesperson and asked straightforwardly.

"It's not that we are unwilling to fulfill our promise now, if there are other guests whose piano skills surpass that of Fairy"

"Then there is a deadline!"

Bei Mingzhi pouted.

Babes, my aunt came here unexpectedly today, I feel weak all over, my waist is about to break, I really can't sit still, just guarantee the lowest three chapters!Please forgive me.Pass one chapter first, and then upload the rest of the code.

"Drunk Taiping" in this article is a masterpiece by Guan Dazhou. It is a piece of pure folk music that I like very much and listen to repeatedly. I recommend it to everyone. I hope you like it.

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